Naturist vacations in South Africa: An Overview

For 3 whole months, we’ve travelled through South Africa in search of what the country has to offer to the naturist traveller. The least we can say is that we’ve been overwhelmed by the natural beauty of this country. Even if we wouldn’t have had a single chance to get naked, it would definitely still have been worth every minute of the trip. But luckily, we did get opportunities to enjoy South Africa without clothes. … Read more

Kiepersolkloof near Rustenburg, South Africa: Review

Review: Kiepersolkloof near Rustenburg, South Africa

All good things come to an end, and unfortunately, this was also the case for our big road trip in South Africa. For 3 months we’ve been driving through the country visiting all those wonderful places, but we made sure to leave a special treat for the very end of our trip. The couple of days before we would fly out of the country, we spent at one of the world’s largest naturist domains: Kiepersolkloof. … Read more

Bare Necessities in Swellendam, South Africa: Review

Review: Bare Necessities in Swellendam, South Africa

We knew that we were going to be up for a treat when Neels sent us the instructions for how to get to Bare Necessities. It included a hand-drawn map filled with terms like “dirt road”, “bus shelter turn right”, “wooden farm stall turn right”, and “house with green roof is not Bare Necessities”. Most naturist places we visited in South Africa are tucked away in greenery, but when you get a message like that, … Read more

Mpenjati nude beach: The good and the bad

Mpenjati nude beach: The good and the bad

Sometimes, we wonder how much longer we can travel before we stop being surprised. Before we stop ending up at places that really move us. The day when everything we see will just be another “I’ve seen this before” thing. It’s the fear of every long-term traveller. When will everything just start looking the same? When will we lose the excitement of seeing something new?   It happened to us before, when we arrive at … Read more

Review: Bird of Paradise near Johannesburg, South Africa

Review: Bird of Paradise near Johannesburg, South Africa

One of the best things about naturist travelling is that no matter where you go in the world, you can always expect the same foundations. You will find places where you can be comfortably naked, friendly people who won’t judge your appearance, and an overall atmosphere of community. But still, they all look different, which adds an element of surprise to every new naturist place we visit.   After spending some time at SunEden, South … Read more

Review: SunEden near Pretoria, South Africa

Travelling to a never before visited country is always both exciting and daunting. Especially when this country is located in a continent that we’ve hardly ever explored. You can read up about a place all you want, but only when you get there, you can start to understand the cultural differences and similarities.   South Africa has been on our to-go list for a while. The country’s splendid nature, different cultures, and friendly people are … Read more

U Furu naturist campsite in Corsica, France: Review

Review: U Furu naturist campsite in Corsica, France

Naturism in Corsica is very beach-oriented. The three large naturist resorts, Bagheera, Riva Bella, and La Chiappa, are right at the coast with direct access to a nude beach. This is not surprising, because Corsica profits from warm sea water and magnificently beautiful beaches.   Of course, the island is more than just water and sand. Those of you who can appreciate some splendid nature, high mountains, forests, waterfalls, and wildlife, can find their thing … Read more

Our Favorite nude beaches in Europe

Our Favorite nude beaches in Europe

Europe is no doubt the best place in the world for naturism. You can find all types of naturist resorts, ranging from small 2-bedroom guesthouses to actual naturist villages, and everything in between. Most European countries have at least one and probably more (if not a lot) nude beaches.   To give you an example, Spain has over 400 official nude beaches. That is more than all non-European countries together. We’ve been travelling extensively through … Read more

La Tuquette in Provence, France: Review

Review: La Tuquette in Provence, France

Naturism isn’t one size fits all. At least not anymore. There used to be a time when every naturist club or resort looked quite similar, at least in the way how things were done and organised. But those days are long gone. Every naturist has their preferences of what the perfect resort looks like. Some like beach and others like forest. Some like small cosy campsites and others like huge naturist villages. Some like an … Read more

La Plage Des Templiers in Ardèche, France: Review

Review: La Plage Des Templiers in Ardèche, France

There are more than 200 naturist campsites in France and every single one of them is unique. They all have their own atmosphere, their own nature, their own facilities and activities. Yet, when we walked through yet another row of pitches and past yet another jeu de boule court on our way to yet another swimming pool, we couldn’t stop thinking that we’d seen this many times before.   Have we been travelling too much … Read more