5 Reasons why nudism is nothing for you

5 Reasons Why Nudism is Nothing for You

What’s all that fuss about nudism lately? As soon as the sun starts to come out, pictures and videos of nude people are thrown into your face. Quality magazines like Lonely Planet are publishing articles about nude beaches. You went to the local swimming pool the other day and found out that it was a bathing suit prohibited for the afternoon. Instead, you decided to go to the beach, only to find out that there … Read more

6 Steps to Become Comfortably Naked

6 Steps to Become Comfortable Naked

There are many reasons why people are reluctant to engage into nudism. We believe that the number one reason, with head and shoulders, is how even the idea of being nude makes them feel uncomfortable. Basically, it comes down to shame. And basically, many of the other reasons people come up with like jealousy, religion and modesty also come down to the same thing. We don’t really like how we look. We have all these … Read more

Why We Love Nudism and Why You Will Too

Why We Love Nudism and Why You Will Too

We like to say that our first steps into nudism happened by accident. It’s a story we’ve probably already told a million times. More than a decade ago, Lins got a coupon saying “Spa for two” for her birthday. We got to choose between maybe 50 different wellness centers (we have quite a lot of those in Belgium). While browsing their websites, we noticed that they all looked different. Some large, some small, some private, … Read more

Must-Visit Naturist Destinations for Every Month of the Year

Chances are that an invisible virus has seriously messed up your naturist travel plans for this summer. Maybe you were already on the lookout for a new destination, or for another travel period. It may not always seem like this, but in normal circumstances, it’s possible to get naked somewhere around the world at any given time. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips for excellent naturist destinations for every month of the … Read more

Nudist Blogs You Really want to Follow in 2020

Our Best Tips for Aspiring Naturist Bloggers

The other day we got involved in a somewhat awkward blog-discussion. It started when we stumbled upon this blog post on Naturist Place, which was a response to a blog post on Sensual Nudist about what happened to the nudist bloggers. Alexis, the Sensual Nudist, was asking why there are so few naturist bloggers in this world where blogging has become much more popular than writing a diary. People blog about everything these days, yet … Read more

Smartphones at Naturist Resorts: Take em or Break em?

Smartphones at Naturist Resorts: Take em or Break em?

We often call ourselves the “digital generation”. The Internet found its way into our homes when we were early teenagers. Before we were allowed to drive a car, the squeaking modem sounds got replaced by the fiber that helped Napster infuriate the music industry. After that, we’ve just been experiencing one revolution after the other. We were the early adopters of social media. Well, at least of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, TikTok is still a … Read more

Musings about The Nudist Etiquette in 2020

Musings about The Nudist Etiquette in 2020

Some time ago, we received a message from one of our readers asking how she should position her legs in a nudist venue or at a nude beach. More specifically, what the maximum acceptable distance between her two knees would be. Within the same week, we stumbled upon an entry on a naturist forum of a woman saying something like “according to the nudist etiquette, I never bend over and always go through the knees“. … Read more

European Countries with a Nude Spa Culture

European Countries with a Nude Spa Culture

For many European naturists, including ourselves, a visit to the spa was the first experience of social nudity. This isn’t a coincidence. The step to try a nude spa is just a lot smaller than a visit to a naturist club or resort. While the latter encourage nudity, bathrobes and sarongs are embraced at the spa. Nudity is only obligatory inside the pool, the jacuzzi, and the other facilities. If you prefer some covering when … Read more

9 Great Naturist Content Creators that Deserve Your Support

9 Great Naturist Content Creators that Deserve Your Support

When we started with Naked Wanderings, we felt that there was a gap in the information about naturism that could be found online. There were static websites, often in need of an urgent makeover. You could subscribe to newsletters from clubs or federations. And there were not much more than a handful of naturist bloggers, whom we happily joined.   After more than 4 years of blogging on Naked Wanderings, we’ve seen many other naturist … Read more

9 Tips for Planning a Naturist Vacation in 2021

9 Tips for Planning a Naturist Vacation in 2021

There was a time when we thought that COVID was so 2020. That with the beginning of the new year, the virus would magically disappear. Or at least that we would gain control over it, lock it in a little box and hide it in a dark dungeon. That the next time we’d hear about the virus would be in a couple of years in an Oliver Stone movie. But that didn’t happen.   For … Read more