Review: Naturist Campsite El Portús in Cartagena, Spain

Review: Naturist Campsite El Portús in Cartagena, Spain

We’ve lost track of how much time we have been spending in Spain during the last few years. The country has become our preferred getaway during COVID times. Especially in winter, when the temperatures in most parts of Europe drop to zero and below, the Spanish coast tends to remain very pleasant.   During our many months in Spain, we got the chance to visit plenty of nude beaches and several naturist resorts, but we … Read more

How to turn a bad year into a good one

How to turn a bad year into a good one

Exactly one year ago, we published a blog post called Goodbye to the Lost Year, welcome 2021! It was our typical new year’s blog post, just like the one you just started reading now. We had no idea yet that the next 5 months we would be staying within not more than a 30-kilometer radius. We had no idea yet that traveling would prove to be as hard as in 2020. But neither did we … Read more

REVIEW: Naturist B&B La Sorgente in Abruzzo, Italy

Review: Naturist B&B La Sorgente in Abruzzo, Italy

Throwback to last summer when we did an epic naturist road trip in Italy, from the very south of the country up to the very north. An amazing experience that we won’t easily forget and that we often like to think back about. Just because it keeps putting a smile on our faces. The other day, when we mentally did the trip once again, we came to an interesting realization. Of the 7 naturist resorts … Read more

Naturist Hub - Is it possible to create a genuine online platform for naturists?

Is it possible to create a genuine online platform for naturists?

This is the question that kept us awake one night in the early spring of 2020. We had been active on social media as naturists for years and although we managed to create quite a genuine community, we were still often disappointed, discouraged, and disgusted when we received yet another dick pic or sexual comment. Had these people learned nothing from our posts? Was all our promotion of non-sexual nudity just an illusion? And most … Read more

Our Naturist Road Trip through Southwestern France of 2021

Our Naturist Road Trip through Southwestern France of 2021

The European summer is already a couple of months behind us, and we’ve visited so many places that it took until today to publish an overview of the last part of our summer journey. But what a part. A road trip through the southwest of France, from the Atlantic coast to the foot of the Pyrennees mountains. Along the way, we visited 6 naturist resorts. All very different and yet so very alike.   Before … Read more

Review: Les Aillos in Haute-Garonne, France

Review: Les Aillos in Haute-Garonne, France

Our road trip through southwest France was coming to an end, yet there was one more place that we definitely wanted to have on our itinerary. Les Aillos is not the most known naturist campsite in France, but when we met previous visitors they were always full of praise of the resort. Now that we happened to be in the Toulouse region, we just had to get over there to see why Les Aillos manages … Read more

Are we making a joke of ourselves?

Are we making a joke of ourselves?

Our friend and colleague blogger, The Meandering Naturist, decided some months ago to take a break from blogging. A pity, if you ask us, as this blog has numerous times been an inspiration for our own blog posts. Luckily, Dan’s writings don’t come with an expiration date and continue to influence our own thoughts and ideas.   Like the other day, when we stumbled upon this short article about the 5 funniest names of nudist … Read more

Review: Le Fiscalou in Tarn, France

Review: Le Fiscalou in Tarn, France

The weather in the southwest of France can be pretty unpredictable. This is something we learned first hand when we were making our way to Le Fiscalou, the next naturist destination on our itinerary. During the last weeks, we had been enjoying excellent late summer temperatures, and clothes had never been needed except for early in the morning or very late in the evening.   Just overnight, the temperatures had dropped and dark clouds had … Read more

Review: Le Champ de Guiral in Lot, France

Review: Le Champ de Guiral in Lot, France

France is the number one destination in the world for naturist camping and one of the reasons why the country is so hugely popular is because the options are numerous and because there is such a variety. One day you may find yourself in a so-called naturist village with thousands of other naturists, and just a short drive further you arrive in an oasis of peace and quiet that feels as if you’re camping in … Read more

The things you don't say to a nudist

The Things You don’t Say to a Nudist

We have been wanting to write about this topic for a while, especially when we see yet another social media post about nudism, and the comments section is filled with remarks about the person’s physical appearance. Many times, those comments don’t leave much space for interpretation. A “you look great” could be considered sweet or friendly, a “nice boobs babe” is rather… well… yeah… Pretty annoying. View this post on Instagram A post shared by … Read more