8 Fun Things That You can do at a Naturist Resort

8 Fun Things That You can do at a Naturist Resort

When we talk with people about being a naturist, we notice that a common misunderstanding is that naturism is pretty boring. We understand how they come to this conclusion. On the rare occasions that naturism is featured in the news or a mainstream documentary, you’re likely to see some naked people doing not much more than lazing around the pool, half asleep on the beach, or sitting together for a chat.   It’s also how … Read more

Nudism in Brazil: A Complete Overview

Naturism in Brazil

Some people believe that every beach in Brazil is a nude beach. Others think that the erotic spirit of the Brazilians would never allow something like non-sexual social nudity. As always, the answer can be found in the middle. Public nudity outside of clearly designated places is definitely a big NO in Brazil. Even topless sunbathing is forbidden at most beaches. But naturism is definitely uprising in Brazil and the country has some amazing Atlantic … Read more

The Price of Naturism

The Price of Naturism

Every now and then, the discussion about the financial aspects of naturism seems to pop up on social media. It’s one of those endless debates that live on a pilot light most of the time, but a little spark is enough to start yet another series of heated tweets. Recently, such a spark came from Hector Martinez (quite known for not fearing controversial topics), when he talked about how censorship on mainstream social media forces … Read more

Clothes-Free Vacations of the Future, Another Guess

Clothes-Free Vacations of the Future, Another Guess

In November 2020, we wrote a blog post about what naturist vacations could look like in 2021. It’s funny to re-read this because it was only the first year of the COVID pandemic and we seemed positive or ignorant enough to think that only a few months later we would wake up in an – although very much changed – free world.   We were wrong about the two basics of that post really… 2021 … Read more

Dear Facebook, we thought we were friends

Last week our Naked Wanderings Facebook page got blocked again because of violating the community standards. This was the 3rd time and we fear that next time we’ll be banned forever. Being nude on Facebook or posting nude photos on Facebook is not done, we know that by now. So they were right, we did violate their standards. We posted a photo which contained 8 nipples. No doubt that it were the 4 female ones that have … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Michal from Poland

One of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two … Read more

Nudist Blogs You Really want to Follow in 2020

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What started as a fun way to document our naturist travels around the globe, has meanwhile grown to be a full time project. And we love every single moment of it. Naked Wanderings has brought us to the most incredible places in the world and is the reason for meeting the most amazing people. But what we probably love the most about what we do is the great feedback that we receive. The many thank … Read more

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Review: Campground Bleesbruck in Diekirch, Luxembourg

A little side note may be necessary for this Naked Travels article. Campground Bleesbruck was the first naturist campground we had ever been to, so our opinion could be a little bit spiced up by first-timer-excitement. Nevertheless, we went back several times to this place, which means we did really enjoy it.   Now we’re going to try to give you a proper description of the place, but you can read everything about our first … Read more

Review: Le Petit Arlane in Provence, France

Review: Le Petit Arlane in Provence, France

It’s often said that the French Provence region contains some of the best of the whole country. The region is a summary of France, so to say. Except for the lousy weather from the north. During the last weeks, we had been traveling through the foot of the Alps mountains, hiking through woods, and bathing in freezing rivers. Moving towards the west of the region, the endless pine forests and rock formations started making space … Read more

Why French Families go Massively for Naturism

Why French Families go Massively for Naturism

Ever since the beginning of naturism, France has been the number one country in the world where people like to drop their clothes. Today it’s not different. Nowhere else can you find such a huge amount of naturist places like in France. For many years, a common misunderstanding was that all the French just loved spending their time in the nude. They did not. Even though their country provided so many facilities for naturists, the … Read more