Do we really consider nudity as normal?

Do We Really Consider Nudity as Normal?

We are nudists. Or naturists if you will. Or just people who enjoy being nude outside of the bedroom and bathroom. Alone or in the presence of others. And this habit of ours has absolutely nothing to do with sex or some kind of fetish. We just enjoy being nude.   This is how we often describe our lifestyle to others who don’t know anything about it. We don’t really care about how they call … Read more

The Joy of Living Nude

The Joy of Living Nude

If we had to describe our lives and what we do, we would call ourselves full-time nudist travelers. Or maybe something more poetic like naked wanderers, nude nomads, clothes-free vagabonds, or bare tramps. If you’d be planning to start a blog about nudist traveling too, those are already some great ideas for your blog’s name.   Anyway, that’s what we do. We live a nomadic lifestyle, constantly wandering from one nudist place to another. Well, … Read more

The weird principle of the separate nude beach

The weird principle of the separate nude beach

We have been to some absolutely splendid nude beaches during our travels. An all-time favorite of ours is the free beach of Zipolite. “Free” in the sense that you’re allowed to wear whatever you wish. Bathing suit, batman suit or birthday suit, nobody cares at all. Another one that’s definitely in our Top 3 of amazing nude beaches can be found in Tayrona National Park in Colombia. The hike to the nude beach takes no … Read more

Naturism as a way of living

Naturism as a Way of Living

Whenever we tell people that we’re bloggers and they ask what exactly we blog about, we answer something like “naturism, you know, naked people”. It’s the easiest way to describe it. Everyone knows immediately what we’re talking about. There’s no confusion with naturalism or biology. We’re not considered bird watchers or tree talkers. We are the naked people.   Although it’s a great way to point out who we’re talking about, it’s definitely not a … Read more

Why We've Spent the Last 4 Years Promoting Naturism

Why We’ve Spent the Last 4 Years Promoting Naturism

Last month, Naked Wanderings turned 4 years old. Our blog isn’t a baby anymore. It’s not even “just” a blog anymore. It has grown to a resource of ideas, thoughts, and information about naturism and nude vacations. For the last 4 years, we have dedicated a significant part of our lives to the promotion of naturism. Today, it feels so natural. It’s what we do, we’re always searching for new naturist spots, new insights, and … Read more

How naturism helped us to get more out of our travels

How Naturism Helped us to Get More Out of Our Travels

Naked Wanderings originated from the combination of our passion for travel and our passion for naturism. Which is not a weird mix, lots of naturist places around the world are vacation destinations. And many naturists prefer to spend their holidays clothes-free. This was how we felt as well. We wanted to explore the world, but we also wanted to fully enjoy our naturist way of living. It wasn’t all too hard to come up with … Read more

10 Health Benefits of Naturist Camping

10 Health Benefits of Naturist Camping

We love camping in the buff. Camping on itself is already a great pastime, and we feel that doing so without clothes really adds a lot to the experience. Think about why you like camping. Because you like spending time in nature? Well, there’s probably no better way to connect with nature when there are no textile boundaries between yourself and the outdoors. Do you like spending your days in the campground’s swimming pool? Nothing … Read more

What Will Naturist Vacations Look Like in 2021

What Will Naturist Vacations Look Like in 2021?

For avid travelers like ourselves, 2020 was the weirdest year ever. We had gotten so used to being able to hop on a bus, train, plane, uber, or rickshaw and end up at another spot on this world. Then suddenly, it stopped. Conversations about traveling were flooded with new terms like “staycation”, “red zone”, and “quarantine”.   At first, we never thought that the virus would make it outside of Asia. Then we figured that … Read more

Naturist Resort Sessions: Barefeet Naturist Resort

Naturist Resort Sessions: Barefeet Naturist Resort in Thailand

Naturist Resort Sessions: Barefeet Naturist Resort in Thailand About On Naked Wanderings, we often talk about naturist resorts from the perspective of the guest. With the Naturist Resort Sessions, we want to show you the side of the owner(s). In this session, we talk with Dao and Gregers, the owners of Barefeet Naturist Resort in Bangkok, Thailand. We want to learn why they decided to open a naturist resort, how naturism is experienced in Thailand, … Read more

Everybody Naked: Can Naturism become a Trend?

Everybody Naked: Can Naturism become a Trend?

What’s a trend? It’s basically something that suddenly becomes very popular. Pokemon was a trend, so were the iPod and platform shoes. Fashion knows new trends several times per year, which dictate the colors and shapes of the clothes that you find in the popular stores. In haircuts, you can find a lot of trends too. Even in haircuts down below. Are you shaven? That’s a trend. You’re au naturel? That is a trend too. … Read more