As you may have read in the very first post of this blog, one of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.
Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two are probably just the strange kids in the block…” (nah, we know you’re not thinking that about us, but we’re trying to write an introduction here). So we decided to let other naturists have a word as well.
So please sit back and get inspired!
Meanwhile we already published several interviews with people from all over the world. You can find them in the The Naturist Talks section.
Today our guest is Don, 65 and from the USA.
Hello Don, tell us something about yourself
I’m a Navy Veteran, 100% service connected – disabled. I started out in the Navy, then worked in outside sales for Kinko’s Copies for many years, then returned to the service as an Army Civilian with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Due to being diagnosed as 100% disabled by the VA I retired a little early…at the age of 63. The VA takes good care of me, they provide the medications I need to function. My wife and I love to travel. We enjoy Taos and Santa Fe, New Mexico a lot and visit about twice a year. My son is 100% disabled from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. He was in the U.S. Army, then the Oklahoma National Guard. He is unable to work, but his wife works. They have 3 children (my grandkids) and I love them all. I also have a daughter who works in the Strategic Human Resources Field – Health area. She lives in Utah and I visit her frequently.
How and at what age did you become a naturist?
I realized I loved nature as a teenager. I started hiking at a young age with my brother and then later on, by myself, One day I was hiking near the lake and I had this uncontrollable urge to be naked. Sounds strange I guess, but that’s the only way I know how to describe it. It didn’t have anything to do with sexual activity, I just felt VERY strongly about being naked on these trails around the lake. A saying that is way over used, but very true, is that I felt one with nature, felt part of nature, part of the earth. I continued the habit frequently, even went skinny dipping many times. I didn’t try social nudity until my 50’s when I decided to join a Naturist Resort. I went several times, but discovered I really enjoyed a more private practice than being around a bunch of people, parties, and the such. My days of partying were behind me, so I’m sure that had a lot to do with it. However, I will also say, at this particular naturist resort, the people were mostly couples and quite unfriendly and unaccepting to a single nude man. So, these days, in my mid-60’s, I thoroughly enjoy spending time in my private backyard, weather permitting and doing yard work, reading, relaxing or just catching the sun’s rays, all while nude.
Is naturism allowed in your country and what’s the public opinion?
I’m from the United States. I also live in one area called the bible belt. Even though there are Christian Naturist groups, they are few and far between in the Midwest. That’s another reason I quit social nudity, I’ve tried for over 5 years to meet someone who is a true naturist and doesn’t have ulterior motives. Its also been quite difficult to meet anyone interested in going to a naturist resort or even getting together for a non-landed group. The United States has a long way to go in the acceptance of nudity. We have such high rates of rape, child sexual abuse, and overall perversions that the majority of people here believe you are naked for bathing or sex and anything else you must be a pervert. So, as I said above, I find private areas around a nearby lake to go skinny dipping and nude hiking and I also use my backyard to be naked whenever and as often as I can.
What do you think is the best and worst thing about naturism?
The best thing about Naturism is the fact it built my confidence up. Due to my father, I’ve always had a little trouble talking to men, my age and older. When you aren’t wearing clothes, you can’t tell how rich or “important” other people are, everyone is an equal. When I first started social naturism, I actually did talk with several people – men & women – and they were friendly. I also adapted the attitude of an “I don’t care what people think of my body”. I’m not there to SHOW my body, I’m there to enjoy my body outside hiking, swimming, or whatever in a non-sexual environment.
The thing I like LEAST about Naturism is the cliches and groups of people you hear are supposed to be real friendly, but are not. I “get” it that most couples may not want a single guy hanging around. However, if we’re sitting by a pool or sharing a table at the bistro outside, it never hurts to have some polite, respectful conversation. I’ve not met anyone, except right at first, who was willing to do that. So no matter what so many articles say……Naturists are NOT particularly friendly people.
Do you find it easy to make naturist friends?
Ha ha, I guess I’ve harped on this quite a bit, but NO…..absolutely NO, it is very hard to make naturist friends. Perhaps if I were younger or with my wife or a girlfriend from before, but I find it quite difficult. I have naturist friends online, but none in real life.
What’s the best tip you have for beginning naturists?
Don’t make such a big deal out of taking your clothes off. No one is paying attention to you, they are doing what they enjoy doing in the lifestyle. Also there is NO ONE on the face of the earth that believes they have a perfect body. You are not there to show off your body, you are there to enjoy the lifestyle.
Anything else you’d like to share with our audience?
Naturism has done a lot for me. I would love to try it at another resort to see if there is a difference. I’d also LOVE to meet a Naturist or two who would enjoy going hiking and camping in the nude. An interesting story here: I was naked at the resort nearby one afternoon. Though it was a hot day, I wanted to try out the new, larger hot tub. I noticed a woman in the tub, so I politely asked if she would mind if I joined her. She said, “c’mon on in”. As I sat down in the tub I realized this woman was a teenager of 16 (she told me). I was late 50’s. At first I felt just a little awkward as I had never been naked around a child or young person of this age before. We had the best time. She was very open, very friendly and had been raised as a nudist. At one point, I said I was going to the pool to cool off. She asked if she could join me. We went swimming, had great conversation, and I remember that as the best time I ever had as a naturist. We closed the generation gap and had a very nice afternoon.
Thank you so much for your participation Don!
Do you also want to tell your story and experiences in naturism? Please get in touch via the CONTACT page! As long as we have people who like to contribute, we can keep The Naturist Talks running!

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This is Don, from the intervew. Looks like there’s been a mistake in printing as one of my answers was repeated instead of what I actually said about how and what age I got interested in Naturism.
Whoops, sorry Don!
The interview has been adjusted!
Thank you – no problem! 🙂
I like how not polished this is.. its said as it is ,no fake no bull, thats what i love at people.
He wasnt shy to say that in hes case , nudies are not friendly , but yet still he likes nudism/naturism.. and also was not shy or uncomfy to tell the story about the last part with that girl.
Way to go dude!
Thank you Iceman. I’m the kind of guy that I may not always offer my opinion, but if I’m asked I’ll tell it like its. Thank you for kind words. That’s about the best compliment I could receive.
Don L.
You are welcome , and ya well im the oposite.. i always say what i think ,and one day that will get me in deep sh… and yea guess what, all this is coming from someone who is not a nudie.
I thought you and I had talked a few times on a Naturist site over on MeWe? Of course that doesn’t mean anything other than we may have talked. lol I have been in a couple of Naturist groups and even had a couple of my own. Anyway, I like people who speak their mind.
Don ,no it wasnt me, i dont even know what MeWe is lol sorry. But yea that still dont change who i am hah.
Don, I come from a similar military background as you, ex-military and living in the buckle of the bible belt, so to say. I fully understand what you said about being nude in nature, I frequent a small lake in my area that is secluded enough that I can be in the buff and not worry too much about being seen by others. Earlier this year I did spend some time at a naturist resort in Colorado and I must say, don’t get discouraged by one experience as not all resorts are created the same. The resort in Colorado was one of the most freeing moments of my life and I look forward to returning….I will also agree that as a male, it is somewhat more difficult to find places that are accepting as a single person…some resorts have a strict couples policy and some have quotas for single males….it’s just part of it I suppose….but most importantly, dont be afraid to be you….
Hi Don,
I have long been familiar with “The Naturist Talks.” In fact, I contributed a piece to this series several years ago. However, I do not read every new interview, and I had missed yours. I found it during a search to determine whether or not I might care to join MeWe as nude-friendly social network. I’d welcome your input on whether it’s worthwhile.
In any case, I think your interview here is among the better ones I’ve read. Many seem to put a falsely positive spin on everything pertaining to the nudist community, while also remaining generic and quite anonymous. Yours is personal, honest, blunt at times, and I sincerely appreciate that you provided your own photos; I call that putting your money where your mouth is.
Thank you for sharing your views.