Nudist Blogs You Really want to Follow in 2020

9 Nudist Blogs You Really want to Follow in 2020

It’s that time of the year. Reindeers are making their nests on snow-covered roofs. Friendly bearded men in red pajamas are bringing joy to the families and Mariah Carey seems to be everywhere again. We know what that means. 2019 is about to end. Time to start making your new year’s resolutions. How many people are you going to make happy in 2020? Which foods and drinks are you going to leave behind? More exercise? … Read more

Online Harassment of Female Nudists

Online Harassment of Female Nudists

Last month our friends at Get Naked Australia have put a sad but understandable message on their Facebook page. They were going to stop posting the pictures they receive from their following and which have made them world famous in the first place. And not for the obvious reason that Facebook would put them in their jail, but because of the comments these pictures are receiving. Meanwhile they’ve reconsidered this and restarted posting pictures, but … Read more

17 Best Quotes about nudism and nudity

17 Best Quotes About Nudism and Nudity

We’ve been running Naked Wanderings for almost 2.5 years now… That’s really a long time. Last week we published our 250th blog post. 250 blog posts in which we talk about every aspect of naturism. Or nudism, or whatever you like to call it. We even have a bunch of blog posts about to the specific topic of the terminology. The reason why we keep blogging is because we still feel that there’s so much … Read more

Is it nude? Fun with censorship

Is it nude? Fun with censorship

A couple of weeks ago a friendly follower pitched us the website #isitnude. Basically it uses artificial intelligence to figure out whether a picture contains nudity or not. Sounds familiar? If you ever had a Facebook or Instagram ban for nudity (often not legit, but that’s another story) you know exactly why we found this subject interesting. Although we don’t have proof of this, we’re pretty sure that these artificial intelligence algorithms are exactly what … Read more

How to become a nudist blogger

How to Become a Nudist Blogger

Some time ago we’ve told you how we have been able to travel continuously for more than a year and how this blog isn’t particularly covering any of our expenses. But don’t let that be a reason not to start your own blog. If you start a blog purely with the single purpose of making money from it, you’re very likely to fail anyway (unless you’re way better in business than we are). From our … Read more

Naked Wanderings: nudist travellers around the world

How we keep traveling the world without being millionaires

This is one of the most common questions we’ve been getting lately, both from our readers as from people we’ve been meeting along the way. How on earth have we been able to continue our nude travels for more than a year and how are we going to manage to stay alive for at least one more year? Many think that we are nude millionaires, that we have won the lottery or that we are … Read more

Full Frontal Nudity

Guys, here’s a nice experiment for your next Friday evening in the bar: Suddenly shove a picture of a full frontal nude picture of a woman under the eyes of the guy next to you. Well, you don’t actually have to try it, we all know what’s going to happen. Some will tell you about how they’ll go through the Kamasutra with her, some will pretend they didn’t see it and others will start giggling … Read more

When the whole world knew that we are nudists

People become nudists in many different ways. Some were born in a nudist family, some were talked into it by a friend or partner, some saw the light after a nightly skinny dip or (like ourselves) after visiting a spa and some just followed their curiosity. Many of the first times end with a consensus: Let’s not tell anyone.   Our first time wasn’t any different, we didn’t have any friends or family of whom … Read more

The virtual Nudist

With the uprise of the internet almost all facets of life have moved to the online world, and the nudie life is not an exception. But what can you expect from online nudism? Is it worth it? Is it safe? We’ll try to give you a couple of answers.   It is important that we make the difference between passive online nudism and active online nudism. With passive online nudism we mean using the internet … Read more

What’s this all about?

We have been wondering how to start this blog… Should there be an introduction or should we dive right in? On one hand, the last thing we wanted was some “Hello World” post saying “Hi! Welcome to our blog! We’re not sure where this going yet so We’re writing this lame message“. On the other hand, We think some explanation could be interesting. Just to give you an idea about what you will find here, why … Read more