Nudism in Brazil: A Complete Overview

Nudism in Brazil: A Complete Overview

Everybody seems to have an opinion about Brazil and it’s not always about football. When it comes to nudism in this enormous South American country, the ideas tend to differ a lot. On one side are those who believe that every step, every move, or every whatever the Brazilian makes has a sexual undertone. That it’s a country which just breathes sex and where non-sexual nudity could never happen. On the other hand are those … Read more

Naturist camping in the French Dordogne Region

Naturist camping in the French Dordogne Region

Albeit a kind of lazy corner of southern France, Dordogne is one of the main vacation destinations in the country. It doesn’t take long to understand why. The flowing landscape dotted with ancient chateaux and bastides, rolling limestone hills and endless forests, picturesque towns with cozy bars and restaurants, and excellent cuisine. It’s like wandering into a daydream.   The splendid nature of Dordogne is definitely something that you want to experience. And the best … Read more

Tips & Tricks about naturism and nudism

Tips & Tricks

After years of blogging about nudism and nudist traveling, Naked Wanderings has become a pretty large resource of information about those subjects (if we may say so). To make things a bit easier for you, we have divided our content into different categories. If you’re searching for nudist holiday information in a certain place, please check out our Destinations page. For tips about how to find cheap flights, great hotels, and all kinds of other … Read more

Seeing a familiar face at a Naturist Resort. Awkward or not?

Seeing a familiar face at a Naked Place. Awkward or not?

We’ve told the story about our first steps into social nudity probably a gazillion times before. So here’s the short version once again: As a birthday present, Lins received two day passes for a Belgian wellness centre of choice. After doing a bit of research, we noticed that at all the really nice ones, bathing suits were not allowed. We would take the plunge, absolutely love it, start searching for more naked places and eventually … Read more

9 Tips for First Time Naturist Women

Sorry guys, this is one for the naturist women. But that doesn’t particularly mean that you have to stop reading here, some of the tips we’ll be giving can certainly be applied to both genders. The reason why we decided to write this piece is because we do receive a lot of questions from our female readers who are curious about the nudist lifestyle but have several doubts about what to expect, how to take … Read more

Living in a nudist community

Living in a Nudist Community

When we traveled to Spain, several months ago, our initial plan was to arrive in Alicante and start traveling south from there. One of the places we definitely wanted to visit was Vera Playa, a so-called “naturist village” in the north of the Andalucia region. That was the place where we had hoped to write this blog post because people are actually living there and spend their lives (when the weather permits it) pretty much … Read more

9 Naturist Resorts in Asia are Waiting for You

9 Naturist Resorts in Asia are Waiting for You

During the last decade, Asia has been the next continent where naturism has really been getting a foot on the ground. First in Thailand and Bali, but now also in the Philippines, naturist resorts have been opening their doors. A blessing for local naturists, who now don’t have to cross the globe anymore for their naturist vacations. But also great for foreign travelers. Next to the Caribbean, there is definitely another great region with perfect … Read more

Improve your body acceptance by going nude

You’re probably thinking “they must be joking” right? All your life you’ve been spending thousands of hours and dollars picking clothes that make you look thinner, hats that make you look larger, make-up to hide the wrinkles and jewellery to distract the attention from all the rest. Who knows, maybe you’ve even been to a doctor to have this or that corrected. And now Nick and Lins are telling you to leave all that behind… … Read more

The Naked Selfie Issue

Exhibitionism has existed for ages, in many different forms. Every village had its local looney who loved to drop his pants whenever a woman passed by. And even the not so loonies have regretted the times when they pulled out their business in the bar after drinking too many shots of tequila. Those things happened and more often than not they didn’t harm anyone and neither was there any serious harm intended. Today, exhibitionism has … Read more

9 Tips for the First Time Naturist Men

Last week we’ve written this whole article about the first steps into nudism for women. With the whole cultural background thing it is a fact that these steps are often considered more difficult to make if you’re a woman, but men have their issues too. Yes, in highschool we did shower together with twenty of other teenagers, but those days are long gone. For years and years we’ve rarely seen another human being naked if … Read more