9 Tips for the First Time Naturist Men

Last week we’ve written this whole article about the first steps into nudism for women. With the whole cultural background thing it is a fact that these steps are often considered more difficult to make if you’re a woman, but men have their issues too. Yes, in highschool we did shower together with twenty of other teenagers, but those days are long gone. For years and years we’ve rarely seen another human being naked if … Read more

9 Tips for First Time Naturist Women

Sorry guys, this is one for the naturist women. But that doesn’t particularly mean that you have to stop reading here, some of the tips we’ll be giving can certainly be applied to both genders. The reason why we decided to write this piece is because we do receive a lot of questions from our female readers who are curious about the nudist lifestyle but have several doubts about what to expect, how to take … Read more

The Famous Nudie

The list of known famous naturists is not large although it’s not hard to find many celebrities naked on the internet or in magazines. And few of us have encountered a celebrity on the local nude beach. One of the foundations of nudism is that everybody is the same. Without clothes you can’t see anymore if the person in front of you is in fact a hobo who comes to the club for the free … Read more

Are all nudists exhibitionists?

We imagine that all long term nudists who are reading this will now raise their hands, ready to type a load of complaints at our address about how we can possibly ask such a question. But still, we hear this a lot. Both from textiles as from nudists, by the way. Does our urge to be naked among others mean that we want to be seen? Are we looking for confirmation by exposing ourselves naked … Read more

The influence of nudism on your relationship

We already knew that nudism has a positive influence on both our physical and mental health. Or at least, in case you already pick up enough vitamin D and are living a balanced life, a nude lifestyle doesn’t have any negative side effects (if you use sunscreen of course!). But how does nudism affect relationships? Some time ago we’ve read that the divorce rate among nudist couples is a lot lower than among textiles, what … Read more

Why Generation Y will be Amazing Nudists

Remember the very first post on this blog? With all the naked traveling that we’ve been doing the last couple of months, we sometimes forget the main reason why we started Naked Wanderings. We were wondering what keeps teenagers, or actually people our age ( we still consider ourselves youth) from going nude. A question which we, after more than a year of blogging, still haven’t answered. We did what we could, we talked to … Read more

HELP! My baby is a nudist! (the basic guide for living with a nudie)

One day your father, your wife, your daughter, your bff or your uncle Fred drops the word: they are nudists. If you have no idea what it is or how to handle this new information and you have a ton of questions, this document will help you on your way. Or maybe you are uncle Fred, walking up and down the isle for the hundredth time, rehearsing the words you’re going to say: “Family, I … Read more

The Bathing Suit Burden

Days in a row we have committed ourselves to roam the Sri Lankan coastline, beach after beach after beach, in search of that little piece of pristine paradise away from any temple or local’s eye, where we could finally be able to drop our pants and fully enjoy the sun. But we have to admit that our quest wasn’t such an amazing success. Did that disappoint us? On one hand, it certainly did. It would’ve … Read more

Full Frontal Nudity

Guys, here’s a nice experiment for your next Friday evening in the bar: Suddenly shove a picture of a full frontal nude picture of a woman under the eyes of the guy next to you. Well, you don’t actually have to try it, we all know what’s going to happen. Some will tell you about how they’ll go through the Kamasutra with her, some will pretend they didn’t see it and others will start giggling … Read more

The benefits of sleeping naked

Depending on which statistics you believe, about 10 to 25 percent of the world population prefers to sleep naked. That’s not much. Of course we can understand that if you’re an eskimo living in an iglo or a nomad sleeping on the floor of a tent in the desert at temperatures going well below zero that you may perfer to put some socks on, but other than that, why on earth would you choose to … Read more