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Monetisation of naturist content explained

The monetisation of naturist content explained

Unlike what some seem to believe, paid naturist content is not something new. For many decades, naturist federations and clubs have been publishing magazines and newsletters that were uniquely for their members. Unless you paid the membership fee, or you had generous friends, you didn’t have access to this content.   For the longest time, these organisations had quite a monopoly on such publications. If you wanted to know what was happening in the naturist … Read more

The year we've been Everywhere. Kinda.

The year we’ve been Everywhere. Kinda.

Some blog posts almost write themselves. As soon as one or two words appear on the screen, full sentences seem to come out of nowhere and before we know it, we’ve shared yet another idea, vision, or experience with you. This is not such a blog post. Several times during the last week we sat down and tried to get this going, but the sentences did not come. A pity, because it would have avoided … Read more

Happy birthday to Naked Wanderings

Happy birthday to us!

7 years… and a week. On the 25th of August 2016, we published our very first blog post. We really didn’t have a clue of what we were doing, let alone what this little project would turn into. What we did know back then was that we couldn’t find any online information about naturism that we could identify with.   That summer of 2016, we visited several naturist resorts in Europe. Finding them had been … Read more

Is the end of free naturist content near?

Is the end of free naturist content near?

We remember a time when, if we wanted information about something, we had to jump on our bicycles and ride to the library. Where we had to scan through the books, looking for one that may answer our questions. We had to make sure to pick the right books because the limit was 4 at a time. And we also had to reserve time for reading, because after 3 weeks the books needed to be … Read more

Why we often compare naturism with veganism

Why we often compare naturism with veganism

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you may have noticed that we often use a comparison with veganism as an example to explain certain aspects of naturism. There’s no need to worry, our goal is not to convince every naturist to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Or vice versa. But we noticed that although both are quite distinct, they share a number of similar values.   It appears that the concept of not … Read more

The year of big ups and big downs

The year of big ups and downs

Welcome to the 6th New Year’s blog post that is appearing on this website. Who would have guessed this when we wrote the first one back in 2017? At the time, we were just two backpackers who had started a simple website to share our opinions about naturism and our experiences at the naturist places that we visited. We had planned to do this for a year or maybe two until we ran out of … Read more

How to take better naturist pictures

How to take better naturist pictures

We’ve been publishing blog posts for more than 6 years now, and for the last 2 years, we also dove into creating videos. The one thing that put us in newspapers around the world though were the pictures that we shared on Instagram. We never really considered this, but our concept of self-censorship was exactly what the media loved. Nudity sells, that much is sure, but full-frontal nudity is something for magazines on the top … Read more

Why we use censorship on Naked Wanderings

Why we use censorship on Naked Wanderings

This is probably the number one question that we are being asked (with “How do you make money?” as a close second, but that’s for another blog post). Some propose their own opinions. Are we prudes? Are we not really naturists? Are we posers who are just looking for quick fame on the internet? Are we keeping the juicy stuff to put behind a paywall?   Truth to be said, as Naked Wanderings evolved over … Read more

How to turn a bad year into a good one

How to turn a bad year into a good one

Exactly one year ago, we published a blog post called Goodbye to the Lost Year, welcome 2021! It was our typical new year’s blog post, just like the one you just started reading now. We had no idea yet that the next 5 months we would be staying within not more than a 30-kilometer radius. We had no idea yet that traveling would prove to be as hard as in 2020. But neither did we … Read more

Will Vloggers Inspire the World to Get Naked?

Will Vloggers Inspire the World to Get Naked?

Last week, The Meandering Naturist asked a question that most promotors of naturism are struggling with: Is social media worth the effort in a naturist world? Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and the likes are often seen as the enemy because they have strict censorship rules that demonize the human body in its natural form. Why would we invest time (and let alone money) in something like that?   On the other hand, these are unique tools … Read more