Until today, we still haven’t completely recovered from the shock that our Instagram account @nakedwanderings suddenly got banned. We were speechless, helpless, sad and angry. Almost did we buy a ticket to Silicon Valley to go kick some butt. Or show some butt, we hadn’t really figured that one out yet.
But then we realized that if we want to keep promoting naturism to the outside world, we need mainstream social media. We need to keep appearing on Instagram nude. So we dried our tears and swallowed our pride and started right over. Hoping that this time our nude travel account can remain under the radar of the evil Instagram spies. Will it work? Only the future can tell.
But then we realized that if we want to keep promoting naturism to the outside world, we need mainstream social media. We need to keep appearing on Instagram nude. So we dried our tears and swallowed our pride and started right over. Hoping that this time our nude travel account can remain under the radar of the evil Instagram spies. Will it work? Only the future can tell.
Luckily, we are not alone in this. Many other promotors of nudism, the acceptance of the nude body, and normalization of nudity, in general, are facing the same problems. And they’re not caving in either. They’re gaining strength. Followers, like we say in social media terms.
We are more than ever determined to use Instagram as a channel to promote nudism and we figured we might as well show you some other amazing nudist nudes.
We are more than ever determined to use Instagram as a channel to promote nudism and we figured we might as well show you some other amazing nudist nudes.

Nude Yoga Instagram Accounts
@Nude_yogagirl – Nude Yoga Girl
Although she’s only in her twenties, @nude_yogagirl can be considered the mother of all naked yoga accounts on Instagram. Within the 3 years of her account’s existence, she’s been able to gain more than 850 thousand followers and inspired lots of yogis around the world.
Even if yoga is not your thing, you might as well enjoy the amazing landscapes.
Even if yoga is not your thing, you might as well enjoy the amazing landscapes.
@nakedinmotion – Naked In Motion
Willow Merveille is the woman who introduced nude yoga in New York City with her famous Naked in Motion classes. More than naked yoga and pilates she also focuses on the battle against body shame and the empowering of all genders and sexual orientations.
@kemeticyogi – Kemetic Yogi
An Atlanta based yoga instructor who organizes nude yoga and spiritual retreats around the world. We’ve met him during one of his retreats at EcoParque da Mata in Brazil and think that he’s a pretty interesting guy to follow.
Nudist Feature Instagram Accounts
@getnakedaustralia – Get Naked Australia
Pretty much half of the Aussie naked butts must appear on @getnakedaustralia by now. This account has been featuring happy nude people for a long time with the goal to normalize nudity and nudism in Australia.
@naked.in.nature – Naked In Nature
The best place to enjoy yourself in the nude is definitely in a natural environment. If you need some inspiration about great places to drop your pants or amazing photo ideas, you’ll surely find them here.
@Mynudebeaches – myNudeBeaches.com
Only the name @Mynudebeaches makes us think of the summer, skinny-dips, watching the sunset in the nude and…well… also about wiping sand from between our butt cheeks. Here you will find a collection of the best nude beaches around the world where you can wipe the sand from between your cheeks as well.
Everyday Nude Life Instagram Accounts
@a.naked.girl – A Naked Girl
Stella Cordes started her Instagram account after being inspired by previously mentioned @getnakedaustralia. She shows the beauty of home and garden nudism and living in the nude in general. You’ll find her painting the house, cutting the grass, or walk in the woods. All butt naked. Stella is one of the most popular influencers that shares Instagram nudes.
@our.naked.story – Our Naked Story
Blake and Liz started their Instagram only last year, so we don’t know yet where they will be going with it. What we do know is that they’re an active Californian couple who literally live in the nude. Like really, they live in a nudist resort. You’ll find them doing average things or enjoying the nature of the nearby national parks.
@the.naked.farmer – The Naked Farmer
If you thought that farming is not a cool job, you’ll seriously reconsider after having a look at this account. It was never the purpose of Ben Brooksby from Australia to promote farming though. With his Instagram account and website he wants to make mental health issues in his country and the rest of the world more discussable.
Nude Travel Instagram Accounts
@naturistgirl – naturist girl
Naturist girl loves to travel to natural places where she can enjoy her time relaxing in the nude. On her account you’ll find snapshots of her travels to Croatia, Thailand or just the park behind the corner.
@Naturistdan – Dan Carlson
We hate to say this, but if there’s someone who’s been to naturist places in more different parts of the world than ourselves, it must be @Naturistdan. From the USA to Australia and from Greece to South Africa they’ve seen his naked butt pass by. If he hasn’t crossed your path yet, you can also see it on his Instagram account.
@n_wanderings – Naked Wanderings
If there is one nude Instagram account you just HAVE to follow, like if your life depends on it, it’s this one. Yeah, it’s our new one of course. Keep following @n_wanderings around the world and get inspiration for your next naked vacations. Or just laugh with our silly jokes, that’s up to you.

Do you also have a favorite nude Instagram account or do you own one yourself and we forgot to list it here (shame on us!)? Let us know in the comment section!

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Why the hell did they ban you??
I honestly cant believe how hypocrite they are!
They verify acc that are like 9yo kids and they say they are a 13+ app ,they have tons of porn actors on it, open accounts, they have the pornhub page also verified ,half of their followers are 12 and 14yos .. they verified the freethenipple page yet they dont allow full frontal??… .i reported an open art porn hardcore page just for fun and they said it doesnt violate the rules ….just to clear it, i dont care about all that, ppl should do whatever they wish, regardless of anything..id be more liberal about that then just about anybody , thats not the point.. their hypocrisy is .. or should i be more specific .. American hypocrisy ,and if i offended any American reading thins, i dont care. Facts are facts.
ps ur point of view about this is very wrong to me .. same as those pages u put up .. if they delete pages like urs, they will delete thiers too .. every1 of them should get off Instagram and go to somewhere else , and let them very much know about that and what i wrote above and why u left them ,to me this sounds like a relationship for benefits ,and that aint really the spirit of naturalism as far as i know, on the contrary
Yeah, that’s the big question… we have no clue why they banned us. Someone must find it really shocking what we do, or they don’t like that we never buy any of their paid services. We don’t know.
And the thing is, we never post full frontal nudity. We actually follow their rules.
Many people have told us that we should leave Instagram. And their/your arguments are certainly true. But do you really think that they’ll bother if a couple of hands full of naturists leave their platform? We doubt it.
And it would mean that we have to stick to the small media. Which aren’t that much better either. We’ve tried MeWe for a while and it seemed to be full of accounts who try to promote porn under the name “naturism”…
I understand what ur saying but still … whats the point of sticking with someone that doesnt want you??
Well , they will be bothered if all would leave, and u have that nudist magazine , i forgot the name of it, you can have an article there about this, not just you, but every1 ,and bash Insta all over everywhere u can about this, u literally have proof of everything i mentioned.
Here’s another thought: Social media has become a very mainstream type of communication and will only become more so during the following years. If we cave in, where will that bring us, the naturists? We already suffer from the fact that many people think that naturism is something from the stone age. Or at least from the previous century.
The big problem today is that it’s completely governed by a business which can do whatever it wants. But hopefully that will change one day.
And the thing is, it’s not completely negative that we get kicked out now and then because it gives us a reason to complain and to show people once again the misconceptions about naturism.
We don’t know if you remember Jessica The Nude Blogger? She was the first nudist to be kicked off Instagram (or the first that made a big deal about it) and her famous “fuck you Instagram” picture appeared in newspapers all over the world. This has done much more to make nudism discussable than if she hadn’t been kicked out.
Suddenly many people were talking about how innocent her photos were and how hypocrite the Instagram company.
In the end, if we wouldn’t be banned from Instagram and Facebook and always make a big deal about it on our blog, would YOU know about their crazy rules and the way they apply them?
OK i basicly agree ,but then again … ur fighting against them under their rules.. u really think u can win if u dont have a diff aproach to it?..
Hm well, i aint gonna say anything ,but ill always say that ill never understand why does one have the need to be naked, i just cant swallow that.
I dunno that Jessica, but that was exactly what i was talking about !! u need ,all of u to do something crazy ,and that publicity wasnt cause she was kicked off Insta but cause of her reaction to it.
Oh i dont have FB but i suuuuuure do know how hypocrite Instagram is, and no offence, but they are a perfect picture of the western world/civlization, .. i mean u know where i come from, and yea ,ppl here are maybe more .. raw and stuff, but trust me, you wont find more honest ,and more justice seeking mentality anywhere like u will here, so trust me when i say that i know exactly what im talking about.
You may not notice all that , or disagree but know that i have a point, but cause ur too blinded to be able to see things realisticly … u know ,like if ur too close to a picture ,face in, u wont see anything, u have to step back some for that.
Thats why here ppl react to injustice very emotionaly , and agressive too i guess, the freethenipple page with that blue check, on a platform that doenst allow boobs to be seen .. i mean really ,do u need more hypocrisy then that?
Also funny i just read an article about some teacher in NY , that i think got fired, cause she had a topless pic going around that somehow managed to get to her student/s in the middle school she was in.
And now she wants to sue them for 3mil lol ..
But u know it ur self, in NY any1 can be topless, regardles of sex,age, place .. literally the same thing.
Maybe freethenipple just shows the hypocrisy by having to censor female nipples?
The question is: Since free the nipple is a movement that wants to generate awareness, what’s the best they can do? Join a medium where they have to possibility of gathering millions of viewers or join some obscure other websites where not only the public will be a lot less but the chance of getting mixed up with porn also a lot higher.
How about @fedenaturismo?
I don’t see any reason to follow these censored accounts.
To add on to iceman’s point, I don’t see why you should be concerned about other people are promoting nudity. I think there is no problem being on a site that’s less strict on nudity. You can promote nudity your way and others can promote what they want to about nudity.
For the last 100 years or so, naturist federations have tried to convince people that something like non-sexual nudity is possible. With success, although certainly not completely.
By putting naturism on the same platforms as porn, we will only generate a lot of confusion.
Although we have to limit ourselves on Instagram when it comes to nipples and genitals, on our photos you can clearly see that we are naked in many different places and that we have a great time.
Porn couldn’t really work on these channels because who wants to watch porn without actually seeing genitals?
How would it be generating confusion. The people that want to follow your profile will. You would have more freedom to post what you want and won’t have to worry about covering up your privates. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with letting your privates be displayed naturally.
This is a topic we once covered in the blog post: Full Frontal Nudity (https://www.nakedwanderings.com/blog/2017/12/18/full-frontal-nudity/)
Bottomline is: not all nudists are okay with having their privates displayed on the internet and not all of those who have their privates displayed on the internet are nudists.
But we should have the right to make that decision on our own and we don’t need a system that makes it for us.
You are aware that @a.naked.girl has set up a paetron account so people who pay enough can see uncensored photos. That doesn’t seem to be in line with how y’all want to promote nudism.
We are very well aware of that and although we also have our questions about it, we think the two can be separated. You can be a nude model and a nudist. And she does a great job promoting nudism online, so what can we say?
It will always take the efforts of many to change the minds and views of the few that control what the world sees. You guys do a fantastic job with all of your accounts and pages. I have thouroghly enjoyed ever article and love the playfulness and fun of all your photos.
As for pages, @freeyourbuns is the one I started to encourage others to accept their bodies and get out into nature nude. All images are willingly submitted by followers for publication along with their stories or comments on the subject. It is amazing to hear from those who have been encouraged by our page to give it a go and let us know their feelings before and after. All have been positive experiences.
Keep up the good work and the fun.
I follow all of them!… my Instagram is @nudeyman
Another nice instaaccount. @vritomartis
this people have balls to do this i never do this but hey this are fine and artistic photos but why there is instagram is blocked
Another account is _ronit99
That’s a private account, so we didn’t know 🙂
I’ve had two accounts under Naked In Beautiful Places. About the time I hit around a 1000 followers it gets deleted without any warning. It’s just me and my butt in the beautiful outdoors.
There are some links in the Instagram article that are not naturist related. Have you been hacked?
Thanks for letting us know, we’ll check!
The naughty girl, live chat links are still on the site. Have you sold out.
Oh damn! We didn’t sell out, but one of our advertising partners must have. They didn’t notify us about this, thanks a lot for letting us know! Meanwhile, the ads should be gone.
We’ll need to create an update of this post one day because many of the mentioned accounts don’t exist anymore…
Yes, would be great. Thanks for the good work until now