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From Fear to Freedom: How to Overcome the Anxiety of Going Nude

From Fear to Freedom: How to Overcome the Anxiety of Going Nude

When chatting with naturists, nudists, or anyone we meet without clothes, one regret echoes universally: “I wish I had discovered this sooner in my life.” You can see in their eyes how much they wish they could turn back time and spend those previous decades enjoying nude beaches or clothes-free resorts.   Digging deeper into why it took them so long to finally take that first step, we hear the same reasons repeatedly. “I didn’t … Read more

Seeing a familiar face at a Naturist Resort. Awkward or not?

Seeing a familiar face at a Naked Place. Awkward or not?

We’ve told the story about our first steps into social nudity probably a gazillion times before. So here’s the short version once again: As a birthday present, Lins received two day passes for a Belgian wellness centre of choice. After doing a bit of research, we noticed that at all the really nice ones, bathing suits were not allowed. We would take the plunge, absolutely love it, start searching for more naked places and eventually … Read more

What Makes Naturists Some of the Friendliest People Around

What Makes Naturists Some of the Friendliest People Around

December 12, 2016. To most of you, this date will probably not ring many bells. Neither to us, as a matter of fact, except that this day we published a blog post called “Why are naturists such friendly people“. We had only been blogging for a couple of months and the reason we tackled this topic so early in our journey was because the friendliness of naturists had been one of the cornerstones of our … Read more

Getting comfortable around naked people

Getting comfortable around naked people

You are not going to believe this… The other day, we received a message from a reporter at an online magazine, asking us to comment on a message from a reader who feels uncomfortable when his nudist girlfriend spends time naked with her dog. Even claiming that “it’s something out of an illegal adult movie for her to be naked with an animal all the time”.   We thought it was a joke. Until we … Read more

How Comfortable are YOU naked?

How Comfortable are YOU naked?

Reddit has always been an excellent source of information and inspiration. It’s definitely not the first time that we mention this at the start of a blog post and we’re pretty sure that it won’t be the last time either. Once again, we stumbled upon a thread on which we want to elaborate so much that we decided to write a blog post about it.   The thread presents the results of a survey conducted … Read more

Body positivity: The resistance from within

Body Positivity: The Resistance from Within

The name Jitske Van de Veire will probably not ring too many bells if you’re not from Belgium. She’s the daughter of a Belgian celebrity and has recently gained her own fame by becoming a leading face in the promotion of body positivity. She regularly posts semi-nude pictures on her Instagram account with the goal to show the world that there’s nothing wrong with not qualifying to the “beauty ideals”. The message behind it is … Read more

Naturist Talks: Interviews with naturists and nudists

Naturists Share their Best Newbie Tips

When we wrote a blog post about our first time naked in public a while ago, it occurred to us how long this has actually been. Meanwhile, there’s so much time and experience between those first scary steps into naturism and where we are today, that we wonder if we are actually still a reliable source of information for those who want to try naturism today or tomorrow.   For a long time, we have … Read more

(Y)our first time naked in public

(Y)our first time naked in public

How many people have seen you naked already? Maybe a handful of previous partners? Maybe some close friends or family members? Maybe nobody at all? In our case, that would be many thousands. Maybe hundreds of thousands. We didn’t really keep track.   Does that idea sound daunting to you? It definitely did to us, the first time we were about to enter a place where “naked” was the official dress code. From the number … Read more

Our Naked Identity

Our Naked Identity

Cypress Cove in Florida, one of the USA’s most popular nudist resorts, recently appeared in a new Netflix series called Worn Stories. Something we very much applauded, even before having seen the episode. Every time that naturism appears in mainstream media, it’s a step forward to normalizing nudity. It’s yet another time that our voices are heard and that people get to see what naturists do and what they look like.   But naturism in … Read more

Why we Choose to Get Naked (and Why Not)

Why we Choose to Get Naked (and Why Not)

Here in Benidorm, a beach town in Spain where we are staying at the moment, we are about 5 blocks away from a beautiful long and sandy beach. Yet, we barely spend any time on this beach. Instead, we take long walks or take public transport to get to nude beaches in the region, which are smaller and often less comfortable. Do we really hate clothes that much?   Not exactly. We don’t mind clothes. … Read more