Naturist Resort Sessions: Quinta do Maral, Portugal

Naturist Resort Sessions: Quinta do Maral in Portugal

Naturist Resort Sessions: Quinta do Maral in Portugal February 4th, 2021 About On Naked Wanderings, we often talk about naturist resorts from the perspective of the guest. With the Naturist Resort Sessions, we want to show you the side of the owner(s). In this session, we talk with Paula and Nuno, the owners of naturist campsite Quinta do Maral in Alentejo, Portugal. We want to learn why they decided to open a naturist resort, how … Read more

When Do You Get Nude at a Nudist Resort

When Do You Get Nude at a Nudist Resort?

This is one of the questions we often receive from first time nudists. They’ve decided to give social nudity a try, picked out a nudist resort which looks very nice and then start thinking about the most scary part of the whole experience: The point where they will have to undress. When exactly does that happen? From when are you supposed to be naked? Do you undress in the car, the moment you’ve passed the … Read more

The Best Places to Practice Nudism in December

The Best Places to Practice Nudism in December

It’s often said that the naturist season in Europe and North America starts at about half of May and doesn’t run much further than the end of September. Which leaves the obvious question: What do naturists do the rest of the year? Do they just remain dressed until next summer? Do they turn into home naturists? Of course not. Naturism doesn’t come with a button that you can just switch on and off, depending on … Read more

Long-Term Traveling as a Naturist Couple: Our Experience

Long-Term Traveling as a Naturist Couple: Our Experience

It’s often said that a first vacation together is a great test for young couples. Even if you already moved in together, you probably still spend a lot of time not together. At your job, hobbies, or with friends. But once you hit the road, you suddenly become like siamese twins. 24 hours per day in each other’s proximity. Some of that even in very confined spaces like hotel rooms and cars. It’s often said … Read more

10 Biggest Fears of a Beginning Nudist and how to Overcome Them

10 Biggest Fears of a Beginning Nudist and how to Overcome Them

Nudism is probably one of the easiest lifestyles to get started with. You don’t need any particular skills, there’s no minimum or maximum age and you don’t need to be in a particular shape. Neither does nudism come with a specific diet and it only takes as much of your time as you’re willing to spend. Becoming a nudist literally only takes seconds. The time needed to take off your clothes. SAY WHAT? Take off … Read more

Nudist Blogs You Really want to Follow in 2020

Our Best Tips for Aspiring Naturist Bloggers

The other day we got involved in a somewhat awkward blog-discussion. It started when we stumbled upon this blog post on Naturist Place, which was a response to a blog post on Sensual Nudist about what happened to the nudist bloggers. Alexis, the Sensual Nudist, was asking why there are so few naturist bloggers in this world where blogging has become much more popular than writing a diary. People blog about everything these days, yet … Read more

Smartphones at Naturist Resorts: Take em or Break em?

Smartphones at Naturist Resorts: Take em or Break em?

We often call ourselves the “digital generation”. The Internet found its way into our homes when we were early teenagers. Before we were allowed to drive a car, the squeaking modem sounds got replaced by the fiber that helped Napster infuriate the music industry. After that, we’ve just been experiencing one revolution after the other. We were the early adopters of social media. Well, at least of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, TikTok is still a … Read more

Naked Wanderings looking back on 2018: An amazing naked year

Looking back on 2018: An amazing naked year

This is already the 3rd new year we’re celebrating on Naked Wanderings. In the last two years, we’ve expressed our wishes towards you and we were actually about to do the same this time when we noticed that what we want to wish you hasn’t really changed much. So we could write exactly the same thing again, maybe in some other words. Or you could just have a look at our wishes for 2017 and … Read more

10 things only nudists understand

10 Things Only Nudists Understand

Although we think that nudists making large steps when it comes to the normalisation of nudism and nudity, we also know that there is still a huge ignorance about our precious lifestyle. Of course we realise that not everyone can be interested in who we are and what we do. This is probably something every minority lifestyle struggles with. We’re pretty sure that punk rockers, Wiccans or amish often run into a wall of misunderstanding … Read more

Naturist Resort Sessions: Lavinia Naturist Resort

Naturist Resort Sessions: Lavinia Naturist Resort in Spain

Naturist Resort Sessions: Lavinia Naturist Resort in Spain January 14th, 2021 About On Naked Wanderings, we often talk about naturist resorts from the perspective of the guest. With the Naturist Resort Sessions, we want to show you the side of the owner(s). In this session, we talk with Annemie and Wim, the owners of Lavinia Naturist Resort resort near Alicante in Spain. We want to learn why they decided to make the move from Belgium … Read more