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Naturist Villages

Naturist Villages

It doesn’t matter whether we’re in a naturist resort in Thailand, at a gathering in Mexico or camping next to a lake in Canada. Whenever we start telling others about our journey to naturist places around the world there’s often someone who will ask whether we’ve been to Cap d’Agde. For many naturists, “Cap” has become a mythical place which they’ve put high on their bucket list to visit at least once in their lives. … Read more

Can naturist resorts be successful while maintaining its values?

Can a naturist resort be successful while maintaining its values?

More than often when we visit a nudist resort we are asked for our opinion about how they can attract more young people, or at least more people our age. We always try to give them some tips, but unfortunately we don’t carry all the wisdom either. If that would be the case, we would start our own perfect resort and become millionaires. But clearly we haven’t gotten to that point… yet. One thing we’ve … Read more

Desire resorts in Puerto Moreles, Mexico

Can a nudist feel comfortable in a sensual resort?

First things first, what is a sensual or lifestyle resort? These places come under different names, some call them a swingers resort or a liberal resort or even an erotic hotel. Lately, also swingers cruises are becoming more and more popular too. What it comes down to is that these are mostly adults-only all-inclusive hotels where swapping partners is common and sex in public places is allowed. In some unfortunate cases they hide behind the … Read more

Finding a new nudist holiday spot

Nudists, in general, are pretty loyal beings, at every place we visit we meet people who are telling us that they have been coming there for years. It doesn’t matter whether it’s at a naturist campground, a nudist resort, a clothing-optional b&b, or any other nudist holiday destination. When nudists like a place, they keep coming back. One of the reasons is because we often meet other nudists at a place and we agree with … Read more

Nakations: The big travel trend of 2018

More and more people prefer to spend their holiday or a part of it naked. The numbers don’t lie. We believe that at the moment the annual amount of money spent on naturist holidays goes in the billions. An enormous leap from “only” 400 million in 2003. And this is just getting started, more and more people are finding their way to the nudist spots. It’s a misunderstanding that nakations (a combination of the words … Read more

Do we need to be scared of perverts at the nude beach?

We’ve all heard the stories… Dirty old men sitting in the corner of a nude beach or behind a dune while looking at you (or your partner). Teenagers in board shorts passing by, checking out the “merchandise”. Couples giving each other just that little too much attention just that little too close to you. And these stories about nude beaches are true, people don’t invent them. Although they might exaggerate a bit, but that’s what … Read more

6 Other Reasons to go on a Nude Holiday

The idea of being naked among others can be very scary, in fact, it’s the subject of many nightmares. Then why should you do that for something that should be relaxing, for something that should be fun, for those couple of weeks a year when you’re supposed to release all stress, for your holiday? We’ll tell you why!   As a reader of this blog, you already know about the joys of feeling the sun … Read more

Size does matter: Big vs small nudist camps

The difference in nudist campings is enormous, ranging from the small 10 spot campground which normally caters only to members and once in a while a guest to huge naturist villages like Cap d’agde in France. The choice can be difficult, which kind of nude camping to choose? Both types have of course their advantages and disadvantages, and what seems to be an advantage for one isn’t necessarily the same for someone else. To help … Read more

What we learned from working in a clothing optional campground

One of the items high on our nudist bucket list was to experience living naked. Like really living, for days and weeks in a row not to wear any piece of clothing. It’s not easy unless you’re a multi-millionaire. Or if you work on a nudist campsite of course. That’s how we ended up 2 weeks helping out at clothing-optional eco campsite Full Monte in Montenegro. Since it was the first time that we actually … Read more

How to pick the perfect nudist spot?

We all share a common interest: The love for being nude and going on nude vacations. When someone pronounces the term “nudist” or “naturist” we think of those friendly naked people gathering around the swimming pool or in the woods in their birthday suit. Because we consider ourselves equals, outsiders easily tend to believe that we’re all the same. The same type of people with the same interests and the same things to say. But … Read more