Our Naked Identity

Our Naked Identity

Cypress Cove in Florida, one of the USA’s most popular nudist resorts, recently appeared in a new Netflix series called Worn Stories. Something we very much applauded, even before having seen the episode. Every time that naturism appears in mainstream media, it’s a step forward to normalizing nudity. It’s yet another time that our voices are heard and that people get to see what naturists do and what they look like.   But naturism in … Read more

(Y)our first time naked in public

(Y)our first time naked in public

How many people have seen you naked already? Maybe a handful of previous partners? Maybe some close friends or family members? Maybe nobody at all? In our case, that would be many thousands. Maybe hundreds of thousands. We didn’t really keep track.   Does that idea sound daunting to you? It definitely did to us, the first time we were about to enter a place where “naked” was the official dress code. From the number … Read more

Naturism as a Business Model

Naturism as a Business Model

The other day, we took part in an interesting Twitter conversation (if we had a dollar for every time that happens) about whether or not naturism should become more commercial and whether there is a need for naturist business models. Will it improve naturism as we know it? Or will it backfire and take down the whole non-profit concept on which naturism was initially built? Will fully embracing capitalism be the next step towards normalizing … Read more

Are we making a joke of ourselves?

Are we making a joke of ourselves?

Our friend and colleague blogger, The Meandering Naturist, decided some months ago to take a break from blogging. A pity, if you ask us, as this blog has numerous times been an inspiration for our own blog posts. Luckily, Dan’s writings don’t come with an expiration date and continue to influence our own thoughts and ideas.   Like the other day, when we stumbled upon this short article about the 5 funniest names of nudist … Read more

Improve your body acceptance by going nude

You’re probably thinking “they must be joking” right? All your life you’ve been spending thousands of hours and dollars picking clothes that make you look thinner, hats that make you look larger, make-up to hide the wrinkles and jewellery to distract the attention from all the rest. Who knows, maybe you’ve even been to a doctor to have this or that corrected. And now Nick and Lins are telling you to leave all that behind… … Read more

The Naked Selfie Issue

Exhibitionism has existed for ages, in many different forms. Every village had its local looney who loved to drop his pants whenever a woman passed by. And even the not so loonies have regretted the times when they pulled out their business in the bar after drinking too many shots of tequila. Those things happened and more often than not they didn’t harm anyone and neither was there any serious harm intended. Today, exhibitionism has … Read more

9 Tips for First Time Naturist Women

Sorry guys, this is one for the naturist women. But that doesn’t particularly mean that you have to stop reading here, some of the tips we’ll be giving can certainly be applied to both genders. The reason why we decided to write this piece is because we do receive a lot of questions from our female readers who are curious about the nudist lifestyle but have several doubts about what to expect, how to take … Read more

9 Tips for the First Time Naturist Men

Last week we’ve written this whole article about the first steps into nudism for women. With the whole cultural background thing it is a fact that these steps are often considered more difficult to make if you’re a woman, but men have their issues too. Yes, in highschool we did shower together with twenty of other teenagers, but those days are long gone. For years and years we’ve rarely seen another human being naked if … Read more

Why psychiatrists should subscribe more nakations

Why psychiatrists should prescribe more nakations

Quite a while ago, a lady we had met at a naturist resort in Thailand told us this story about how her friend was advised by a psychiatrist to give nudism a try. The friend had severe body issues and months of therapy provided of little help. She had been a victim of body shaming and the ideas that everyone was prettier than herself had nestled in her head. In such a strong way that … Read more

How Voyeurism and Exhibitionism fit into Nudism. Or Not.

How Voyeurism and Exhibitionism fit into Nudism. Or Not.

The other day we came upon a year old blog post by Dan Carlson, a.k.a. the Meandering Naturist, about naturism and exhibitionism. Since Dan’s blog posts are often thought provoking, we can rarely resist to share our own thoughts on the subject in a comment. One which often competes in size with the actual post. It wasn’t any different with this one about naturism and exhibitionism, but then we figured that we could as well … Read more