Naturism in an Arab Bath in Andalucia - Baños de Elvira

Naturism in an Arab Bath in Andalucia

It was a sunny day with not a cloud in the sky when we arrived in the beautiful Andalucian city Granada. Don’t you like it when a blog post starts like that? But wait. It was late January and Granada is in the mountains. A clear sky doesn’t mean much in such a context. This was exactly what we found out when we got off the bus and immediately dove into our luggage to search … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Nick from the USA

The Naturist Talks: Nick from the USA

Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that we try to enjoy as much as possible. In as many places as possible. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while, we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences. Via this Naturist Talks interview series, we listen to naturists from all over the world. They share their experiences, tips and stories … Read more

A New Way of Clothes-Free Camping

A New Way of Clothes-Free Camping

Before we started our Naked Wanderings journey, we once took a gap year to go backpacking around Latin America. Thinking back of it now, the way we used to travel couldn’t have been more different than it is today. And not just because we wore clothes at the time.   Back in the day, we didn’t have apps or international sim cards. When we arrived at a new destination, we had to figure out how … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Rex from the USA

As you may have read in the very first post of this blog, one of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own … Read more

INF World Congress in Lisbon 2018

That time at the INF World Congress

More than often we have been aiming our arrows towards the INF-FNI (International Naturist Federation), we complained about their inability to modernise and worried about whether one day it will all fall apart. Most of all we wondered what they are actually doing for the naturists or naturism in general. Over the years we’ve sent them several e-mails to which we never received a response and so we just criticised them a little more. As … Read more

Why we use censorship on Naked Wanderings

Why we use censorship on Naked Wanderings

This is probably the number one question that we are being asked (with “How do you make money?” as a close second, but that’s for another blog post). Some propose their own opinions. Are we prudes? Are we not really naturists? Are we posers who are just looking for quick fame on the internet? Are we keeping the juicy stuff to put behind a paywall?   Truth to be said, as Naked Wanderings evolved over … Read more

How to tell your significant other?

We can consider ourselves lucky about this as we’ve discovered nudism together and we both enjoyed it equally. (if you want to know how, see here and here) But what if you’re already a nudist and your significant other isn’t? Or you’ve been wanting to give it a shot but you don’t know how to tell him/her?   The key to failure You know the saying “Throwing a kid into the water is the best way … Read more

Review: Kalokeri Villas in Messenia, Greece

Update September 2019: We lost contact with Kalokeri Villas and because their website is down we think that they stopped their business.   When you travel for a long time you sometimes get the feeling that you’ve seen it all. How you experience your 27th naturist campsite is not the same as for your first one. The location is different and so are the people, there’s a difference in the politeness of the staff and … Read more

Naked in a Tent in Canada

Naked in a Tent in Canada

Some people said that we were crazy when we told them about our plans to embark on a month-long tent camping trip in Canada. Especially our friends in Mexico, whom we waved goodbye to just before boarding a plane up north. They happened to be Canadians too, but had left their home country more than a decade ago to escape the cold. We had just been enjoying several weeks of warm Mexican weather together in … Read more

Chambres d'hôtes Naturiste: La Fenouillère in Var, France

Review: Chambres d’hôtes Naturiste: La Fenouillère in Var, France

Every summer roughly 2 million naturists find their way to France for a nude vacation. 2 Million! That’s a lot of people. That’s the population of Slovenia. They’re not all Slovenians though. Naturists from all over the world put France on their nude itinerary. Interestingly, the variety of naturist accommodations in France is not what one would expect. The large majority of places are campings and we’ve met plenty of naturists who didn’t have a … Read more