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What if you don't like nudist resorts

What If You Don’t Like Nudist Resorts

We just love nudist resorts. They’ve practically been our home for more than a year and a half now and even before our big journey, they were our favorite getaways. Personally, if we get the choice between a nudist place or a textile one, we’ll always pick the nudist resort. For the obvious reason that we can be naked without someone complaining (or having the police chase our naked behinds) but also because we like … Read more

10 Cool nude events for the summer

Spring is about to come to town, which is the perfect timing to start dreaming about the summer. What are your plans for this year? Camping in Croatia? Some beautiful resorts in Greece? Or maybe somewhere a bit further like Bangkok for example? All wonderful ideas and great plans for a great nude summer holiday! But if you want to do something really extraordinary this year, why not visit a nude festival, a great skinny … Read more

The Ultimate Nudist’s Bucket List

The time of new year’s resolutions is already behind us, resolutions we’ve managed to fail to achieve within the first week. Well, that’s how it goes every year. Time to get back to what really matters: Getting naked! If you check out other people’s  bucket lists (one Google search will give you about 28 million examples) it’s quite striking how many have added “visiting a nude beach” to their list. If everyone decides to do … Read more