First Time Nudist: A Complete Guide

First Time Nudist: A Complete Guide

The big survey about naturism we’ve done a while ago showed us that the large majority, more than 60% of our participants, have started with nudism out of curiosity. A huge number. And it made us wonder… these people were curious and actually made the step to give social nudity a try. How many others are out there who haven’t taken the step yet?   From the messages that we receive on Facebook, Instagram, and … Read more

Full Frontal Nudity

Guys, here’s a nice experiment for your next Friday evening in the bar: Suddenly shove a picture of a full frontal nude picture of a woman under the eyes of the guy next to you. Well, you don’t actually have to try it, we all know what’s going to happen. Some will tell you about how they’ll go through the Kamasutra with her, some will pretend they didn’t see it and others will start giggling … Read more

Virtual Naturist Resort Visits

Virtual Naturist Resort Visits

The COVID-19 virus has the world in its grip.   Suddenly every naturist became a home-naturist. For many of you, these quarantines and lockdowns probably have some pleasant side effects. Suddenly you don’t have to wear pants anymore to go to the office. Suddenly you don’t have to wear pants anymore at all. We imagine that many naturists are currently enjoying 24/7 nude time!   The downside of all this is the uncertainty of what … Read more

Naturist Resort Sessions: Arroyo del Sol, California

Naturist Resort Sessions: Arroyo del Sol in Pasadena, CA, USA

Naturist Resort Sessions: Arroyo del Sol in Pasadena, Californida, USA January 28th, 2021 About On Naked Wanderings, we often talk about naturist resorts from the perspective of the guest. With the Naturist Resort Sessions, we want to show you the side of the owner(s). In this session, we talk with Cynthia and Rolf, the owners of Arroyo del Sol resort in Pasadena, California, USA. We want to learn why they decided to open a naturist … Read more

How to Book Your Nude Vacation Without a Travel Agency

How to Book Your Nude Vacation Without a Travel Agency

Exactly two weeks ago, news from the travel industry hit the world like a nuclear bomb. Thomas Cook, the world’s oldest travel firm collapsed. Resulting in chaos at airports and in hotels all over the world. Just like that, Thomas Cook stopped existing. But was it really just like that?   Honestly, we kinda saw this one coming. Not Thomas Cook in particular but travel agencies in general. The last time we booked a trip … Read more

Getting Naked in Sri Lanka

It’s that time of the year that people start dreaming about summer holidays, the days are short and rainy and snowy and your thoughts wind off to some exotic place. You took the world map, focused on the equator, and started looking for some tropical island. And your eye fell on that little place at the southern tip of India: Sri Lanka. You start thinking about the lush green forest and wild elephants and you … Read more

One year of Nakations

The Naked Truth: One Year of Nakations

Last week we’ve celebrated our one year “travelversary”… Indeed, for already more than a year you have been reading about our naked travels all over the world on this website. Pretty amazing, right? Well, at least it is to us. Time is going so fast, it seems like only yesterday when we stepped on that airplane in Brussels with a one way ticket to Croatia in our pockets. The very start of an epic adventure. … Read more

When Do You Get Nude at a Nudist Resort

When Do You Get Nude at a Nudist Resort?

This is one of the questions we often receive from first time nudists. They’ve decided to give social nudity a try, picked out a nudist resort which looks very nice and then start thinking about the most scary part of the whole experience: The point where they will have to undress. When exactly does that happen? From when are you supposed to be naked? Do you undress in the car, the moment you’ve passed the … Read more

Naked Wanderings looking back on 2018: An amazing naked year

Looking back on 2018: An amazing naked year

This is already the 3rd new year we’re celebrating on Naked Wanderings. In the last two years, we’ve expressed our wishes towards you and we were actually about to do the same this time when we noticed that what we want to wish you hasn’t really changed much. So we could write exactly the same thing again, maybe in some other words. Or you could just have a look at our wishes for 2017 and … Read more