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10 Reasons Why You Need to Sunbathe Naked

We LOVE Mexico. We love everything about it, from tacos to tequila and from mariachi music to the friendly smiles on the faces of the Mexicans. And we love the weather. There’s something mischievously delightful about scrolling through Facebook and seeing our European friends sharing photos of endless rain while we are getting ready for the beach.


The downside is that we left our beloved Zipolite behind and are now in a place where nude beaches are pretty much non-existent. Bummer. But having to wear clothes on the beach did appear to have an advantage. It inspired us to think about all the reasons why we should not be wearing them.



Your skin deserves a fresh breath

Your skin is an incredible organ. It protects you, keeps you warm, and somehow survives daily abuse from fabrics and zippers. Sunbathing nude is your chance to do something back and say “Sorry for all that”. Give your skin a break and let it just exist for once. Feel the breeze, soak in the sun, and skip the swimsuit drama.


Even if you prefer to take your skin for granted, you may want to consider the people around you. The other day we were drinking a beer on the beach and a strong scent came our way. So we did what everyone would do and looked around to find the stinky one. We’ll leave in the middle who it was, but it was one of us. This is something that just doesn’t seem to happen when our skin is free.


Goodbye, Elastic Marks

Is there anything more annoying than peeling off a swimsuit and finding those deep, red grooves that make your skin look like it’s been plastic-wrapped? It’s not such a big deal and they go away after a little while, but to us, it is a very clear sign that your skin is not supposed to suffer these things.


Sunbathing nude solves that problem in the simplest way possible: No straps, no marks. And the best part, when you throw on a dress or your favourite shirt afterwards, you won’t be uncomfortable from elastic digging into your skin or awkward lines from your swimsuit.



Feel Like a Greek Goddess

Okay, maybe we’ve overreacted a bit about the bathing suit marks, they are not that bad. But something much more permanent is tan lines. Don’t kid yourself, unless all your clothes are exactly the same shape or you spend most of your time in pyjamas, people will notice them.


The beauty of sunbathing nude is that you get to avoid all those white spots. Because let’s face it, have you ever seen tan lines in art? Imagine the goddess Venus with visible marks from a bikini top. Ridiculous, right? When you’re nude, you get an uninterrupted, flawless tan. Just like the classics, timeless and untouched by the constraints of clothing.


You’re Not a Grey Mouse, Are You?

Life is full of rules and routines. Do you really want to spend your precious beach days blending in like everyone else? Sunbathing in the nude isn’t just about ditching clothes, it’s about refusing to play the game. A subtle rebellion and a reminder that you don’t have to conform to the box society tries to put you in.


There’s a certain magic to standing out in a world that’s obsessed with conformity. Sure, the first time might feel bold, but soon you’ll realize it’s not that shocking. Instead, it’s about embracing a little freedom for yourself. Why play small when you can be the true you?



Lose Yourself

Here’s the funny thing about nude beaches: everyone’s naked, so no one’s looking. The first time, you might feel like all eyes are on you, but that melts away faster than that ice cream cone you bought a minute ago. Pretty soon, you realize that no one cares about your body as much as you think they do.


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It’s freeing in the best way. You stop worrying about love handles, awkward swimsuit fits, or whether your outfit is trendy enough. Instead, you start focusing on the important stuff, like how amazing it feels to be totally at ease in your own skin.


Look at That View—No, the Other One!

Nude beaches are often tucked away in spots where nature takes centre stage. No crowds, no high-rise hotels, just pristine sand and sparkling water. It’s the kind of setting that makes you stop and say, “Wow, this is what life is about.”


But will all those other naked people not distract you from the amazing landscapes? You’ve read in the previous paragraphs that nobody will look at you, but still, you feel that it might be hard for you to keep your eyes on the horizon. Well, you may find yourself picking up a glimpse of an attractive stranger passing by, but you’ll be surprised about how quickly nudity becomes the new normal.



Beach Sand + Bathing Suits = Ugh

You know that moment when you sit in your car after a beach day and the sand is literally everywhere? How did it get there? Is someone playing a prank on you? No, it’s because your swimsuit is basically a sand magnet. Going nude is like flipping the game. No fabric, no sand traps, and no post-beach vacuuming sessions.


It’s one of those small victories that feels way bigger than it should. You get to enjoy the beach without taking half of it home with you. We have to admit, bathing suits to a certain extent do keep sand away from places you’d rather not have it. It’s a downside, but a quick shower on the beach still feels a lot more practical than cleaning the car.


Avoid “the dance”

Textile beaches are not all that bad though. In fact, they have a very unique feature that nude beaches don’t have: People doing “the dance”. You know what we’re talking about, right? The fumble to keep the towel secure, the weird sideways shuffle, and the brief but intense fear that your towel will suddenly drop. As big fans of people watching, this spectacle could actually be a reason for us to go to a textile beach.


The only way to avoid the dance is by changing in public toilets. Indeed, the ones with the long queue and a smell that makes your dog run off in the distance. Once you get over the initial horror, you need to figure out a way to not drop your clothes on the wet floor, because we all know that’s not water. Those are places that must have convinced thousands of people to sunbathe naked the next time.




Swim Like a Dolphin

Even when we go to textile beaches, we never have to do the dance. Or the toilet hustle. Because we don’t go swimming. Once you have tasted the wonders of skinny dipping, there’s just no way that you ever want to be in the water with clothes. Swimsuits suddenly feel like a barrier, a constant reminder that you’re not really in the water, just visiting.


There’s something surreal about slipping into the ocean without anything clinging to you. You’re not just swimming; you’re gliding, you’re floating, you’re… free.


It’s Your Superpower

When we tell people that we go to nude beaches, the number one response we get is: “Oh, I would never dare to do that”. It’s not that they are against it or even that they don’t understand. They nod in agreement when we tell them all the things you’ve just been reading. But in the end, fear takes over.


Doing something most people wouldn’t dare has something thrilling. Nude sunbathing gives you that little jolt of excitement as if you’re breaking a rule no one’s bold enough to challenge. But instead of being reckless, it feels powerful.

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