Naked In the Amazon

Naked In the Amazon

If this doesn’t sound like an amazing nudist bucket list item, we don’t know what does. The Amazon Rainforest speaks to the imagination of many. It’s called the lung of the earth and accounts for more than half of the world’s remaining rainforest. There are over 40 000 different plants and 2.5 million insect species (okay the latter might not sound that attractive to some but you have to admit that it’s an impressive number). … Read more

Comfortably Nude: Maybe the Only Thing You Want

Comfortably Nude: Maybe the Only Thing You Want

Only recently we’ve written down our own ideas about how nudity, nature, and spirituality are all linked. We’re pretty sure that the world’s first naturists would have been pretty proud of us if they had the chance to read it. It’s one theory of course and we certainly understand that some nudists or naturists thought that it was all a bunch of nonsense. In the end, naturism would probably not exist if someone took away … Read more

How To Have the Best Nude Vacation Ever

How To Have the Best Nude Vacation Ever

The world counts more than 1000 different nudist vacation places. FKK campings, naturist B&B’s, nudist hotels, nude all-in resorts, bungalows, country houses, you name it. Never before has the choice for a nude vacation been so large as it is today. Hooray! This is also the reason why we get so many messages from our readers asking for the perfect nudist place. Like “hey, what’s the best nudist place you’ve ever been to?”. Which happens … Read more

Nudity, Nature and Spirituality: The obvious link

Nudity, Nature and Spirituality: The Obvious Link

Many naturists will tell you that their nude lifestyle means a lot more than just being naked. A lot of others will say that the nudity is pretty much the only important thing in naturism. These others are often called “nudists” although today in the 21st century both the terms “nudist” and “naturist” became very interchangeable. One can’t deny though that naturism includes the word nature and although while being naked you’re at your most … Read more

EcoParque da Mata and EcoVilla da Mata in Massarandupió, Brazil

Review: EcoParque da Mata in Massarandupió, Brazil

Naturism and nudism mean different things to different people. We’ve been through this subject maybe a hundred times before. It’s a lifestyle which attracts people for many different reasons which are all completely fine. Naturism does contain the word “nature” and is therefore the preferred term for whom the link between nudity and nature is important. If we look at it from that point of view, there will be few naturist places that deserve the … Read more

20 Amazing Airbnb rentals perfect for nudists

20 Amazing Airbnb Rentals Perfect for Nude Vacations

What if social nudity is not really your thing? We’ve tackled this subject a couple of weeks ago in the blog post about what if you don’t like nudist resorts. Some nudists are just not much interested in the company of others. For whatever reason. That’s fine of course, who are we to judge. Some prefer to keep their nudity into their own home with only their own family. When it comes to traveling as … Read more

Nude home parties

Nude Home Parties

Where do you start with nudism? The nude beach or a nudist resort is obviously the most common answer but they do not necessarily reflect the truth. Most often, nudism is something that starts at home. The reason why people tend to name certain social nudist places as their first “nude experience” is just because often home nudism is not really seen like nudism at all. When people asked us in the past about when … Read more

12 + 1 Nude Events You Don’t Want To Miss In 2019

More and more we’re starting to think that nude events might be the key to a bright future for nudism. Especially the younger generation nudists want to get from behind the fences of the naturist clubs and resorts and do something fun, something spectacular. Luckily the options for amazing nude events seem to be larger than ever before. There are naked bike rides, nudist games, nude contests, nude cruises, nude festivals, nude tournaments, you named … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Anna from the UK

The Naturist Talks: Anna from the UK

Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that started in Europe but is now expanding towards the whole world. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences. Our guest for today is Anna from the UK, who will tell us everything about her naturist lifestyle and experiences.   Hello Anna, tell us … Read more

Online Harassment of Female Nudists

Online Harassment of Female Nudists

Last month our friends at Get Naked Australia have put a sad but understandable message on their Facebook page. They were going to stop posting the pictures they receive from their following and which have made them world famous in the first place. And not for the obvious reason that Facebook would put them in their jail, but because of the comments these pictures are receiving. Meanwhile they’ve reconsidered this and restarted posting pictures, but … Read more