Celebrating Songkran the nudie way

Have you ever heard about Songkran? Well, don’t worry if you haven’t, until a month of two before we also had no idea what it is. Long story short, Songkran is the Thai new year. In fact, it used to be the Thai new year, because since 1940 the government has set the official new year’s date to the first of January, to be more aligned with the west. But yet Songkran is still celebrated … Read more

Review: Arroyo del Sol near Los Angeles, USA

After more than a week in New York, it was time to get away from the cold weather and move to the other side of the USA, to California. Well, at least half of that plan worked out, we did get to California. We shouldn’t complain though, the temperatures weren’t as tropical as we would have wished them to be, but we had a great place to go to: nudist B&B Arroyo del Sol.   … Read more

Review: The Terra Cotta in Palm Springs, California – CLOSED

Our trip around California continues, we have explored Los Angeles, San Diego, the Mexican border and now it’s time to hit the desert. Surrounded by the Santa Rosa Mountains, the San Jacinto mountains, the Little San Bernardino Mountains and the San Gregorio mountain we found the Coachella desert. A name that until recently only rang a bell because of its yearly world famous music festival but which was about to bring a whole new range … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Raven from Canada

The Naturist Talks: Raven from Canada

One of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Alex from Germany

The Naturist Talks: Alex from Germany

Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that started in Europe but is now expanding towards the whole world. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences. Our guest for today is Alex from Germany.   Hello Alex, tell us something about yourself I am 49 years old, married, father of two … Read more

Volunteering at naturist campground Athena

Volunteering at your naturist club

Years ago, after we had set our first careful steps into naturism and when we were browsing the internet for a new naked place to visit we stumbled upon a mention “federation membership required”. What was that supposed to mean? Until then, a naturist campground to us was just like a textile one where you could show up, pay and setup your tent. Now, apparently, we were in need of some membership card. It only … Read more

Naturist Talks: Blake & Elizabeth

The Naturist Talks: Blake & Elizabeth from California

Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that started in Europe but is now expanding towards the whole world. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences. Our guests for today are Blake and Elizabeth, a couple we met while we were traveling through California.   Hello Blake and Elizabeth, tell us … Read more

Bloot! Het magazine voor de bloterik

Bloot! Het magazine voor de bloterik

** Scroll down for the English text ** “Eindelijk”, dat was het woord dat bleef hangen nadat we de laatste bladzijde van Bloot! magazine hadden omgeslagen.   We kennen ze allemaal, de naturisten magazines die zowel qua stijl als inhoud lijken alsof ze ergens halfweg de jaren 80 geschreven zijn en plots alsnog in onze brievenbus belandden. Tot voor kort waren ze echter onze enige leesbron als we iets over het bloot zijn te weten … Read more

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The Naturist Talks: Georgina from the UK

The Naturist Talks: Georgina from the UK

Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that started in Europe but is now expanding towards the whole world. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences. Our guest for today is Georgina from the UK, who will tell us everything about her naturist lifestyle and experiences.   Hello Georgina, tell us … Read more

20 Amazing Airbnb rentals perfect for nudists

20 Amazing Airbnb Rentals Perfect for Nude Vacations

What if social nudity is not really your thing? We’ve tackled this subject a couple of weeks ago in the blog post about what if you don’t like nudist resorts. Some nudists are just not much interested in the company of others. For whatever reason. That’s fine of course, who are we to judge. Some prefer to keep their nudity into their own home with only their own family. When it comes to traveling as … Read more