How Voyeurism and Exhibitionism fit into Nudism. Or Not.

How Voyeurism and Exhibitionism fit into Nudism. Or Not.

The other day we came upon a year old blog post by Dan Carlson, a.k.a. the Meandering Naturist, about naturism and exhibitionism. Since Dan’s blog posts are often thought provoking, we can rarely resist to share our own thoughts on the subject in a comment. One which often competes in size with the actual post. It wasn’t any different with this one about naturism and exhibitionism, but then we figured that we could as well … Read more

Why French Families go Massively for Naturism

Why French Families go Massively for Naturism

Ever since the beginning of naturism, France has been the number one country in the world where people like to drop their clothes. Today it’s not different. Nowhere else can you find such a huge amount of naturist places like in France. For many years, a common misunderstanding was that all the French just loved spending their time in the nude. They did not. Even though their country provided so many facilities for naturists, the … Read more

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

Here’s a funny anecdote. Ever since the beginning of Naked Wanderings we now and then receive messages from naturists asking us when we will organise our next nude hike. A bit surprised we always answered something like “Sorry, ehm, we’re a naturist travel blog, we don’t organise nude hikes”. After a while it became just too strange that people kept asking us about this specific naturist activity.   It became clear when we noticed that … Read more

Why is the Nude Spa More Popular than the Naturist Resort?

Why is the Nude Spa More Popular than the Naturist Resort?

The spa culture has been growing fast during the last decade or two in Europe. Especially countries like Germany, Belgium, and The Netherlands are seeing a growth in visitors of spa centers. We’re talking about “centers” and even that might be an understatement. A Western European wellness center is pretty much a water park for grown-ups. Often there are several swimming pools, jacuzzis, saunas, steam rooms, cold baths, warm baths, and the possibility to more … Read more

6 Steps to Become Comfortably Naked

6 Steps to Become Comfortable Naked

There are many reasons why people are reluctant to engage into nudism. We believe that the number one reason, with head and shoulders, is how even the idea of being nude makes them feel uncomfortable. Basically, it comes down to shame. And basically, many of the other reasons people come up with like jealousy, religion and modesty also come down to the same thing. We don’t really like how we look. We have all these … Read more

When Do You Get Nude at a Nudist Resort

When Do You Get Nude at a Nudist Resort?

This is one of the questions we often receive from first time nudists. They’ve decided to give social nudity a try, picked out a nudist resort which looks very nice and then start thinking about the most scary part of the whole experience: The point where they will have to undress. When exactly does that happen? From when are you supposed to be naked? Do you undress in the car, the moment you’ve passed the … Read more

10 things only nudists understand

10 Things Only Nudists Understand

Although we think that nudists making large steps when it comes to the normalisation of nudism and nudity, we also know that there is still a huge ignorance about our precious lifestyle. Of course we realise that not everyone can be interested in who we are and what we do. This is probably something every minority lifestyle struggles with. We’re pretty sure that punk rockers, Wiccans or amish often run into a wall of misunderstanding … Read more

The very best nude beach packing list

The Very Best Nude Beach Packing List

Summer is here, the temperatures are going up and the sun is out. You know what time it is. All winter you have been waiting for this moment. It’s time to hit the nude beach! Finally! Maybe you’re still checking out the best travel deals, maybe you have just been browsing through one of our Ultimate Naturist Destination Guides or maybe you’ve already decided on this year’s nude vacation spot. But there’s one thing you … Read more

5 Reasons why nudism is nothing for you

5 Reasons Why Nudism is Nothing for You

What’s all that fuss about nudism lately? As soon as the sun starts to come out, pictures and videos of nude people are thrown into your face. Quality magazines like Lonely Planet are publishing articles about nude beaches. You went to the local swimming pool the other day and found out that it was a bathing suit prohibited for the afternoon. Instead, you decided to go to the beach, only to find out that there … Read more

The Truth About Nudism and Sex

The Truth About Nudism and Sex

It’s probably one of the most discussed items about nudism: Where comes the sexual aspect in the picture? Nudists keep saying that their lifestyle is non-sexual, but how does that really work? Are they really not attracted to other naked people? Don’t they get excited by seeing all that nudity? If nudism is such a non-sexual thing, are nudists having any sex at all? At the very beginning of Naked Wanderings we already tackled this … Read more