Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that started in Europe but is now expanding towards the whole world. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences.
Our guest for today is Georgina from the UK, who will tell us everything about her naturist lifestyle and experiences.
Our guest for today is Georgina from the UK, who will tell us everything about her naturist lifestyle and experiences.
Hello Georgina, tell us something about yourself
My name is Georgina and I’m 39 years old. I have two children, a boy and a girl. I’m a photographer of weddings and portraits. I live in Lincolnshire, UK.
How and at what age did you become a naturist?
I was 37 when I discovered naturism. A new relationship led me to research it because he was a naturist. I knew nothing at all about it and after he mentioned it and showed me pictures from events he had been to I got curious. I found a naturist spa meet an hour’s drive away and booked myself and my boyfriend on it. I didn’t tell him until I had booked us on it. He didn’t think I would be interested because of my body insecurities and I too didn’t know if I could go ahead and attend but I wanted to experience it and see what it was all about.
We attended along with around 20 other people. All ages and sizes. I was extremely nervous but within 5 minutes of being there and being naked I forgot about my insecurities and started to relax. I enjoyed the evening, we went in the sauna, the steam room, the Jacuzzi and sat talking to the other attendees while enjoying a drink and something to eat. I came away from that event feeling more at ease with myself than I ever had done before and I realised I wanted to attend more events. Since then we have attended nudestock organised by British Naturism, other spas and swims and beaches. We also went to waterworld, an annual event organised by British Naturism.
Is naturism allowed in your country and what’s the public opinion?
I live in the UK and I believe there are a few naturist beaches around and some naturist organisations. Everything we have attended though has been a private function within a private setting. I’m not really sure what the law is with regards to naturism. It’s not something I do on a daily basis. I am happy to attend organised events.
What do you think is the best and worst thing about naturism?
I love that it doesn’t matter what shape or size you are. Having struggled for years with my weight and now having had 2 children, I have wobbly bits and I’m not slim. It wasn’t until I discovered naturism that I accepted my body for what it is. There’s nothing wrong with it and naturism allows me to be free from feeling like I don’t belong. The one thing I have noticed about naturism is that it appears to be male dominated. It would be nice to see a more equal male/female ratio.
Do you find it easy to make naturist friends?
We don’t have any naturist friends. Our family and friends know we attend naturist events but none of them are willing to try it. As we attend as a couple we do chat with the other people there but we travel to events as we don’t really have anything local to us so making friends in the sense of seeing them regularly and outside of naturist events has proved difficult.
What’s the best tip you have for beginning naturists?
Don’t be scared. Attend an organised event by a recognised organisation. Do your research.
Anything else you’d like to share with our audience?
I’d never even been topless on a beach before I discovered naturism. My body insecurities had always held me back. The love and support of my boyfriend changed my mindset and gave me the courage to try it. I’m so pleased I did. I am a completely different person now to what I was a few years ago. Naturism has changed my opinion of myself and for that I am thankful.
Thank you so much for your participation Georgina!
Do you also want to tell your story and experiences in naturism? Please get in touch via the CONTACT page! As long as we have people who like to contribute, we can keep The Naturist Talks running!

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Enjoy. Sports, relaxation, beaches etc are far better enjoyed unencumbered
Outdoor naturism is totally legal in UK – British Naturism has obtained the consent of the College of Policing and CPS see which you can print out!
Live in Pasco County, Florida, the nudist capital of the Americas. Home of 12 nudist resorts and one private nudist pool. Mine. RSVP. Rusty