Getting naked between San Francisco and Los Angeles

During our trip through southern California, several people had told us to take highway number one if we would get the chance. Basically, it’s the slower but much more scenic road that starts north of San Francisco and goes all the way down to Los Angeles. Along highway number one several nude beaches can be found. These would give us another experience than the nudist hotels and campings we had visited earlier in California. If … Read more

Naturist Michael from Australia

The Naturist Talks: Michael from Australia

One of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is, of course, ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two … Read more

Naturism and nudism in Mexico

Getting naked in Mexico

Honestly, we didn’t have the highest expectations when it came to finding the options for nudism in Mexico. Our experiences in Asia had shown that countries who are closer to the equator don’t necessarily provide more options when it comes to getting comfortably naked (except for Thailand of course) and in fact, if we hadn’t become virtual friends with Hector we might have skipped the country altogether. But the fact that a 26-year-old was running … Read more

24 hours naked in Paris

24 Hours naked in Paris

We love city tripping. A couple of days away exploring a different culture, tasting different foods and watching life from a terrace with some craft beers or local wines… Who doesn’t like that? Some time ago, these kinds of vacations were hard to combine with a nakation. But nowadays the cities start to see the advantages of also providing options for the naturist traveller who wants just that little bit more. Paris, which happens to … Read more

Naturism in Croatia - The Ultimate Guide 2019

Naturism in Croatia – The Ultimate Guide 2019

Nudist camping in Croatia is almost as old as naturism itself. From way back in the former Yugoslavian times, nude beaches in Croatia were crowded by both locals as tourists. Today this results in some of the most beautiful nudist resorts and clothing-optional resorts in Europe. Large naturist campings (or FKK campings as they are often called here) are spread along the coast and especially at the islands and the Istria peninsula. Polari, Valalta (which … Read more

Naturist Hotel El Refugio at Playa Chihuahua beach near Punta del Este, Uruguay

Review: El Refugio at Playa Chihuahua, Uruguay

We had very little idea about what we were going to find in Uruguay. When we traveled extensively through South America about 6 years ago, we somehow had forgotten about this little country. Lonely Planet doesn’t mention many world-class highlights and at the time we just followed the main sights of Argentina, only to notice that we had skipped Uruguay when we were already enjoying the Brazilian coast.   This time we had some nude … Read more

Colina do Sol naturist and nudist resort near Porto Alegre in Brazil

Review: Colina Do Sol near Porto Alegre, Brazil

The opinions about whether or not naturism can flourish in Brazil tend to differ. One side claims that due to the fact that Brazilians are already known to wear as little as possible at the beach it should be easy for them to also leave those last square centimeters of fabric behind. The other side will tell you that it’s just those little patches that make the step so difficult. When you’re only cherishing little, … Read more

Online Harassment of Female Nudists

Online Harassment of Female Nudists

Last month our friends at Get Naked Australia have put a sad but understandable message on their Facebook page. They were going to stop posting the pictures they receive from their following and which have made them world famous in the first place. And not for the obvious reason that Facebook would put them in their jail, but because of the comments these pictures are receiving. Meanwhile they’ve reconsidered this and restarted posting pictures, but … Read more

Naked Wanderings does Europe: A nude trip around Europe's best naturist places

Naked Wanderings Europe Tour 2019

In the summer of 2019 we, Nick & Lins from Naked Wanderings will be traveling to some of the best naturist destinations in Europe. And we want YOU to come with us! On this page you’ll find all the information about when we’ll visit which naturist spot so you might be able to give luck a little push and run into us. If you can do so, please come over to say hi! But also … Read more

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Nudism in Colombia: Yes, It Does Exist

Nudism in Colombia: Yes, It Does Exist

Colombia… The name must certainly ring something but chances are that it’s an alarm bell. Isn’t that the country of which you saw a documentary the other day on Netflix? A country full of drugs and violence and FARC rebels? What got into our minds to search for nudism in Colombia? Luckily, most of what you saw on TV is long history. The Colombians prefer to look towards the future and luckily so does the … Read more