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HELP! My baby is a nudist! (the basic guide for living with a nudie)

One day your father, your wife, your daughter, your bff or your uncle Fred drops the word: they are nudists. If you have no idea what it is or how to handle this new information and you have a ton of questions, this document will help you on your way. Or maybe you are uncle Fred, walking up and down the isle for the hundredth time, rehearsing the words you’re going to say: “Family, I … Read more

Naked Wishes 2018

Wow. Another year has passed. Because we’re not used to spending Christmas and New Year’s Eve around the equator, we could easily forget that it’s this period of the year. It also doesn’t feel the same. We are thousands of kilometers away from our friends and family and we’re not about to freeze to death the minute we walk out of the door. It’s a strange feeling… But then again, it has been a strange … Read more

Full Frontal Nudity

Guys, here’s a nice experiment for your next Friday evening in the bar: Suddenly shove a picture of a full frontal nude picture of a woman under the eyes of the guy next to you. Well, you don’t actually have to try it, we all know what’s going to happen. Some will tell you about how they’ll go through the Kamasutra with her, some will pretend they didn’t see it and others will start giggling … Read more

The benefits of sleeping naked

Depending on which statistics you believe, about 10 to 25 percent of the world population prefers to sleep naked. That’s not much. Of course we can understand that if you’re an eskimo living in an iglo or a nomad sleeping on the floor of a tent in the desert at temperatures going well below zero that you may perfer to put some socks on, but other than that, why on earth would you choose to … Read more

When the whole world knew that we are nudists

People become nudists in many different ways. Some were born in a nudist family, some were talked into it by a friend or partner, some saw the light after a nightly skinny dip or (like ourselves) after visiting a spa and some just followed their curiosity. Many of the first times end with a consensus: Let’s not tell anyone.   Our first time wasn’t any different, we didn’t have any friends or family of whom … Read more

Why we think naturist federations should change their strategies

We like to see ourselves as revolutionary nudists. We try to spread the idea that naturism is not just something for a bunch of grannies who stopped caring about their body image ages ago but that it can be fun for anyone, no matter age, colour, shape or religion. As long as you’re willing to look outside the old “naturist box”. In several of our previous blog posts we’ve blamed the naturist federations for maintaining that … Read more

The link between naturism and yoga

Why do many naturists practice yoga and are many yogis interested in naturism? Well, that’s simple. Both lifestyles are for women who had their puberty in the late sixties, took way too much acid, engaged on a lifetime search for enlightenment and swore never to shave their armpits again. That’s it. End of story. At least, that’s what we thought until we became interested in those lifestyles.   Only recently we figured out that both … Read more

Our own history on clothing

Ah clothing… why do we need it? Wouldn’t life for us nudists be so much better if it had never been invented? Okay, we’d probably still be living around the equator or otherwise be freezing our asses off, even in summer in most regions. But people make such a big deal about it. Only today we were relaxing in the nude in the corner of a beach in southern Poleponnese and a woman came over … Read more

Do we need to be scared of perverts at the nude beach?

We’ve all heard the stories… Dirty old men sitting in the corner of a nude beach or behind a dune while looking at you (or your partner). Teenagers in board shorts passing by, checking out the “merchandise”. Couples giving each other just that little too much attention just that little too close to you. And these stories about nude beaches are true, people don’t invent them. Although they might exaggerate a bit, but that’s what … Read more

The pros and cons of social media for the future of nudism

The pros and cons of social media for the future of nudism

We had our issues with Facebook, no doubt about that. But in the end they’re not going to change their rules for us, naturists and nudists. They are big businesses. They react on the requirements of a majority. They don’t care that some Naked Wanderings blog (a very good one by the way, you should read it sometime) complains about getting temporarily banned or that a woman starts questioning wheter or not a fraction of … Read more