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About Us

We are Nick and Lins.


Born and raised in the same small town in Belgium, met when we were in our late teens but it would take us a decade to realise that we were actually meant to be together.


During our first year as a couple, we would discover the joys of social nudity and have our first backpacking trip together. What seemed like two small things at the time, would develop over the years into our two largest passions: naturism and travelling.


Meanwhile, we were being soaked up by corporate life. We had careers, company cars, retirement funds, mortgages, pretty much every component of the rat race. Our lives were comfortable, but something was missing. We started to realise that in between meetings, traffic jams, deadlines, and fancy parties, there was little time left to do the things we loved doing the most: naturism and travelling.


Fast forward to July 3rd, 2017. We had just waved our teary-eyed friends and family members goodbye through the window of a train and were on our way to Brussels Airport. At our feet, two 15-kilogram backpacks and in our pockets two one-way tickets to Croatia. This was everything we had left. All the other stuff we had managed to gather over the years was either sold, given away, or in a box at one of our teary-eyed friend’s or family member’s basement.


During the previous years, we had been saving up enough money to keep us alive for about 2 years and to enable us to chase our two passions. Indeed, naturism and travelling.


Not everyone understood our choices. Quitting a well-paying job and selling all your stuff to go travelling is already quite an unconventional thing to do. Adding the naked element took this to a whole new level. A lot of people don’t really understand what naturism (or nudism, nude recreation, non-sexual nudity, whatever you like to call it) is all about and we found that the available information was often outdated, patronising, or downright boring. If we wanted people to understand us, we had to show them what it’s really like. Naked Wanderings was born.

Nick and Lins - Naked Wanderings - A nudist travel blog

Then a lot of unexpected things started to happen. One day, when we returned from a beach in Greece after just a couple of months of travelling, we found our phones exploded with text messages and missed calls. Several days earlier, we had done a quick interview with a British journalist who had discovered us on Instagram. Apparently, Metro doesn’t only have a larger reach than we expected, newspapers in more than 60 other countries had taken over the article and made it their own. Suddenly, we were showing up butt naked in media all over the world. We appeared in talk shows from Ireland to Israel to The United States. Even CNN wrote a piece about our travels.


Suddenly, we weren’t writing blog posts for a handful of friends anymore, but many thousands of strangers from around the world started following our naked adventures. We became the couple that travels naked around the world.


With attention comes opportunity, companies started asking for advertising space and people started supporting our cause. We realised that if we’d take this blogging thing seriously, we might even be able to extend those planned 2 years by a couple of months.


The rollercoaster just kept going. What started as a little blog about a small-town Belgian couple that visits naked places around the world became a platform that inspires people to get naked and helps them find the right places to do so.


As with every rollercoaster, there are ups and downs and upside downs. During the last years, we learned more about life than during the many years before. We got to the most amazing places and met the most amazing people. We circumnavigated the world several times and got naked on every continent except for Antarctica.


Today, we are still doing what we like doing the most. Should we say it again? Of course! Naturism and travelling.


Make sure to follow our vlogs on YouTube too!

Naked Wanderings Live Q&A

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