Review: Athena in Ossendrecht, The Netherlands

Review: Athena in Ossendrecht, The Netherlands

The other day we were looking at our Nakation map and started counting the countries in which we have stayed at naturist camping and resorts (yeah, we do that from time to time and we have to admit that it does fill us with some pride). Thirteen! We have stayed at naturist spots in thirteen different countries, spread over four different continents. Pretty cool, right?   And then we noticed a blank spot: Belgium. Our … Read more

Naturism with a Disability

Naturism with a Disability

When we were recently talking about Naked Wanderings and all the places we have visited over the years, we were approached by a woman with a physical disability. She could still walk, albeit not very far and on not too rough terrain. Her wheelchair took her to most places but also required at least a bit of a flat underground. The gravel roads of the naturist resort where we were staying at the moment were … Read more

The Joy of Living Nude

The Joy of Living Nude

If we had to describe our lives and what we do, we would call ourselves full-time nudist travelers. Or maybe something more poetic like naked wanderers, nude nomads, clothes-free vagabonds, or bare tramps. If you’d be planning to start a blog about nudist traveling too, those are already some great ideas for your blog’s name.   Anyway, that’s what we do. We live a nomadic lifestyle, constantly wandering from one nudist place to another. Well, … Read more

10 Cool nude events for the summer

Spring is about to come to town, which is the perfect timing to start dreaming about the summer. What are your plans for this year? Camping in Croatia? Some beautiful resorts in Greece? Or maybe somewhere a bit further like Bangkok for example? All wonderful ideas and great plans for a great nude summer holiday! But if you want to do something really extraordinary this year, why not visit a nude festival, a great skinny … Read more

10 Biggest Fears of a Beginning Nudist and how to Overcome Them

10 Biggest Fears of a Beginning Nudist and how to Overcome Them

Nudism is probably one of the easiest lifestyles to get started with. You don’t need any particular skills, there’s no minimum or maximum age and you don’t need to be in a particular shape. Neither does nudism come with a specific diet and it only takes as much of your time as you’re willing to spend. Becoming a nudist literally only takes seconds. The time needed to take off your clothes. SAY WHAT? Take off … Read more

Is it ok for nudists to sell their nude pictures?

Is it ok for nudists to sell their nude pictures?

Our life as nudist bloggers is pretty awesome. The pictures on our Instagram account and the stories on this website don’t lie. During the last 2.5 years, our continuous travels have taken us to some of the most amazing places in the world. We’ve visited naturist villages in France, hiked nude in the Californian desert, went on a nude sailing trip on Lake Ontario, got naked with a bunch of fun Brazilians in the Amazon … Read more

Why does the naturist get dressed for dinner?

Why Does the Naturist Get Dressed for Dinner?

During one of our first naturist camping experiences, we were invited for a communal dinner. This is pretty common at naturist resorts. Sometimes it’s a kind of potluck where everyone brings something, other times one of the guests or the staff cooks the meal and you just pay for it. In any case, it’s always a great opportunity to meet the other visitors of the resort and often a very social experience.   We didn’t … Read more

Why Social Nudity has Never Been Bigger than Today

Why Social Nudity is Larger than Ever

Is the end of naturism showing up on the horizon? Are we all becoming more prude than ever before? Are drones, smartphones, TikTok, and Instagram forcing our youth to put on another layer of clothing rather than take one off? Will new technology make sure that soon babies are born wearing pyjamas? Well, it is according to this article (except for the pyjama baby, we just made that up) and it’s the biggest bullshit we … Read more

Why a Nude Vacation is a Great New Experience

Why a Nude Vacation is a Great New Experience

During the height of the COVID pandemic, nude vacations have seen significant growth. The reason was pretty obvious. People were looking for safe spaces to travel to, preferably somewhere in nature, where social distancing can easily be practiced, and where you can bring your own accommodation, food, and utensils. This is pretty much the definition of an everyday naturist campground. The fact that they would also have to leave the bathing suit at home was … Read more

How To Have A Great Time At A Naturist Camping

How To Have A Great Time At A Naturist Campsite

Spending your summer holiday at a naturist campsite does not always sound like the most fun. Unless you’re way in your eighties or your idea of the perfect getaway is spending days in a row singing songs at a bonfire without having electricity, let alone wifi (the horror!). In many parts of the world, and then we’re pointing specifically towards you, Europe and the United States, above is indeed still the general opinion. We carry … Read more