Twin Falls Naturist Retreat in NSW, Australia

Review: Twin Falls Naturist Retreat in NSW, Australia

Something we quickly learned from travelling in Australia is that this is a country of extremes and contrasts. We had seen cold and rain and hot and sunny, sometimes all in one day. We left the dry outback behind us for a short drive down the coast. Well, that’s short by Australian standards, eventually it would take us several days and more than 1000 kilometres before we got to our next destination. Hidden in a … Read more

Kiata Naturist Resort in Sydney, Australia

Review: Kiata Naturist Resort in Sydney, Australia

City naturist resorts can be a hit or miss. Some are among the best in the country, benefiting from fresh ideas and modern thinking that typically comes from a city rather than from the countryside. But there are also those that get lazy. When millions of people are within easy driving distance, a flow of new visitors can be rather a mathematical thing than that it says something about the resort.   We were wondering … Read more

Naturism in Australia

While naturism has a growing presence in Australia, it hasn’t quite reached the level of international recognition as some other countries. However, the tide is turning! More and more Australian naturist resorts are welcoming international guests, and with the fantastic weather year-round, they’re becoming increasingly popular. Many naturist resorts are conveniently located near major cities and airports, like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth and there are quite a number of nude beaches where you can … Read more

Naturism in New Zealand

While naturism has been steadily gaining ground in New Zealand, it may not yet boast the same level of international recognition as some other countries. However, the tide is shifting! More and more naturist resorts in New Zealand are opening their doors to international visitors, and thanks to the splendid weather year-round, they are rapidly gaining popularity. Conveniently situated near major cities and airports such as Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Queenstown, many naturist resorts offer … Read more

Rotota Naturist Club in Waikato, New Zealand

Review: Rotota Naturist Club in Waikato, New Zealand

It’s interesting how naturist clubs around the world have a lot of similarities. Obviously, you’ll find naked people in all of them, but there will also be a central building (often called the clubhouse), there will be some sports facilities, there will be events and social gatherings and most often there will be lots of greenery as well.   Yet, every naturist club is different. Some are very tranquil places where peace and quietness are … Read more

The Nude Beaches of Ibiza and Formentera

The Nude Beaches of Ibiza and Formentera

If there is a place where nudity on beaches is even more accepted than in mainland Spain, it must be on the Spanish islands. Several years ago, during the period of the virus-we-don’t-talk-about-anymore, we got the chance to spend some time on the Canary Islands and found more places to get naked than we could ever wish for.   Now was about time for us to have a look at what the other islands have … Read more