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The Naturist Talks: Cheri from the USA

As you may have read in the very first post of this blog, one of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.


Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two are probably just the strange kids in the block…” (nah, we know you’re not thinking that about us, but we’re trying to write an introduction here). So we decided to let other naturists have a word as well.


So please sit back and get inspired!


Meanwhile we already published several interviews with people from all over the world. You can find them in the The Naturist Talks section.
Today we’ll be listening to Cheri from the USA who founded the Travelites Nudist Retreat and Club almost 30 years ago.


Hello Cheri, tell us something about yourself

I live in Hopkins, South Carolina, which is southeast and adjacent to Columbia. I retired from working at a University for 16 years and prior to that worked in physicians’ offices. My husband and best friend for 23 years passed on 4 months ago in an auto accident in which my car was totaled, now I’m driving a 2013 Hyndai Tucson (a mid-size SUV).


I have 3 tabby cats and live on a few acres with a pool and hot tub. I grew up in New York, actually LI with a sister and 2 parents before they passed on. We were not wealthy and went to a public beach regularly.
My sister was also a skinny-dipper and spent a number of visits from FL enjoying the relaxation my hot tub offers. I didn’t have pets growing up, but now my family includes 3 cats: Cali, age 4; Cici age 2; and Uni, 10 months. I am not the Crazy Cat Lady, these are all rescues. All life is precious.

The Naturist Talks: Nudist Cheri from the USA

How and at what age did you become a naturist?

Growing up in Long Beach, LI, NY, I came to dislike sand as it often got trapped within the swimsuit. I always changed into a dry suit as soon as possible. I very disliked sleeping in a nightgown or pajamas as the nightclothes always were tangled up around me. Often times, I would toss them off and sleep much better.


Fast forward to my first experience with nude recreation.
I was vacationing at a resort in the Caribbean. The first two days were spent on the beach sitting in a soggy swimsuit and being chafed by sand. I signed up for a day boat trip and picnic at a beach on an island away from the resort. As we were leaving, I discovered that the excursion was to an island with a nude beach! I decided to go anyway, thinking no way was anybody getting me out of my suit. I stood firm, and in fact, was the last person to give in and shed my swimsuit – I was the last one to get dressed to return to the resort. Why hadn’t someone told me about this sooner? I was hooked, and that was over 30 years ago. The phrase, “nude when possible, clothed when practical,” definitely describes me. I do wear at least shoes when vacuuming the house though as I have a habit of running over my toes with the vacuum cleaner.


I admit that my first reaction was that this is something that was not an acceptable practice. I was unaware that there are national organizations and did not know anyone who could shed light on this relaxing way of life. The literature available today, some of which your significant other might have asked you to look over, tells it like it is. Everyone will tell you that once you have made your first visit, the feeling of apprehension will vanish. Until you experience a thing for yourself, words cannot tell you how you should feel or how you should act or react.


Some common fears of women with whom I have been in contact include being secretly worried that she wouldn’t be as attractive to her spouse as she had been, compared with all the beautiful figures she was sure must be there.
For the most part, there is a normal cross-section of the population. The solution for this particular lady was the security she felt in her relationship and that the relationship was based on more than just physical attractiveness.


Another fear is what sort of people will I meet. You will meet doctors, lawyers, clergymen and women, taxi drivers, accountants, secretaries, warehouse- men, waiters, school teachers, moms, dads, grandparents, teenagers, infants.
We are your neighbors, your friends.
It’s a wonderful feeling to meet entirely new people and enjoy new interests and activities. There is a peculiar thing you have to experience to believe, but there is a friendliness about nudists that you will generally not find in any other group. I have come to count our nudist friends among my closest. They seem to always be there for me, for us.

The Naturist Talks: Nudist Cheri from the USA

Is naturism allowed in your country and what’s the public opinion?

I started a non landed club almost 30 years ago. It has grown into Travelites Nudist Retreat and Club. Anything behind a privacy fence and cannot be seen from the public right of way. In the past 23 years of enjoying my chosen way to de-stress and relax, I had been a moderator on the Naturist Bulletin Board on Prodigy ISP for a number of years. I have documented a great number of people who became or compromised with their partner how or I spoke with them either via mail or because they have read my brochure (listed in the White Pages). I even explained it to our county’s Business License folk and have had a business license for my Retreat)


The first time I arrived in the Carolinas and visited a nudist park. My then husband and I sat in the hot tub and overheard a couple speaking of how they found clothes-free lives. My name came up as I was the one who talked to them on the Bulletin Boards on Prodigy. I introduced myself, and it became almost like a Family Reunion.


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Personally, I’ve never had a problem enjoying naturism. I want to enjoy my chosen way of living and not flaunt it.


I have spoken to our state’s legislative committees regarding nudism and have even testified at two trials. The judge in each case understood how naturism/nudism is the great human equalizer. While standing in line at the supermarket or anywhere. I might start chatting with someone near me especially in the summertime saying wouldn’t it be great to go skinny dipping since the weather is so hot.


We hate to divide people into groups, but we’ll do it anyway…
Do you consider yourself a naturist, a nudist or an occasional nudist?

I consider myself a nudist and use naturist as a synonym. I can sit on my back deck with a cup of coffee and listen to nature. I like swimming without a suit; I don’t like the feel of the material dragging me down or wrapping around my legs.


The Naturist Talks: Nudist Cheri from the USADo you find it easy to make naturist friends?

Naturists are probably the friendliest of any groups/sect you meet. I get along with everyone. We’ve had nudist friends who were in their 20s to well past retirement age. Age is just a number. I have probably spoken to a variety of people about different topics. I’ve learned from younger people about their generation, and they’ve learned from me.


Nudists are comprised of a cross-section of the population and consist of car buffs, horse breeders, farmers, post office employees, teachers, secretaries, police officers, nurses, physicians, dentists, your neighbors, your friends. We do not wear signs stating that we’re nudists, but my car does have decals around it.


What’s the best tip you have for beginning naturists?

Bring your own snacks and drinks, water, soda….whatever might be allowed at your destination. Some nudist venues do not allow outside food. Call ahead and ask. You don’t want to be seen as a parasite. Find out if you should bring your own chaise lounge or beach chair and umbrella.


Remember to sit on your own towel to protect you from the bench, grass, or sand and protect your surroundings from you. Splinters hurt. Wear sunscreen and comfortable shoes for walking on hot sand or pavement. Sandals or flip flops work well. You might also want to bring a hat or cap with a wide brim to keep your face from sunburn. The more often you are sunburned, the more chance of skin cancer.


Anything else you’d like to share with our audience?

My late husband and I met online where I was a moderator in 1991. We were friends posting publicly with an occasional email. I posted a note asking if anyone could pick me up at the Orlando airport for the AANR(one of the 2 national organizations in the US) convention that was to be held at a resort in Kissimmee. He was the first to respond. He understood I was unemployed at the time and said not to worry, we won’t starve.


He met me at the airport, we hugged and headed out to the resort. That evening we were sitting at picnic table till past 9:30 just talking. After a while we realized how late it was getting. Happily, he had brought his Coleman propane stove and cooked the best ever hamburgers. He walked me to my accommodations; we said goodnight.. The next morning we met for breakfast and the rest is history. Almost a year later, we returned to that Resort to get married. We were best friends for 23 years.


Thank you so much for your participation Cheri!

Do you also want to tell your story and experiences in naturism? Please get in touch via the CONTACT page! As long as we have people who like to contribute, we can keep The Naturist Talks running!

Naked Wanderings Live Q&A

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5 thoughts on “The Naturist Talks: Cheri from the USA”

  1. Great interview.Cheri is a great promoter of the naturist lifestyle.The movement needs more like her to keep this great lifestyle going for future generations.

  2. I am a person who lived in Oceanside, NY in the early 1980’s. I have always loved being naked and have slept most of my life in the nude. One day I heard there was a beach in Queen’s that people went nude. So one day I decided to try it. Got there and stripped,thought everyone was watching me. Got news for you no one was watching. After
    a couple of years they closed the beach for undies. So I went to Fire Island Rober Moses
    State Park, where I met some very nice friends, all nudies.
    Simmce them
    I have been to many resorts and beaches in the Caribbean. I am 90 years young and love getting my buns tan. Nudism has nonsgenlimits renmebernthst

  3. Do you have signs on your property making people aware they could encounter nudity? What do you do when an unexpected guest arrives?


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