The Price of Naturism

The Price of Naturism

Every now and then, the discussion about the financial aspects of naturism seems to pop up on social media. It’s one of those endless debates that live on a pilot light most of the time, but a little spark is enough to start yet another series of heated tweets. Recently, such a spark came from Hector Martinez (quite known for not fearing controversial topics), when he talked about how censorship on mainstream social media forces … Read more

The clothing policy at naturist resorts

The Clothing Policy at Naturist Resorts

We have recently been asked to do a short Q&A with a number of non-naturist content creators who were going to visit a naturist resort for the first time and report about their experience on their blogs, vlogs, and social media. As one of the reasons why we started this blog was to inform people about what’s really going on at a naturist resort, we happily said yes.   One of the questions that came … Read more

What's the problem with nudism?

What’s the problem with nudism?

For almost 6 years, we have been publishing at least one blog post a week and a question we regularly get is where our inspiration keeps coming from. The answer is simple: From you. From the people we meet online and offline. From long talks and intriguing social media conversations. One of the platforms that never fails to inspire us is Reddit. Like this recent post about what people see as the biggest problem within … Read more

The Future of the International Naturist Federation

The Future of the International Naturist Federation

Canada, August 2018: We were sipping a glass of wine under the warm sun with Stéphane Deschênes, owner of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Resort near Toronto. The resort where we were staying at the moment. We told him about our plans to visit the World Congress of the International Naturist Federation and how excited we were to get an idea of how naturism is organised worldwide. Stéphane had experience as a board member of the … Read more

Mpenjati nude beach: The good and the bad

Mpenjati nude beach: The good and the bad

Sometimes, we wonder how much longer we can travel before we stop being surprised. Before we stop ending up at places that really move us. The day when everything we see will just be another “I’ve seen this before” thing. It’s the fear of every long-term traveller. When will everything just start looking the same? When will we lose the excitement of seeing something new?   It happened to us before, when we arrive at … Read more

WhatsApp Naturism

WhatsApp Naturism

The other day we were invited by a friend to visit their naturist camp. Not the kind of campsite that we’re used to in Europe, that’s open throughout the season and where people come and go. It was more like a pop-up camp. A group of naturists rented out a whole, usually textile, campsite just north of Cape Town and turned it naturist throughout the weekend.   This is not uncommon in South Africa, last … Read more

Why more people than you think support naturism

Why more people than you think support naturism

A couple of years ago, we were hiking with friends in some woods in France towards a creek. The idea was to have a small picnic and a skinny dip once we’d get there. It was really a spot in the middle of nowhere, but luck wasn’t on our side and when we arrived, two women were fishing for crayfish.   “So far the skinny dipping”, we thought, but one of us did walk up … Read more

How To Find a Great Nude Beach

First-time experiences can not be overestimated. They are often a decisive factor that may influence the rest of your life. A while ago, we were talking to friends about naturism and they told us that they had once visited Cap d’ Agde and decided that naturism wasn’t something for them. When we dug a bit deeper, it became obvious that their perception of naturism was nothing like ours. Well, it could have been, if Cap … Read more

How to find a great naturist campsite

How To Find a Great Naturist Campsite

Naturism and camping have been going hand in hand from the early beginning as they both emphasize a close and harmonious relationship with the natural world. Not too long ago, the most commonly used term for a naturist resort was “naturist camp” (or nudist camp). Today, as the options for naturists are wider than ever, naturist camping has not lost its popularity. You can find naturist campsites in Europe, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, in … Read more

How to find a great naturist hotel

How to Find a Great Naturist Hotel

For the longest time, going on a naturist vacation meant that you had to go camping. There was no way around it, naturist campsites were the only places in the world where you were allowed to stay and mingle with others, without clothes. But those days are over, for quite a while already. As nude vacations started to gain popularity, the need to accommodate those who don’t feel much for staying in a tent or … Read more