The weird principle of the separate nude beach

The weird principle of the separate nude beach

We have been to some absolutely splendid nude beaches during our travels. An all-time favorite of ours is the free beach of Zipolite. “Free” in the sense that you’re allowed to wear whatever you wish. Bathing suit, batman suit or birthday suit, nobody cares at all. Another one that’s definitely in our Top 3 of amazing nude beaches can be found in Tayrona National Park in Colombia. The hike to the nude beach takes no … Read more

How to find other nudists

How to Find Other Nudists

Nudism is a social thing. Although there definitely is a large group of home nudists, the large majority of nudists do enjoy social nudity. The most obvious choice for your first nudist friend is, of course, your partner. Next up are your kids. Just like so many things in life, also nudism is better if you can share it with your loved ones. But what if you don’t have a partner or a family or … Read more

Getting ready for your first naturist experience

Getting Ready for Your First Naturist Experience

Maybe you’ve been following this blog for a while. Or maybe you’ve just read something about naturism in a magazine or you saw a TV program about this naked lifestyle. In any case, your imagination got tickled. Questions start buzzing through your head. How would things be if you wouldn’t be wearing any clothes? Would you be able to get closer to nature without these artificial textile boundaries? Is it really true that humans can … Read more

Naturist Resort Sessions: Vassaliki Bare Brilliance

Naturist Resort Sessions: Vassaliki Bare Brilliance in Greece

Naturist Resort Sessions: Vassaliki Bare Brilliance in Greece January 7th, 2021 About On Naked Wanderings, we often talk about naturist resorts from the perspective of the guest. With the Naturist Resort Sessions, we want to show you the side of the owner(s). In this first session, we talk with Samantha and Mark, the owners of Vassaliki Bare Brilliance resort of Kefalonia in Greece. We want to learn why they decided to make the move from … Read more

9 Common Myths about Naturism that are WRONG

9 Common Myths about Naturism that are WRONG

For a very long time, naturism was not something people talked about. It was a dark part of society, a secret club, of which many had heard about but few really knew what was really going on behind those high fences of the naturist club. These kinds of places are an excellent food for rumors. It’s human behavior, if we don’t know the very truth about something, our imagination starts playing tricks on us. Add … Read more

How to plan a naturist road trip through Europe

How to Plan a Naturist Road Trip through Europe

Europe is a paradise for naturist vacations. When we look at NUDE, for example, we notice that the large majority of nude vacation destinations can be found in Europe. In fact, even in just the south-western part of Europe. The continent has much more to offer to its visitors than just an abundance of naturist resorts and nude beaches. Within relatively short distances you can find yourself indulged by amazing art and culture, standing in … Read more

Simply Naked Banner

Simply Naked

Simply Naked January 8th, 2021 About In the summer of 2020, we were invited by the Irish Naturist Federation to participate in a webinar about naturist bloggers/influencers. This turned out to be one of the most inspiring sessions we had ever participated in. A seed was planted and we all realised that as individual promotors of naturism, we can only do so much. But if we would join forces, our chances to make a difference … Read more

Work with us

When we started with naturism, we quickly noticed two things: Being in our late twenties, we were often by far the youngest. The available information online about naturism was old, boring, patronizing, and did not reflect our experiences at all. It wasn’t hard to see that both points were obviously linked to each other. We are the internet generation. We don’t turn to encyclopedias, libraries, or magazines to find our information, we turn to Google. … Read more

Categories Uncategorized
Musings about Single Men in Naturism

Musings about Single Men in Naturism

When we started this blog, back in 2016, we had been naturists for several years but had never heard of a thing called “the single men issue in naturism”. Only when we entered the online naturist world we suddenly got overwhelmed by this phenomenon. What single men issue? What gender imbalance? We had never experienced any of this in the naturist places we had visited before. Not that we counted the number of men and … Read more

Musings about Nudity, Censorship, Copyrights, and Cleo

Musings about Nudity, Censorship, Copyrights, and Cleo

Last week, Cleo from Topless Topics announced that she’s throwing in the towel. Although we should rather say that she’ll wrap it around. For the longest time, Cleo has been promoting gender equality and the right for women to be top-free on pretty much every social medium out there. But one after the other kicked her out and shut her down. Why? Because she leads her movement by example. In all her content, she would … Read more