As you may have read in the very first post of this blog, one of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.
Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two are probably just the strange kids in the block…” (nah, we know you’re not thinking that about us, but we’re trying to write an introduction here). So we decided to let other naturists have a word as well.
So please sit back and get inspired!
Meanwhile, we already published several interviews with people from all over the world. You can find them in the The Naturist Talks section.
Today we’re interviewing George, 66 from the USA.
Hello George, tell us something about yourself
I am retired from a career in higher education. Since retiring I have taken up photography and modeling for life drawing classes.
I’m married to a non-nudist wife. We live in California with our two cats and one dog.
I’m married to a non-nudist wife. We live in California with our two cats and one dog.
How and at what age did you become a naturist?
I was not raised in a naturist family but my father seldom wore more than boxer shorts at home. By the time I was 12 or 13 I too wore nothing more than boxers or briefs at home. My first experiences with naturism took place in college when some friends and I went to the local spot for skinny dipping.I took to being naked in nature like a duck to water. I also began going naked in my dorm at that time.
I enjoyed the freedom of expression being naked allowed and also enjoyed being around other naked people.
I enjoyed the freedom of expression being naked allowed and also enjoyed being around other naked people.
Is naturism allowed in your country and what’s the public opinion?
I live in the US. There are, as far as I know, clothing-optional spas and resorts in all 50 states as well as unofficial clothing-optional beaches and hot springs. California, where I live, is more open to public nudity than most other places. San Francisco even allows public nudity in certain places and during certain events.
I have walked, marched or sunbathed nude in the city on many occasions. That said, I would still say that naturism is still not widely understood, or accepted by the general public.
I have walked, marched or sunbathed nude in the city on many occasions. That said, I would still say that naturism is still not widely understood, or accepted by the general public.
What do you think is the best and worst thing about naturism?
I like most the feeling of connection I experience when in the company of other naked people.
I like least the fact that naturism is still not widely accepted by the general populace, which means that it requires some effort to find places to go to be naked.
I like least the fact that naturism is still not widely accepted by the general populace, which means that it requires some effort to find places to go to be naked.
Do you find it easy to make naturist friends?
Yes, I find it extremely difficult to find naturist friends in the place that I live, Fresno California. It is a much more conservative area than San Francisco or Los Angeles.
What’s the best tip you have for beginning naturists?
Just relax and enjoy the feeling of the sun, the wind and the rain caressing your naked flesh.
Anything else you’d like to share with our audience?
When I lived in New Mexico, my girlfriend and I used to go to a mountain lake to enjoy being nude in nature. The lake was about a 30 minute hike from where we had to park our car and a 2,5 hour drive from where we lived. At that time we were driving an open Jeep with no roof or side windows just a wind shield.
On one occasion we finished our swim and discovered that someone had come along and taken our clothes. We had to hike totally naked 30 minutes back to out Jeep and begin our drive back home.
About an hour into the trip we realized we did not have enough gas to make it home. We had no choice but to stop and refuel. Needless to say we got quite a few looks at the gas station as my girlfriend filled the tank at natural while I cleaned the windshield and put air in the tires butt and balls to the wind.
About an hour into the trip we realized we did not have enough gas to make it home. We had no choice but to stop and refuel. Needless to say we got quite a few looks at the gas station as my girlfriend filled the tank at natural while I cleaned the windshield and put air in the tires butt and balls to the wind.
Thank you so much for your participation George!
SIDE NOTE: George would like to make new naturist friends. Feel free to get in touch with him via e-mail:[email protected]
Do you also want to tell your story and experiences in naturism? Please get in touch via the CONTACT page! As long as we have people who like to contribute, we can keep The Naturist Talks running!

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Why are your photos borderline provacative? Is your blog about nudism, or exposing yourself?
Sorry, but what do you mean with “borderline provocative”?
Agreed 100%. Your photos are always focused on the genitals of the person and are unnecessary.
This is no nudist blog.
We’re sorry you feel that way Eric and we would like to know which photos you mean exactly. Please let us know.
The first and second photo. The first one he just happens to be laying down with his legs spread so you can get a better view of his penis. The second photo is posed where you get a view of his scrotum and anus. It’s unnecessary and obviously staged.
If the photos were more natural (him just walking in his garden, or hanging out at the campsite) then it would be fine. I’m not saying you can’t shouldn’t show a penis, or a vagina…it’s a nudist website and I would expect to see that. However the genitals shouldn’t be the focus of the picture.
We’re sorry we feel that way Eric, but we don’t share your opinion. Even though we let the participants of our Naturist Talks interviews chose which photos they want to get published with the article, we have the final choice and we won’t publish photos that focus on genitals. And these photos passed our selection perfectly.
We are not going to argue on the fact whether a photo is staged or not, because let’s face it, most of the photos people take of themselves are more or less staged. But these photos seem very natural to us. Both photos you mention (someone sunbathing with his legs spread and someone setting up a tent) are scenes we’ve seen more than often on nudist campgrounds.
In any case, we stand behind all photos that George has sent in and we don’t think that they are provocative at all.
I see nothing wrong with the photos being used on the site. Nudity means that everything is exposed and there is nothing to hide and that means seeing genitals. Sometimes we (M&F) get aroused. That is natural and, while it is a bit more obvious for us men, it is dealt with in a mature manner.
I never said genitals shouldn’t be seen. I’ve been a nudist for 30+ years and seen thousands of nude people so I’m not offended by it. The photos here are staged to be provocative by purposely putting focus on the genitals. That is not what nudism is about.
Arousal is natural and it can happen. If you are in a nudist setting, as long as you cover up or roll over on your stomach (if you are a man) to hide your erection until it goes away then fine. Walk around with your erection hanging out will get you tossed out of most nudist clubs.
My observation is that we, here in the U.S., have become more shy since the late 1970s, in regards to nudity and in fashion.
In the halter top days, halters were treated as one of the braless styles. Now, they are commonly worn with a bra (kind of like a swimsuit over a t-shirt), with another top worn over it. Women are often not as comfortable even showing a conventional top. Will wear something over it, and pull it more closed if they pass someone.
Nudity may have had it’s peak in the 1970s (swingers also). I went, as part of a couple, to a couple of nudist resorts near 1990. We were in our late 30s, and were welcomed warmly by regular members of the resort. We were among the youngest people there, so I think that it was refreshing to others to see us there.