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Simply Naked

Simply Naked January 8th, 2021 About In the summer of 2020, we were invited by the Irish Naturist Federation to participate in a webinar about naturist bloggers/influencers. This turned out to be one of the most inspiring sessions we had ever participated in. A seed was planted and we all realised that as individual promotors of naturism, we can only do so much. But if we would join forces, our chances to make a difference … Read more

Musings about the Why in Social Nudity

Musings about the WHY in Social Nudity

Many of our blog posts are inspired by Twitter conversations, and this one isn’t any different. It all started when Hector Martinez asked the question “What are the biggest problems naturism faces in 2021?“, to which we responded that the current terminology of “naturism” and “nudism” (and in some regions “FKK”) doesn’t cover the whole scope of social nudity anymore.   It used to be pretty simple. If you believed in the ethical side of … Read more

Naturism as a Business Model

Naturism as a Business Model

The other day, we took part in an interesting Twitter conversation (if we had a dollar for every time that happens) about whether or not naturism should become more commercial and whether there is a need for naturist business models. Will it improve naturism as we know it? Or will it backfire and take down the whole non-profit concept on which naturism was initially built? Will fully embracing capitalism be the next step towards normalizing … Read more

14 Ideas to Enjoy being Nude at Home while Social Distancing

14 Ideas to Enjoy being Nude at Home while Social Distancing

If you are reading this blog post within a couple of weeks after it was published, there’s a very high chance that you’re doing so from your own home. The terms “lockdown” and “social distancing” will probably compete for first and second place of the word of the year for 2020. For most people, this will be the first time in their lives that they stay in or around the house for weeks in a … Read more

How Comfortable are YOU naked?

How Comfortable are YOU naked?

Reddit has always been an excellent source of information and inspiration. It’s definitely not the first time that we mention this at the start of a blog post and we’re pretty sure that it won’t be the last time either. Once again, we stumbled upon a thread on which we want to elaborate so much that we decided to write a blog post about it.   The thread presents the results of a survey conducted … Read more

Seeing a familiar face at a Naturist Resort. Awkward or not?

Seeing a familiar face at a Naked Place. Awkward or not?

We’ve told the story about our first steps into social nudity probably a gazillion times before. So here’s the short version once again: As a birthday present, Lins received two day passes for a Belgian wellness centre of choice. After doing a bit of research, we noticed that at all the really nice ones, bathing suits were not allowed. We would take the plunge, absolutely love it, start searching for more naked places and eventually … Read more

La Genèse naturist in France

Our Nude French Road Trip Part 2: The South-East

Oh France, you naturist paradise! It almost feels like we should start a separate blog, just about naturism in France alone. Even then we would probably not be able to explore everything the country has to offer for the naked traveler. During this summer we decided to travel through the southern regions of France and search for the best naturist vacation destinations. Because we found so many places to talk about, we decided to split … Read more

Naked Wanderings - Happy Nude 2020!

Happy Nude 2020!

Oh what an amazing year was 2019! This is already the 4th time that we (as in Naked Wanderings) are wishing you a wonderful new year. This blog post is the 344th one on this website. And this is also our 3rd year of traveling. Meanwhile, it has become a bit of a tradition that in this first blog post of the new year we reflect on what’s behind us and try to have a … Read more

Getting ready for your first naturist experience

Getting Ready for Your First Naturist Experience

Maybe you’ve been following this blog for a while. Or maybe you’ve just read something about naturism in a magazine or you saw a TV program about this naked lifestyle. In any case, your imagination got tickled. Questions start buzzing through your head. How would things be if you wouldn’t be wearing any clothes? Would you be able to get closer to nature without these artificial textile boundaries? Is it really true that humans can … Read more

8 Naturist Resorts that are perfect for first-time Naturists

8 Naturist Resorts that are Perfect for First-Time Naturists

When you want to try naturism for the first time, the absolute most important thing to consider is where you’re going to do that. Picking the right place is everything. More than once we’ve heard someone say “Oh you’re a naturist? We have been to Cap d’Agde once and it didn’t seem like something for us“. After which they give us a look that speaks volumes.   Unfortunately, we can’t tell you exactly which will … Read more