Why we Choose to Get Naked (and Why Not)

Why we Choose to Get Naked (and Why Not)

Here in Benidorm, a beach town in Spain where we are staying at the moment, we are about 5 blocks away from a beautiful long and sandy beach. Yet, we barely spend any time on this beach. Instead, we take long walks or take public transport to get to nude beaches in the region, which are smaller and often less comfortable. Do we really hate clothes that much?   Not exactly. We don’t mind clothes. … Read more

8 Fun Things That You can do at a Naturist Resort

8 Fun Things That You can do at a Naturist Resort

When we talk with people about being a naturist, we notice that a common misunderstanding is that naturism is pretty boring. We understand how they come to this conclusion. On the rare occasions that naturism is featured in the news or a mainstream documentary, you’re likely to see some naked people doing not much more than lazing around the pool, half asleep on the beach, or sitting together for a chat.   It’s also how … Read more

Naked Wanderings 2.0

Naked Wanderings 2.0

While certain changes of plans are not uncommon when you’re living a traveling life like ours, the last 15 months have been by far the strangest ones of our lives. Absolutely nothing went according to plan. We had to escape Cuba just hours before the island would close its borders, then we got stuck in Mexico for three months, then things got a bit better and we went on a camping trip through France, but … Read more

Our Naked Identity

Our Naked Identity

Cypress Cove in Florida, one of the USA’s most popular nudist resorts, recently appeared in a new Netflix series called Worn Stories. Something we very much applauded, even before having seen the episode. Every time that naturism appears in mainstream media, it’s a step forward to normalizing nudity. It’s yet another time that our voices are heard and that people get to see what naturists do and what they look like.   But naturism in … Read more

(Y)our first time naked in public

(Y)our first time naked in public

How many people have seen you naked already? Maybe a handful of previous partners? Maybe some close friends or family members? Maybe nobody at all? In our case, that would be many thousands. Maybe hundreds of thousands. We didn’t really keep track.   Does that idea sound daunting to you? It definitely did to us, the first time we were about to enter a place where “naked” was the official dress code. From the number … Read more

Are we making a joke of ourselves?

Are we making a joke of ourselves?

Our friend and colleague blogger, The Meandering Naturist, decided some months ago to take a break from blogging. A pity, if you ask us, as this blog has numerous times been an inspiration for our own blog posts. Luckily, Dan’s writings don’t come with an expiration date and continue to influence our own thoughts and ideas.   Like the other day, when we stumbled upon this short article about the 5 funniest names of nudist … Read more

The virtual Nudist

With the uprise of the internet almost all facets of life have moved to the online world, and the nudie life is not an exception. But what can you expect from online nudism? Is it worth it? Is it safe? We’ll try to give you a couple of answers.   It is important that we make the difference between passive online nudism and active online nudism. With passive online nudism we mean using the internet … Read more

Our First Naked Pilates Class

We are promoters of the naturist lifestyle. All of you who have visited our website before already know that. We think that getting naked and enjoying social nudity has a lot to do with getting out of your comfort zone, especially in the beginning. It’s often pretty difficult to explain to someone how comfortable your non-comfort zone can actually be. Getting out of it is a bit difficult at the beginning and does require a … Read more

The Naturist Talks: David from Belgium

As you may have read in the very first post of this blog, one of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own … Read more

How to mess up your body confidence with your new phone

We’re not going to make a big deal of it, we are Apple people. We both have iPhones and we love them. But Nick’s phone started to annoy us recently, it got incredibly slow and it requires a recharge at least twice a day in order to get through all the new social media posts. So the question rose: “Shouldn’t we get a new one?” We are in Asia, this is where smartphones are born. … Read more