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Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

Here’s a funny anecdote. Ever since the beginning of Naked Wanderings we now and then receive messages from naturists asking us when we will organise our next nude hike. A bit surprised we always answered something like “Sorry, ehm, we’re a naturist travel blog, we don’t organise nude hikes”. After a while it became just too strange that people kept asking us about this specific naturist activity.


It became clear when we noticed that we received this question almost exclusively from German naturists. The word “wandering” in English points more towards a journey, which can be seen both physically as mentally (that’s why we picked this name for our blog in the first place). In German however, the word “wanderung” leans much more towards actual hiking. Hence the confusion. When naturists from Germany found our website, they thought we were a nude hiking club.


Which we are not of course. Although we do enjoy a nude hike once in a while. And we’re not alone, other than those caught up in the language barrier there are lots of other naturists enjoying nude hikes. What makes hiking in the buff so attractive?

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

The uprise of nude activities

The idea that naturists don’t do anything else than relaxing next to a river, baking on the nude beach or play petanque is as old as naturism itself. Only if you’ve ever been to a naturist resort you know that pretty much everything can be done in the nude. Especially when it comes to sports and entertainment. Nude yoga is becoming famous world wide, we see more and more nude volleyball tournaments and in the USA nude 5K runs are a big thing at naturist resorts.


Sometimes we don’t always understand why a certain activity becomes popular among nudists. In France, for example, at many naturist resorts it’s now possible to do nude archery. Archery of all things. We’ve never tried it, so we definitely don’t want to judge. We just hadn’t seen that one coming. What we find a lot more logical is the mix of naturism and art. Artists don’t often have many options to work with nude people. As models or in the case of body painting as canvas. For naturists on the other hand it’s a possibility to learn about art and to be included in an art work. It’s really a win win.


During the constant search for more things that can be done in the nude, another very interesting activity popped up. You’ve probably already guessed it. Nude hiking.

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

Why would we go on a nude hike?

One very important aspect of naturism is the return to the natural. Not in a hippy kind of way where we would burn all that’s artificial but just the joy of being in nature. Being nude in nature. Because when you’re naked, your sense of touch grows hugely. Which isn’t really a surprise. Most of the time we only feel with our hands or our head. The parts of our body which normally remain uncovered while we’re clothed. Everyone knows the joy of feeling the wind in their hair. Nudists know the joy of feeling the wind passing by their while body.


It’s the same thing with other elements. Feeling the sun on our body, feeling the rain and not having to worry about clothes getting wet. The sand between our toes, the grass when we lay down on the lawn, we can keep going on and on about this. The best way to feel nature is of course when we’re surrounded by it. In a field or in the woods. And when we’re active. When our body moves we can get the most of everything. It’s easy to add those two factors. If you really want to feel nature on your nude body, you have to go for a nude walk in the woods.

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

Where can you go nude hiking?

The main issue with organising a nude hike is of course the legal aspect. In many countries it’s just not allowed to be naked in public places. And unfortunately, many of the best places to hike and most great hiking trails are not on private property. Luckily for us, there are naturist resorts which own a huge property at where hiking is perfectly possible and legal. Le Colombier in France has built several trails through its forest. At Deanza Hot Springs and The Olive Dell in California it’s possible to make amazing hikes in the desert. And the best place for nude hikes we’ve ever found was Yatan Rumi in Argentina which has a 1200 hectare domain where you can be nude in pristine nature as much as you want.


On public property it all depends on the local laws. Some are great, like in the Netherlands where it’s legal to be nude in all forests and nature reserves. In the USA nude hiking is sometimes tolerated, like at Deep Creek Hot Springs. Other times it mostly depends on how the other hikers react to your nudity. Most of all, on whether or not they will complain at the authorities. The good news is that most others won’t bother that much. The people from Effortless Outdoors have done a survey among 1500 adult Americans which has shown that 45% has no problem with nude hikers at all. 30% more thinks it should be allowed but at designated places and only 25% seemed to be against it.

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so PopularImage source: Effortless Outdoors

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What to take on your nude hike

Nature is amazing to experience nude, but you have to keep in mind that not all nature is as friendly. So depending on where you’re going and which type of hike you’re interested in, you might want to take some precautions. We’re not going to tell you that it’s better to pack some clothes when you’re going for the high Alps. Some places are just not right for nude hikes. But everywhere else in the world you might want to consider taking the following:

Water: Water is the most important. How much water you need depends on the person and the temperature, but for a decent day hike you better take 2 to 3 liters per person. A rule of thumb is to turn around and hike back if you’ve spent half of your water before you’ve hiked half of the trail.

Sunscreen: Feeling the sun on your nude body is great and the amount of vitamin D you’ll absorb will make you a happy person. What will make you less happy are the evenings when you look like a lobster and can’t sit comfortable anymore. So do use sunscreen.

Bug spray: Forests are amazing for spotting wild life, but some of that you prefer not to spot. At least not on your skin. Mosquitoes, deer flies and whatever else that likes to sting nude hikers can be avoided with bug spray.

Foot wear: Again, this depends on the type of walk you’re engaging in. If it’s all grass or sand it will be great to hike barefoot. If it’s all rocks and stingy things it’s better to cover your feet if you want to keep enjoying the rest of your nudity.


A bag: Remember, it’s nude hiking. That obviously means no pockets. You could take a small backpack, a bag or one of those very cool Laboa Belt Bags which can be found in our Naked Wanderings Shop.

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

Last tip: don’t go alone on a nude hike

Every great experience is better when it’s shared. That alone is a good reason to take someone with you on your nude hikes. But there are more reasons. Hiking, with or without clothes, can be dangerous. You can fall or get hurt. Don’t be like the guy from the movie 127 hours and keep both arms by bringing someone who could call the emergency services.


If you’re hiking on public property and encounter others, it will also seem less weird that you’re naked when you’re in a group. Both to yourself as to the clothed hikers. So a good idea is to find yourself a nude hiking group. For the record, Naked Wanderings not one of those, but we’re sure that you’ll be able to find some fun nude hikers with whom you can tag along.

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27 thoughts on “Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular”

  1. For anyone living in the New England area of the USA, Dyer Woods in Foster, RI is a nudist campground on a nature preserve, with a bunch of beautiful trails.

  2. We have a considerable amount of hiking trails @Oaklake Trails nude resort. However I enjoy hiking off the beaten path when I travel as well. It’s always enjoyable if you are prepared as this article aptly suggests.

  3. Yes I totally agree this is the most beautiful way to spend your free time with friends that also love nature and beauty of being natural

    • One hint: it is the best, to hike nude with men AND women. My wife and I made many nude hikes without any problem. In Germany, in Switzerland (our country) and France. If you meet someone clothed on, just say kindly “hello”. You will see, the reactions are almost positive.

  4. This is one activity i’d love to be able to do unfortunately unless i go alone with out the wife its never going to happen problem for us is that she is an amputee of the lower left leg so has a prosthetic leg to get around on but they are not greatest for walking any sort of distances with unless we use a quad or something else like it but then that would spoil the walk i think.

  5. Thanks for this! I’m a big fan of nude hiking, and I’m pleased to see of your other followers responding with good suggestions. Great post! 🙂

  6. I hike naked in the New Forest, along the Cornish coast, In the Forest of Dean and on Dartmoor and love it. Your advice on not going alone is sound and sensible but finding someone else to walk with is virtually impossible. So I walk alone! I wish we hade more walking groups in the UK and better ways of linking up

  7. Naked hiking has been increasing in popularity in the UK over the last 20 years. Groups such as Somerset Strolling Bears affiliated to Naturist Life led the way and there are now many such groups throughout the country. It got a huge boost when the Police College and CPS agreed that public nudity was not an offence in itself, thanks to the work done by, principally, British Naturism. BN is well worth joining for this reason alone. Happy Wanderings!

  8. Suzy the beautiful Redhead Nudest and I love Nude hiking and camping we are going to do all things Nude ? this weekend

  9. Did you ever take a nude hike at Le Pas de Ceilhes in France. Or the Nude European Walking Tour in Austria (Ostenreich)

  10. We have hiked nude a few times in the Talladega NF. It is not legal per local ordinance but it’s a big area. Keep a wrap handy for the occasional pass by hikers. Great swimming in the waterfalls. Also a clothing optional private campground for deluxe semi primitive camping close by.

  11. You mentioned “le Colombier” there are some nice hiking possibilities on the campsite, but when you want to make longer hiks and stay on the campsite you have to try “Lalbrade” or “Sierra Natura”

      • Hallo,
        wij zijn met onze 5e week Le Couderc bezig en voor een beetje wandelaar is de blootwandeling op de camping te kort. Ik ben achter de camping zelf een geschikte route gaan zoeken en heb dagen achter elkaar paadjes afgewandeld. Ik heb uiteindelijk een mooie route van 6 km. gevonden die het meest door bossen gaat en waar je bijna niemand tegenkomt. Tijdens al mijn wandelingen daar ( ongeveer 14 ) is het maar 2 keer nodig geweest mijn kortebroek aan te trekken en kwam nog wel af en toe mensen tegen die op dezelfde camping stonden.
        groetjes Ruud

  12. Around the lake “Rätzsee” in northern Germany you can hike nude on several trails. Alternative are the two official nude hiking trails in Undeloh (south of Hamburg) or in the Harz mountains near the village Wippra.

  13. OTOH I do lots of nude hikes but they are almost always alone. Finding a partner for a freehike is not easy for me and adding in the need to coordinate time and location makes it even less likely. You can hike solo safely if you prepare for it.

    Fortunately, SoCal has plenty of remote wilderness with many miles of empty trail, particularly during the week when I do most of my freehikes.

  14. It’s worth it when you think, hmmm, 8 billion people and I shocked 2. Not a bad ratio even for the occasional offended folk. I always smile, nod and wish them well whatever so maybe later they’ll think, “Ah, he wasn’t so bad. Maybe there’s something in that whole idea afterall.”

  15. Sehr schöner Artikel! Es ist so beeindruckend wunderbar, dieses Gefühl der Freiheit! Einfach nackt sein, in der freien Natur und sich nicht darum zu scheren, dass jemand des Wegs kommt. In diesen Momenten bin ich ganz bei mir.

    Allerdings muss ich entgegen des Artikels auch sagen, dass es erfreulicherweise doch ganz gut möglich ist, alleine nackt wandern zu gehen (man hat ja nicht immer jemanden zur Hand, der einen begleiten kann 🙂

    Meine Erfahrung ist: Fast die gleiche Wirkung wie eine Gruppe haben Nordic Walking-Stöcke. Begegnende Menschen erkennen dich dann als Wanderer. Das heißt, wenn du in eine Kategorie eingeordnet werden kannst, dann reduziert sich auch die Angst im Gegenüber. Dazu noch freundlich grüßen und alles ist gut! So ist es jedenfalls meine Erfahrung mit inzwischen doch recht zahlreichen Begegnungen, die immer gut waren.

    Nackt in der Natur sein, ist gar nicht so schwer. Du musst es nur machen. Es ist so viel cooler als nur wollen!


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