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Do we need to be scared of perverts at the nude beach?

We’ve all heard the stories… Dirty old men sitting in the corner of a nude beach or behind a dune while looking at you (or your partner). Teenagers in board shorts passing by, checking out the “merchandise”. Couples giving each other just that little too much attention just that little too close to you. And these stories about nude beaches are true, people don’t invent them. Although they might exaggerate a bit, but that’s what … Read more

6 Other Reasons to go on a Nude Holiday

The idea of being naked among others can be very scary, in fact, it’s the subject of many nightmares. Then why should you do that for something that should be relaxing, for something that should be fun, for those couple of weeks a year when you’re supposed to release all stress, for your holiday? We’ll tell you why!   As a reader of this blog, you already know about the joys of feeling the sun … Read more

How to pick the perfect nudist spot?

We all share a common interest: The love for being nude and going on nude vacations. When someone pronounces the term “nudist” or “naturist” we think of those friendly naked people gathering around the swimming pool or in the woods in their birthday suit. Because we consider ourselves equals, outsiders easily tend to believe that we’re all the same. The same type of people with the same interests and the same things to say. But … Read more

Naturist Vacations on a Budget

One of our biggest passions is traveling. Those of you who have been following us for a while have probably heard this a thousand times, but it’s true. We love traveling! But traveling costs money, lots of money, and is therefore often seen as a luxury product. It’s true, two weeks at the nude resort, a room for you, one for the kids, food, drinks, excursions… It can easily set you back a couple of … Read more

6 Things the nudist should always carry along

Nudism is all about freedom and relaxation. You don’t have to care about what to wear, no spare clothes to carry, no cell phones, nothing. Not a single worry in your mind. But before you step naked into your car there are a couple of things you better consider taking to your favourite nudist place.   Bring sunscreen to your nude spot Every naturist will tell you that there’s only one reason to wear clothes: … Read more