Alles Uit! Een boek over naturisme geschreven door Nick & Lins van Naked Wanderings

Alles Uit! Het Boek voor Iedereen die al eens graag in z’n blootje loopt

Toen we met Naked Wanderings begonnen, hadden we nauwelijks een idee wat het betekende om “bloggers” te zijn. We waren gewoon graag bloot, we ontdekten al die leuke plekken voor naturisten, vol met mensen die onze mening deelden en wilden deze leuke blote levensstijl met zoveel mogelijk anderen delen. Β  We hadden nooit durven denken of dromen dat iets meer dan een jaar later we een effectief boek zouden schrijven. Een ECHT boek! Eentje van … Read more

Musings About the Double Standard in Naturism

Musings About the Double Standard in Naturism

During our first years as naturists, we thought that we had a pretty solid idea of the scope of naturism. From our experience, naturism was generally practiced as a couple, most naturists are middle-aged or above (with the exception of a handful of naturist families) and naturists can be found on campgrounds, on beaches and in spas. It’s an idea that stuck with us for quite a long time. Until we started exploring what else … Read more

Is it nude? Fun with censorship

Is it nude? Fun with censorship

A couple of weeks ago a friendly follower pitched us the website #isitnude. Basically it uses artificial intelligence to figure out whether a picture contains nudity or not. Sounds familiar? If you ever had a Facebook or Instagram ban for nudity (often not legit, but that’s another story) you know exactly why we found this subject interesting. Although we don’t have proof of this, we’re pretty sure that these artificial intelligence algorithms are exactly what … Read more

Why is the Nude Spa More Popular than the Naturist Resort?

Why is the Nude Spa More Popular than the Naturist Resort?

The spa culture has been growing fast during the last decade or two in Europe. Especially countries like Germany, Belgium, and The Netherlands are seeing a growth in visitors of spa centers. We’re talking about “centers” and even that might be an understatement. A Western European wellness center is pretty much a water park for grown-ups. Often there are several swimming pools, jacuzzis, saunas, steam rooms, cold baths, warm baths, and the possibility to more … Read more

How to Book Your Nude Vacation Without a Travel Agency

How to Book Your Nude Vacation Without a Travel Agency

Exactly two weeks ago, news from the travel industry hit the world like a nuclear bomb. Thomas Cook, the world’s oldest travel firm collapsed. Resulting in chaos at airports and in hotels all over the world. Just like that, Thomas Cook stopped existing. But was it really just like that?   Honestly, we kinda saw this one coming. Not Thomas Cook in particular but travel agencies in general. The last time we booked a trip … Read more

Bloot! Het magazine voor de bloterik

Bloot! Het magazine voor de bloterik

** Scroll down for the English text ** “Eindelijk”, dat was het woord dat bleef hangen nadat we de laatste bladzijde van Bloot! magazine hadden omgeslagen.   We kennen ze allemaal, de naturisten magazines die zowel qua stijl als inhoud lijken alsof ze ergens halfweg de jaren 80 geschreven zijn en plots alsnog in onze brievenbus belandden. Tot voor kort waren ze echter onze enige leesbron als we iets over het bloot zijn te weten … Read more

Where did Google hide family naturism?

Where did Google hide family naturism?

The online naturist world is a weird one. That much is sure. For many, it has been a blessing. People living in countries where social nudity is forbidden by law, now have the chance to interconnect with each other. Naturists that have a partner who’s not into social nudity can find their peers online. Probably all of us have found a great new naturist vacation destination somewhere online. And also for ourselves, naturist bloggers, this … Read more

First Time Nudist: A Complete Guide

First Time Nudist: A Complete Guide

The big survey about naturism we’ve done a while ago showed us that the large majority, more than 60% of our participants, have started with nudism out of curiosity. A huge number. And it made us wonder… these people were curious and actually made the step to give social nudity a try. How many others are out there who haven’t taken the step yet?   From the messages that we receive on Facebook, Instagram, and … Read more

Nude Online Meetups: The Next Step in Social Naturism?

Nude Online Meetups: The Next Step in Social Naturism?

The general opinion about naturism is that it’s something social. If you like to hang out in the nude while watching Netflix, you’re often considered “just a nude person”. Only when you frequent nude beaches or visit naturist clubs or resorts, spending time with other nudies, people start considering you a naturist.   Before we started Naked Wanderings, we didn’t have a clue about the existence of home naturism. Being nude at our home has … Read more

9 Tips for Planning a Naturist Vacation in 2021

9 Tips for Planning a Naturist Vacation in 2021

There was a time when we thought that COVID was so 2020. That with the beginning of the new year, the virus would magically disappear. Or at least that we would gain control over it, lock it in a little box and hide it in a dark dungeon. That the next time we’d hear about the virus would be in a couple of years in an Oliver Stone movie. But that didn’t happen.   For … Read more