The naturist microculture

The naturist microculture

There are these moments when you really feel as if you fit in. As if everyone is on the same wavelength. As if you’ve found your peers, your tribe. This may happen when you have a gathering with your old school friends or your besties. After an evening full of chats and laughter you wonder why it has taken more than two months to arrange this. Why your agenda is full of things you don’t … Read more

5 Reasons to Return to Naturism

5 Reasons to Return to Naturism

We often jokingly warn people that naturism can be addictive. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll be wanting more. That’s only half a joke because very few of those who tried end up not liking naturism and returning to a fully clothed life.   And even among those very few, not all of them are lost. During our travels, we also met quite some naturists who quit naturism at one point in their lives but eventually … Read more

Tayrona National Park Colombia Nudist Beach

Tayrona National Park: Colombia’s Only Nude Beach

Nude beaches have the tendency to be hard to get to. You’ll rarely find them near very urban areas or where all the action is happening. Even if there’s a parking space, there might still be quite a hike to be done before you can finally take off your clothes. This does have its advantages though. This is one of the main reasons why nude beaches are rarely crowded, less polluted, and why they tend … Read more

The Price of Naturism

The Price of Naturism

Every now and then, the discussion about the financial aspects of naturism seems to pop up on social media. It’s one of those endless debates that live on a pilot light most of the time, but a little spark is enough to start yet another series of heated tweets. Recently, such a spark came from Hector Martinez (quite known for not fearing controversial topics), when he talked about how censorship on mainstream social media forces … Read more

12 Excellent European naturist resorts with a nude beach

12 Excellent European Naturist Resorts with a Nude Beach

What does your preferred naturist destination look like? Which feature does it need to have for you to consider visiting the place?   We’re not just asking you this, it’s a question we’ve been asking many naturists during our travels. The number one answer by far is that there has to be nature. The majority of the naturists we meet prefer greenery over concrete. Which didn’t exactly come as a surprise. Within nature, the choices … Read more

Will the future of the internet be beneficial for naturism?

Will the future of the internet be beneficial for naturism?

During the last year or so, we have been bombarded by new terms coming from the online world: Metaverse, blockchain, Web 3.0, NFTs, DAOs, only to name a few. And just recently, the news got out about Elon Musk buying Twitter, the last big stronghold for online naturists. This covers us in a blanket of uncertainty. Are the days of online naturism officially over? Or will these new changes actually create many new opportunities?   … Read more

Musings about Naturism and Sex

Musings about Naturism and Sex

We’ve talked about naturism and sex before on this blog, and it’s a topic that has been discussed more than enough in naturist circles. Or is it? The reason why we decided to tackle this once again is two comments on our content during the last week that show that there still is quite some misunderstanding.   By now, we believe that most people already understand that naturism is not a synonym for orgies and … Read more

What can we learn from Latin American nudists?

What can we learn from Latin American nudists?

When you think about naturist destinations, countries like Colombia, Peru, or Bolivia probably aren’t the first that pop into mind. And if they do, it’s probably more in the sense of “Wouldn’t it be great if there was naturism in Ecuador?”. Well, we can tell you, there is. And not just in the aforementioned countries, but also in several other parts of Latin America.   Don’t expect Caribbean-style resorts or French-style village-sized campsites though. Naturism … Read more

Naturism vs. Nudism: It's a cultural thing

Naturism vs. Nudism: It’s a cultural thing

Are you a naturist or a nudist? Or something else?   This question is a very common topic in naturist communities, especially online ones. Until about five years ago, we would have told you that we are naturists. No doubt. Because where we come from, if you can come up with any other reason to enjoy being naked except for just the sake of it, you are a naturist.   In fact, to us, the … Read more

Can you really get naked on every beach in Spain?

Can you really get naked on every beach in Spain?

If you’re following the naturist news on social media, it was hard not to notice the interesting news update that came from Spain. The City Council of Cadiz in Andalucia announced that from now on, all the local beaches would be naturist friendly. This might have come as a surprise to some of you because Spain happens to be that one country in which it’s known that it’s okay to be naked on all beaches. … Read more