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22 Amazing cities to join a World Naked Bike Ride in 2020

22 Amazing cities to join a World Naked Bike Ride in 2020

The World Naked Bike Ride is interpreted differently by different nudists and naturists. For some, it’s the heyday of naturism, where naturists get the chance to come out of their fenced of zones and ride their bikes nude through the center of some of the world’s most fascinating cities. Others see the WNBR rather as the heyday for voyeurs, bringing out their tele lenses to take pictures of the nude people on bicycles. And others … Read more

21 Nude Festivals and Nudist Events in 2020

21 Nude Festivals and Nudist Events in 2020

For a long time, the top nude event of the year was some kind of petanque or volleyball tournament, organized in the local naturist club. Members only. We can imagine that it was a lot of fun, having the whole club together for a day or maybe two, engaging in communal nude activities. On the other hand, those nudist events didn’t seem much different than any given Sunday at the club.   During the last … Read more

Everything you need to know before visiting the Zipolite Nudist Festival 2020

Everything you need to know before visiting the Zipolite Nudist Festival 2020

Finally. In 2020 we’re finally going to the Zipolite Nudist Festival. Ever since the first time we heard about the festival, we’ve put it high on our bucket list. When we visited Zipolite back in 2018 and fell in love with the cozy little town and its magnificent nude beach, the festival became the number one nudist event we wanted to attend. And now, within less than a month and a half, we’ll finally check … Read more

The Importance of Naturist Events

The Importance of Naturist Events

Ever since the start of naturism as we know it in the early 20th century, the focus has been on the social aspect. As with many other things in life, also naturism is better when it’s shared. There are many ways to do this. We meet other naturists at nude beaches and naturist resorts. We enjoy the warmth of the sun or the heath of the sauna together. At any naturist swimming pool, you’ll find … Read more

Naturalis 2019: More Than Naturism and Yoga

Naturalis 2019: More Than Naturism and Yoga

We have to admit, the first moment when we walked into naturist campsite Quinta Do Maral was something many might call… ehm… a bit awkward. We had parked our car, walked to the reception, and in the distance, we spotted a group of about 25 naked people. Nothing particularly strange for a naturist place, except that all of them were in an intimate embrace.   There is a reason why we didn’t mention this in … Read more

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

Why Nude Hiking is Becoming so Popular

Here’s a funny anecdote. Ever since the beginning of Naked Wanderings we now and then receive messages from naturists asking us when we will organise our next nude hike. A bit surprised we always answered something like “Sorry, ehm, we’re a naturist travel blog, we don’t organise nude hikes”. After a while it became just too strange that people kept asking us about this specific naturist activity.   It became clear when we noticed that … Read more

Nudism and Naturism around the World: Africa, Asia and Oceania

Nudism and Naturism around the World: Africa, Asia and Oceania

This is the third and last part of our blog series about nudism and naturism around the world. In previous chapters, we’ve talked about naturism in Europe and nudism in the Americas. These are the regions where naturism and nudism are the most popular and we kept going on and on because the options are plenty.   Today will be a bit more difficult so we decided to merge three continents in this last part. … Read more

Nudism and Naturism around the World: Europe

Nudism and Naturism around the World: Europe

While diving into all the content of our website for blog posts which we could include in our brand new Extended Versions of our Naturist Guides, we stumbled upon several forgotten ones from the early days. One of the first blog posts we ever published was called “Something about Cultural Differences“ in which we talked about nudism in different cultures around the world.   When we were reading that post again we felt that something … Read more

Nude home parties

Nude Home Parties

Where do you start with nudism? The nude beach or a nudist resort is obviously the most common answer but they do not necessarily reflect the truth. Most often, nudism is something that starts at home. The reason why people tend to name certain social nudist places as their first “nude experience” is just because often home nudism is not really seen like nudism at all. When people asked us in the past about when … Read more

12 + 1 Nude Events You Don’t Want To Miss In 2019

More and more we’re starting to think that nude events might be the key to a bright future for nudism. Especially the younger generation nudists want to get from behind the fences of the naturist clubs and resorts and do something fun, something spectacular. Luckily the options for amazing nude events seem to be larger than ever before. There are naked bike rides, nudist games, nude contests, nude cruises, nude festivals, nude tournaments, you named … Read more