How to make nudist friends

How to Make Nudist Friends

Let’s start with saying what this blog post will not be about: online nudist friend finders. Some of these are certainly a good place to get in touch with other nudists, where you can chat about your life as a nudist and where you can share your nude vacation photos. Much better though is making new nudist friends in real life. And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today.   Especially for beginning … Read more

Do we really consider nudity as normal?

Do We Really Consider Nudity as Normal?

We are nudists. Or naturists if you will. Or just people who enjoy being nude outside of the bedroom and bathroom. Alone or in the presence of others. And this habit of ours has absolutely nothing to do with sex or some kind of fetish. We just enjoy being nude.   This is how we often describe our lifestyle to others who don’t know anything about it. We don’t really care about how they call … Read more

Musings about the Why in Social Nudity

Musings about the WHY in Social Nudity

Many of our blog posts are inspired by Twitter conversations, and this one isn’t any different. It all started when Hector Martinez asked the question “What are the biggest problems naturism faces in 2021?“, to which we responded that the current terminology of “naturism” and “nudism” (and in some regions “FKK”) doesn’t cover the whole scope of social nudity anymore.   It used to be pretty simple. If you believed in the ethical side of … Read more

Naturist Resort Sessions: Barefeet Naturist Resort

Naturist Resort Sessions: Barefeet Naturist Resort in Thailand

Naturist Resort Sessions: Barefeet Naturist Resort in Thailand About On Naked Wanderings, we often talk about naturist resorts from the perspective of the guest. With the Naturist Resort Sessions, we want to show you the side of the owner(s). In this session, we talk with Dao and Gregers, the owners of Barefeet Naturist Resort in Bangkok, Thailand. We want to learn why they decided to open a naturist resort, how naturism is experienced in Thailand, … Read more

How To Have the Best Nude Vacation Ever

How To Have the Best Nude Vacation Ever

The world counts more than 1000 different nudist vacation places. FKK campings, naturist B&B’s, nudist hotels, nude all-in resorts, bungalows, country houses, you name it. Never before has the choice for a nude vacation been so large as it is today. Hooray! This is also the reason why we get so many messages from our readers asking for the perfect nudist place. Like “hey, what’s the best nudist place you’ve ever been to?”. Which happens … Read more

The Truth About Nudism and Sex

The Truth About Nudism and Sex

It’s probably one of the most discussed items about nudism: Where comes the sexual aspect in the picture? Nudists keep saying that their lifestyle is non-sexual, but how does that really work? Are they really not attracted to other naked people? Don’t they get excited by seeing all that nudity? If nudism is such a non-sexual thing, are nudists having any sex at all? At the very beginning of Naked Wanderings we already tackled this … Read more

Normalizing Nudity, What are the Next Steps?

Normalizing Nudity, What are the Next Steps?

After 4 years of Naked Wanderings, we like to think back to how it all started. How we had this crazy idea to quit our jobs and start traveling the world in search of naturist places. How we decided to be completely open about our naturist life and share every aspect of it on this blog and social media. How scary it was the first time that we appeared butt naked in a newspaper and … Read more

What kind of Naturist Traveler are You?

What kind of Naturist Traveler are You?

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to naturist holidays. Although it sometimes still looks like we’re trying to achieve that. Until not too long ago, the organization of many naturist resorts looked pretty much the same. They had the same facilities, the same kinds of accommodations (campsites basically), and organized the same activities.   When someone started a new resort, most of the time they would just copy the blueprint of an existing one. … Read more

Why does the naturist get dressed for dinner?

Why Does the Naturist Get Dressed for Dinner?

During one of our first naturist camping experiences, we were invited for a communal dinner. This is pretty common at naturist resorts. Sometimes it’s a kind of potluck where everyone brings something, other times one of the guests or the staff cooks the meal and you just pay for it. In any case, it’s always a great opportunity to meet the other visitors of the resort and often a very social experience.   We didn’t … Read more

Our Naturist Road Trip through Southwestern France of 2021

Our Naturist Road Trip through Southwestern France of 2021

The European summer is already a couple of months behind us, and we’ve visited so many places that it took until today to publish an overview of the last part of our summer journey. But what a part. A road trip through the southwest of France, from the Atlantic coast to the foot of the Pyrennees mountains. Along the way, we visited 6 naturist resorts. All very different and yet so very alike.   Before … Read more