14 Ideas to Enjoy being Nude at Home while Social Distancing

14 Ideas to Enjoy being Nude at Home while Social Distancing

If you are reading this blog post within a couple of weeks after it was published, there’s a very high chance that you’re doing so from your own home. The terms “lockdown” and “social distancing” will probably compete for first and second place of the word of the year for 2020. For most people, this will be the first time in their lives that they stay in or around the house for weeks in a … Read more

6 Steps for Planning and Booking the Perfect Clothes-Free vacation

6 Steps for Planning and Booking the Perfect Clothes-Free Resort

In last week’s blog post, we talked about a lot of new online tools that are helpful for booking and organising vacations, and about how they are often limiting to us, who like to go to places where clothes are not part of the dress code. We received a lot of responses to this post, confirming how it can be hard to find naturist, nudist, or clothing-optional destinations.   Especially for first-timers, finding your way … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Bart from Belgium

The Naturist Talks: Bart from Belgium

One of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two … Read more

Naturist Talks: Bob from the UK and Spain

The Naturist Talks: Bob from the UK and Spain

Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that we try to enjoy as much as possible. In as many places as possible. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences. Via this Naturist Talks interview series, we listen to naturists from all over the world. They share their experiences, tips and stories … Read more

Getting ready for your first naturist experience

Getting Ready for Your First Naturist Experience

Maybe you’ve been following this blog for a while. Or maybe you’ve just read something about naturism in a magazine or you saw a TV program about this naked lifestyle. In any case, your imagination got tickled. Questions start buzzing through your head. How would things be if you wouldn’t be wearing any clothes? Would you be able to get closer to nature without these artificial textile boundaries? Is it really true that humans can … Read more

46 Things We've Learned at Naturist Campings in France

46 Things We’ve Learned at Naturist Campsites in France

As you may remember, we have spent the last three months on our Epic nude road trip through France. We had been to naturist campsites in France before, but then we mostly stayed in rental accommodations. This year, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to get back to basic and bring our own tent and our own gear.   It definitely was epic. We discovered so many great naturist campgrounds in France, we … Read more

Musings about The Nudist Etiquette in 2020

Musings about The Nudist Etiquette in 2020

Some time ago, we received a message from one of our readers asking how she should position her legs in a nudist venue or at a nude beach. More specifically, what the maximum acceptable distance between her two knees would be. Within the same week, we stumbled upon an entry on a naturist forum of a woman saying something like “according to the nudist etiquette, I never bend over and always go through the knees“. … Read more

Getting Naked in Sri Lanka

It’s that time of the year that people start dreaming about summer holidays, the days are short and rainy and snowy and your thoughts wind off to some exotic place. You took the world map, focused on the equator, and started looking for some tropical island. And your eye fell on that little place at the southern tip of India: Sri Lanka. You start thinking about the lush green forest and wild elephants and you … Read more

How to Book Your Nude Vacation Without a Travel Agency

How to Book Your Nude Vacation Without a Travel Agency

Exactly two weeks ago, news from the travel industry hit the world like a nuclear bomb. Thomas Cook, the world’s oldest travel firm collapsed. Resulting in chaos at airports and in hotels all over the world. Just like that, Thomas Cook stopped existing. But was it really just like that?   Honestly, we kinda saw this one coming. Not Thomas Cook in particular but travel agencies in general. The last time we booked a trip … Read more

The Geographics and Demographics of Naturism

The Geographics and Demographics of Naturism

What’s the deal with naturism around the world today? Is it growing or shrinking? Are naturists getting older or younger? Is gender imbalance still such an issue?   During our naturist travels to different countries and continents, we’ve learned that evaluating the evolution of naturism or nudism on a global level is pretty impossible. We noticed, for example, that in regions where a naturist culture is still quite new, like in Asia and South America, … Read more