How to Have a Safe Naturist Road Trip during COVID-19

How to Have a Safe Naturist Road Trip during COVID-19

Meanwhile, we’re almost two weeks far in our Big Nude French Road Trip. The main reason why we decided to go on this naturist camping tour was of course COVID-19. We wanted the flexibility of traveling with our own transportation. Not having to rely on trains or planes, which can get canceled any minute. Camping also seemed like the safest option. We would be able to bring our own gear, sleep in our own tent, … Read more

Nude Vacations in Italy: A Naturist Road Trip

Nude Vacations in Italy: A Naturist Road Trip

Italy is often considered the world’s capital of Christianity. It’s where Vatican City is located and where the Pope lives. This hasn’t exactly been an advantage when it comes to social nudity. While topless sunbathing on the beach was pretty common in many Western European countries since the sixties or seventies, it has only become legal in Italy in the year 2000. Prior to 2006, full nudity at Italian beaches was prohibited by law and … Read more

How to tell your significant other?

We can consider ourselves lucky about this as we’ve discovered nudism together and we both enjoyed it equally. (if you want to know how, seeΒ here and here) But what if you’re already a nudist and your significant other isn’t? Or you’ve been wanting to give it a shot but you don’t know how to tell him/her?   The key to failure You know the saying “Throwing a kid into the water is the best way … Read more

Review: Kalokeri Villas in Messenia, Greece

Update September 2019: We lost contact with Kalokeri Villas and because their website is down we think that they stopped their business.   When you travel for a long time you sometimes get the feeling that you’ve seen it all. How you experience your 27th naturist campsite is not the same as for your first one. The location is different and so are the people, there’s a difference in the politeness of the staff and … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Peter from Canada

One of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two … Read more

Naked in a Tent in Canada

Naked in a Tent in Canada

Some people said that we were crazy when we told them about our plans to embark on a month-long tent camping trip in Canada. Especially our friends in Mexico, whom we waved goodbye to just before boarding a plane up north. They happened to be Canadians too, but had left their home country more than a decade ago to escape the cold. We had just been enjoying several weeks of warm Mexican weather together in … Read more

Nudist Blogs You Really want to Follow in 2020

Online Events

Upcoming Events Live Q&A – April 27th, 2022 Past Events Click the events to watch the replay Live Q&A – January 16th, 2022 FREE EVENT Simply Naked: Episode 3 FREE EVENT Naturist Resort Sessions: Barefeet Naturist Resort FREE EVENT Simply Naked: Episode 2 FREE EVENT Naturist Resort Sessions: Quinta do Maral Naturist Resort Sessions: Arroyo del Sol Naturist Resort Sessions: Grottamiranda Naturist Resort Sessions: Lavinia Naturist Resort Simply Naked Naturist Resort Sessions: Vassaliki Bare Brilliance … Read more

How to Have a Safe Naturist Road Trip during COVID-19

How did COVID influence naturism

Next month, it will be three years since COVID was first discovered. Can you imagine? Three years! How much has happened since then? Who would have guessed that this little bugger would turn our lives upside down and back. We still haven’t gotten rid of it, and as things seem now, maybe we never will. But if there’s one thing that humans are good at, it’s adapting to new circumstances. We just found ways to … Read more

Will naturism grow during the lockdowns?

Will Naturism Grow During the Lockdowns?

There are lots of opinions about the where and when of the coronavirus lately. But nobody knows what’s really going to happen. Meanwhile, we’ve figured out that it is not something seasonal that the first warm April winds will blow away. More and more we realize that the virus is here to stay for quite some time to come. Can we live together with the virus? Preferably a life in which we can visit our … Read more

Goodbye to the Lost Year, welcome 2021!

Goodbye to the Lost Year, Welcome 2021!

Be careful what you wish for, they said. Maybe we should have listened. If you asked us around this time last year what we hoped for 2020, we probably said something like “unique experiences and meeting interesting people”. And that was exactly what we got. Unfortunately, a global pandemic was not the kind of experience we had in mind. Neither were virologists the kind of people we were looking forward to meeting. At least not … Read more