UPDATE 2024: Unfortunately, after 5 beautiful years we’ve decided to put a hold on this project. It’s been fun, but we have other priorities now and just can’t put the time into NUDE that it deserves. Thanks everyone for your contributions, and, of course, there’s always Naked Wanderings and Destination Clothes Free to research your future travels.
During our travels around the world we meet a lot of other nudists and what kind of surprised us was so often the question “Oh, is there a nudist resort in … ?”. Also on Naked Wanderings, after we published a review about this or that resort, visitors thank us for the tip because they had no idea the place existed. That sounded a bit strange to us, because if we had been able to find those places, others must too. On the other hand, researching nudist spots is pretty much the only thing we do all day, next to writing blog posts and chilling with our naked butt in the sun of course.
Clearly there was a need for a website where you have an overview of all nudist accommodations around the world, a place where people can search for the perfect destination for their next nakation. And just like that, the idea for NUDE was there!
What’s NUDE?
Of course we wanted to have a cool name, but also something meaningful. After several long nights infused with sometimes too much alcohol, we came up with the name NUDE.
“Meaningful”, you ask?
Most certainly, NUDE is short for Nudist’s Ultimate Destination Explorer. How about that?
“Meaningful”, you ask?
Most certainly, NUDE is short for Nudist’s Ultimate Destination Explorer. How about that?
A complete (or as complete as possible) overview of all nudist accommodations around the world was the basic idea, but we wanted something more. NUDE had to be a platform where the owners of nudist places and the travellers could find each other, inform each other and eventually work together to create amazing nakations.
What we needed was interaction.
From the traveler side our idea was pretty simple, in fact, it’s not even our own idea. We just used what Tripadvisor has been doing for so many years: The possibility to review a place. Because let’s face it, you can read a lot about a certain place on the internet and look at all the beautiful pictures, but the most valuable info often comes from someone like ourselves, a previous visitor. By reading about their experiences and by the tips and tricks they often give we know exactly which time of the year to go, which camping spot to choose and what to order from the restaurant’s menu.
Tripadvisor is the main resource for millions of travellers around the world, we want NUDE to become the main resource for those who like to travel with less clothes.
What we needed was interaction.
From the traveler side our idea was pretty simple, in fact, it’s not even our own idea. We just used what Tripadvisor has been doing for so many years: The possibility to review a place. Because let’s face it, you can read a lot about a certain place on the internet and look at all the beautiful pictures, but the most valuable info often comes from someone like ourselves, a previous visitor. By reading about their experiences and by the tips and tricks they often give we know exactly which time of the year to go, which camping spot to choose and what to order from the restaurant’s menu.
Tripadvisor is the main resource for millions of travellers around the world, we want NUDE to become the main resource for those who like to travel with less clothes.
On the other side, we wanted to give the owners of the nudist places full control over their page on NUDE. Not because we’re lazy (or maybe just a little), but because we believe that they are in the right position to provide an updated description of their place, they have loads of pictures and so on. By controlling their own page, they will also have the possibility to respond to reviews as the owner.
NUDE and You
What will NUDE do for you? Well, we’ve said it before, we want NUDE to become the place where you find the perfect place for you to get naked. But that works in both ways of course, because the heart of NUDE will be the reviews, we hope that you (and all our other visitors) take the time to write something about the places you’ve visited. Only then will we become what the name already says: the Nudist’s Ultimate Destination Explorer.
We can keep talking about how cool NUDE is and all the things you can do with it, but why not have a look for yourself?
You can go to the website by clicking one of the many words NUDE in this article or just by following the link: http://www.nudexplorer.com
Remember that researching a place is already a fun part of your nakation!
And while you’re at it, why not write a couple of reviews and help us getting this thing started?
You can go to the website by clicking one of the many words NUDE in this article or just by following the link: http://www.nudexplorer.com
Remember that researching a place is already a fun part of your nakation!
And while you’re at it, why not write a couple of reviews and help us getting this thing started?

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Love that
Great idea! I hope it takes off. Please consider adding nude beach info.
Interesting idea, i wish u all the best with it.
Very similar to https://spotnaked.com and https://naturistbnb.com
Very well noticed, but we try to differentiate from the others by providing an as complete as possible list of all kinds of nudist accommodations
Wish you all the luck,don’t forget the beaches
While scanning through the locations listed in NUDE, I came across an entry for Brujul Naturist Retreat, ‘located in Gateshead NSW’. This is definitely an error – The Brujul information advises that it is located in the Northern Territory in Australia, but Gateshead is a suburb of Lake Macquarie (near Newcastle) in NSW. The location map also identifies Gateshead NSW. The ‘nearby’ items seem to be correct to the Gateshead/Newcastle area, but Brujul is definitely incorrectly located. I would recommend that this listing be checked and corrected.
You’re absolutely right David. Brujul is located near Darwin.
There must have been some confusion with the postal address, this has now been updated.
Thanks for letting us know!