A Symbol for Social Nudity

A Symbol for Social Nudity

When we traveled through Greece, a couple of years ago, we met up with Ralf who owned a small naturist guesthouse near the coast. Ralf had moved there some years before from Germany with his family. For many Germans, nudity is about as natural as having a beer with a bratwurst. But the Greek culture is more conservative and Ralf adjusted to his surroundings. The beach down the road had a small secluded part behind … Read more

GetNakedGermany: A Chat with the Founder

GetNakedGermany: A Chat with the Founder

Everywhere we go, there always seems to be someone who’s completely convinced that naturism is declining. The clues are everywhere. Naturist federations struggle to get new members, naturist clubs see their average age rising, and newspaper articles report on how bathing suits have become the norm at communal showers. Our youth has become prude is a common conclusion.   We refuse to believe this. Something is happening, that much is sure, but we are rather … Read more

Review: Club du Soleil de Troyes in Aube, France

Review: Club du Soleil de Troyes in Aube, France

Several years ago, somewhere along the road, a very nice French couple had recommended the Club du Soleil de Troyes to us. This happened during happy hour at a naturist campsite, a situation in which recommendations tend to get forgotten as quickly as they are received. The thing was, they mentioned access to a natural river, and natural water is something we both enjoy much more than any given swimming pool. So the tip got … Read more

How to handle the taboo around naturism?

I’m sorry but we couldn’t find a conclusive answer to this question. Maybe you do? Anyway, what we can give you is a kind of an analysis of the situation and we’ll see where we get from there…   As a human, we don’t like to be judged. And why do you get judged? Because you’re doing something that’s not mainstream. And people love to judge… So if you’re doing something uncommon, you don’t talk … Read more

The Ultimate Nudist’s Bucket List

The time of new year’s resolutions is already behind us, resolutions we’ve managed to fail to achieve within the first week. Well, that’s how it goes every year. Time to get back to what really matters: Getting naked! If you check out other people’s  bucket lists (one Google search will give you about 28 million examples) it’s quite striking how many have added “visiting a nude beach” to their list. If everyone decides to do … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Daniel from the USA

As you may have read in the very first post of this blog, one of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own … Read more

The Famous Nudie

The list of known famous naturists is not large although it’s not hard to find many celebrities naked on the internet or in magazines. And few of us have encountered a celebrity on the local nude beach. One of the foundations of nudism is that everybody is the same. Without clothes you can’t see anymore if the person in front of you is in fact a hobo who comes to the club for the free … Read more

Nudity, Nature and Spirituality: The obvious link

Nudity, Nature and Spirituality: The Obvious Link

Many naturists will tell you that their nude lifestyle means a lot more than just being naked. A lot of others will say that the nudity is pretty much the only important thing in naturism. These others are often called “nudists” although today in the 21st century both the terms “nudist” and “naturist” became very interchangeable. One can’t deny though that naturism includes the word nature and although while being naked you’re at your most … Read more

Comfortably Nude: Maybe the Only Thing You Want

Comfortably Nude: Maybe the Only Thing You Want

Only recently we’ve written down our own ideas about how nudity, nature, and spirituality are all linked. We’re pretty sure that the world’s first naturists would have been pretty proud of us if they had the chance to read it. It’s one theory of course and we certainly understand that some nudists or naturists thought that it was all a bunch of nonsense. In the end, naturism would probably not exist if someone took away … Read more

Family Naturism: Let's Just All Get Naked

Nudist Families: Let’s Just All Get Naked

We are always surprised when we receive the question of whether naturism can be practiced with the whole family. For us, family naturism has always seemed a very normal thing. Although neither of us was born in a naturist family. Yet there seem to be many doubts about this. We are asked whether we find it okay that a child sees nude adults and whether nude kids won’t attract people with wrong intentions. Some adults … Read more