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Naked State art residency at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park

Not your common blog post about nude art

Facebook has again been doing an excellent job lately by bringing nude art in the news. Although it wasn’t really what they had in mind. What happened was that they had banned several images of painting of the 17th century Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens because… you’ve guessed it… they thought that the paintings they violated the community standards. Priceless paintings that are adored by art lovers all over the world were considered inappropriate in … Read more

The Future of Nudism – Part Three

Oh my… It’s been exactly one year since we’ve written The Future Of Nudism Part One and Part Two. It seems like ages ago, we still had to start our adventure around the world at the time. Today we believe that we can say that we’re much more experienced when it comes to nudism and naturism. Over the last months we’ve been spending time at nudist spots in three different continents and have gathered so … Read more

The Naked Selfie Issue

Exhibitionism has existed for ages, in many different forms. Every village had its local looney who loved to drop his pants whenever a woman passed by. And even the not so loonies have regretted the times when they pulled out their business in the bar after drinking too many shots of tequila. Those things happened and more often than not they didn’t harm anyone and neither was there any serious harm intended. Today, exhibitionism has … Read more

Celebrating Songkran the nudie way

Have you ever heard about Songkran? Well, don’t worry if you haven’t, until a month of two before we also had no idea what it is. Long story short, Songkran is the Thai new year. In fact, it used to be the Thai new year, because since 1940 the government has set the official new year’s date to the first of January, to be more aligned with the west. But yet Songkran is still celebrated … Read more

Naked Wanderings presents… NUDE!

UPDATE 2024: Unfortunately, after 5 beautiful years we’ve decided to put a hold on this project. It’s been fun, but we have other priorities now and just can’t put the time into NUDE that it deserves. Thanks everyone for your contributions, and, of course, there’s always Naked Wanderings and Destination Clothes Free to research your future travels.   During our travels around the world we meet a lot of other nudists and what kind of … Read more

Nudism on Venus

In many parts of the world it seems like the majority of the nudists are men. Or that’s what people kept telling us. To be honest, we had our doubts. Our naked adventures in the past were almost exclusively in Belgium (mostly saunas), in the Netherlands (mostly beaches) and in France (mostly campgrounds) and most of the time we never felt that there was a huge difference in gender. Men and women were almost everywhere … Read more

The Famous Nudie

The list of known famous naturists is not large although it’s not hard to find many celebrities naked on the internet or in magazines. And few of us have encountered a celebrity on the local nude beach. One of the foundations of nudism is that everybody is the same. Without clothes you can’t see anymore if the person in front of you is in fact a hobo who comes to the club for the free … Read more

Naked Wanderings goes to the USA!

Normally we don’t spend whole articles about our future plans, only on birthdays or the end of the year we like to give you a sneak peek of what’s coming next. We do this mostly because we think that you can appreciate the surprise. “Oh now they’re here… and now there…” We imagine your reactions. But we’re not going to lie about it, another reason why we don’t talk much about our plans is that … Read more

How to mess up your body confidence with your new phone

We’re not going to make a big deal of it, we are Apple people. We both have iPhones and we love them. But Nick’s phone started to annoy us recently, it got incredibly slow and it requires a recharge at least twice a day in order to get through all the new social media posts. So the question rose: “Shouldn’t we get a new one?” We are in Asia, this is where smartphones are born. … Read more

Nakations: The big travel trend of 2018

More and more people prefer to spend their holiday or a part of it naked. The numbers don’t lie. We believe that at the moment the annual amount of money spent on naturist holidays goes in the billions. An enormous leap from “only” 400 million in 2003. And this is just getting started, more and more people are finding their way to the nudist spots. It’s a misunderstanding that nakations (a combination of the words … Read more