The Naturist Talks: Patrick from the USA

One of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two … Read more

How to mess up your body confidence with your new phone

We’re not going to make a big deal of it, we are Apple people. We both have iPhones and we love them. But Nick’s phone started to annoy us recently, it got incredibly slow and it requires a recharge at least twice a day in order to get through all the new social media posts. So the question rose: “Shouldn’t we get a new one?” We are in Asia, this is where smartphones are born. … Read more

Review: Arroyo del Sol near Los Angeles, USA

After more than a week in New York, it was time to get away from the cold weather and move to the other side of the USA, to California. Well, at least half of that plan worked out, we did get to California. We shouldn’t complain though, the temperatures weren’t as tropical as we would have wished them to be, but we had a great place to go to: nudist B&B Arroyo del Sol.   … Read more

How to become a nudist blogger

How to Become a Nudist Blogger

Some time ago we’ve told you how we have been able to travel continuously for more than a year and how this blog isn’t particularly covering any of our expenses. But don’t let that be a reason not to start your own blog. If you start a blog purely with the single purpose of making money from it, you’re very likely to fail anyway (unless you’re way better in business than we are). From our … Read more

Dear Facebook, we thought we had friends

If you’ve ever tried to post nude photos on Facebook, you already know what we’re talking about. Social media censorship is a pain in the naked behind of all promotors of naturism because it became pretty much impossible to appear naked on Facebook. For us it’s not any different. Our hate-love relationship with Facebook is certainly not a secret… Well… love… Years ago we thought that Facebook was one of the best inventions after the … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Alex from Germany

The Naturist Talks: Alex from Germany

Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that started in Europe but is now expanding towards the whole world. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences. Our guest for today is Alex from Germany.   Hello Alex, tell us something about yourself I am 49 years old, married, father of two … Read more

Naturism in Greece - The Ultimate Guide 2019

Naturism in Greece – The Ultimate Guide 2019

Oh Greece, you wonderful European country! Many of the ancient Gods came from this area and also for the naked traveler the options here are plentiful. And we’re not only talking about the Greek nude beaches, but naturist resorts like Vassaliki and Vritomartis are also high on the bucket list of many traveling nudists. Naturism in Greece is something you just HAVE to experience. The pristine beaches will make you feel like you’re somewhere in … Read more

Nude home parties

Nude Home Parties

Where do you start with nudism? The nude beach or a nudist resort is obviously the most common answer but they do not necessarily reflect the truth. Most often, nudism is something that starts at home. The reason why people tend to name certain social nudist places as their first “nude experience” is just because often home nudism is not really seen like nudism at all. When people asked us in the past about when … Read more

Naked Wanderings does Europe: A nude trip around Europe's best naturist places

Naked Wanderings does Europe (Again)

Today’s blog post will be slightly different than most others because our only purpose is to give you some great news about the future of Naked Wanderings. Are you excited? We certainly are!   So here goes: This summer we are going to…   Wait a minute, we need some drama here. Because we can’t put any sound in our blog posts (well technically we could but it would be very annoying) we want you … Read more

Nudism in Brazil: A Complete Overview

Nudism in Brazil: A Complete Overview

Everybody seems to have an opinion about Brazil and it’s not always about football. When it comes to nudism in this enormous South American country, the ideas tend to differ a lot. On one side are those who believe that every step, every move, or every whatever the Brazilian makes has a sexual undertone. That it’s a country which just breathes sex and where non-sexual nudity could never happen. On the other hand are those … Read more