6 Things the nudist should always carry along

Nudism is all about freedom and relaxation. You don’t have to care about what to wear, no spare clothes to carry, no cell phones, nothing. Not a single worry in your mind. But before you step naked into your car there are a couple of things you better consider taking to your favourite nudist place.   Bring sunscreen to your nude spot Every naturist will tell you that there’s only one reason to wear clothes: … Read more

When the whole world knew that we are nudists

People become nudists in many different ways. Some were born in a nudist family, some were talked into it by a friend or partner, some saw the light after a nightly skinny dip or (like ourselves) after visiting a spa and some just followed their curiosity. Many of the first times end with a consensus: Let’s not tell anyone.   Our first time wasn’t any different, we didn’t have any friends or family of whom … Read more

Long-Term Traveling as a Naturist Couple: Our Experience

Long-Term Traveling as a Naturist Couple: Our Experience

It’s often said that a first vacation together is a great test for young couples. Even if you already moved in together, you probably still spend a lot of time not together. At your job, hobbies, or with friends. But once you hit the road, you suddenly become like siamese twins. 24 hours per day in each other’s proximity. Some of that even in very confined spaces like hotel rooms and cars. It’s often said … Read more

The Naturist Talks: Peter from Canada

One of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.   Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two … Read more

Naturism in Croatia - The Ultimate Guide 2019

Naturism in Croatia – The Ultimate Guide 2019

Nudist camping in Croatia is almost as old as naturism itself. From way back in the former Yugoslavian times, nude beaches in Croatia were crowded by both locals as tourists. Today this results in some of the most beautiful nudist resorts and clothing-optional resorts in Europe. Large naturist campings (or FKK campings as they are often called here) are spread along the coast and especially at the islands and the Istria peninsula. Polari, Valalta (which … Read more

Is the end of free naturist content near?

Is the end of free naturist content near?

We remember a time when, if we wanted information about something, we had to jump on our bicycles and ride to the library. Where we had to scan through the books, looking for one that may answer our questions. We had to make sure to pick the right books because the limit was 4 at a time. And we also had to reserve time for reading, because after 3 weeks the books needed to be … Read more

Why We Love Nudism and Why You Will Too

Why We Love Nudism and Why You Will Too

We like to say that our first steps into nudism happened by accident. It’s a story we’ve probably already told a million times. More than a decade ago, Lins got a coupon saying “Spa for two” for her birthday. We got to choose between maybe 50 different wellness centers (we have quite a lot of those in Belgium). While browsing their websites, we noticed that they all looked different. Some large, some small, some private, … Read more

Naturism in Mexico - The Ultimate Guide 2019

Naturism in Mexico – The Ultimate Guide 2019

Have you ever considered Mexico for your naturist vacation? Given the fact that you just started reading this guide, you probably have but if that wouldn’t be the case, we’re pretty sure that you will after let’s say the 4th or 5th paragraph. Public nudist beaches in Mexico are not that common, but in exchange, you’ll have a great variety of nude resorts, some of them even with their private piece of beach. Not only … Read more

9 Common Myths about Naturism that are WRONG

9 Common Myths about Naturism that are WRONG

For a very long time, naturism was not something people talked about. It was a dark part of society, a secret club, of which many had heard about but few really knew what was really going on behind those high fences of the naturist club. These kinds of places are an excellent food for rumors. It’s human behavior, if we don’t know the very truth about something, our imagination starts playing tricks on us. Add … Read more

We proudly present: Destination Clothes Free!

We proudly present: Destination Clothes Free!

We know, we’re a bit late with the announcement. If you’ve been following this blog or our social media channels, or if you’ve subscribed to our newsletter, you’ve probably already heard about Destination Clothes Free a while ago. But the other day, we realised that we never officially presented it to you. So we figured that it might be a good idea to give you an introduction to this new concept.     The false … Read more