Long-Term Traveling as a Naturist Couple: Our Experience

Long-Term Traveling as a Naturist Couple: Our Experience

It’s often said that a first vacation together is a great test for young couples. Even if you already moved in together, you probably still spend a lot of time not together. At your job, hobbies, or with friends. But once you hit the road, you suddenly become like siamese twins. 24 hours per day in each other’s proximity. Some of that even in very confined spaces like hotel rooms and cars. It’s often said … Read more

What kind of Naturist Traveler are You?

What kind of Naturist Traveler are You?

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to naturist holidays. Although it sometimes still looks like we’re trying to achieve that. Until not too long ago, the organization of many naturist resorts looked pretty much the same. They had the same facilities, the same kinds of accommodations (campsites basically), and organized the same activities.   When someone started a new resort, most of the time they would just copy the blueprint of an existing one. … Read more

Why does the naturist get dressed for dinner?

Why Does the Naturist Get Dressed for Dinner?

During one of our first naturist camping experiences, we were invited for a communal dinner. This is pretty common at naturist resorts. Sometimes it’s a kind of potluck where everyone brings something, other times one of the guests or the staff cooks the meal and you just pay for it. In any case, it’s always a great opportunity to meet the other visitors of the resort and often a very social experience.   We didn’t … Read more

The things you don't say to a nudist

The Things You don’t Say to a Nudist

We have been wanting to write about this topic for a while, especially when we see yet another social media post about nudism, and the comments section is filled with remarks about the person’s physical appearance. Many times, those comments don’t leave much space for interpretation. A “you look great” could be considered sweet or friendly, a “nice boobs babe” is rather… well… yeah… Pretty annoying. View this post on Instagram A post shared by … Read more

Our Naturist Road Trip through Southwestern France of 2021

Our Naturist Road Trip through Southwestern France of 2021

The European summer is already a couple of months behind us, and we’ve visited so many places that it took until today to publish an overview of the last part of our summer journey. But what a part. A road trip through the southwest of France, from the Atlantic coast to the foot of the Pyrennees mountains. Along the way, we visited 6 naturist resorts. All very different and yet so very alike.   Before … Read more

Naturist Hub - Is it possible to create a genuine online platform for naturists?

Is it possible to create a genuine online platform for naturists?

This is the question that kept us awake one night in the early spring of 2020. We had been active on social media as naturists for years and although we managed to create quite a genuine community, we were still often disappointed, discouraged, and disgusted when we received yet another dick pic or sexual comment. Had these people learned nothing from our posts? Was all our promotion of non-sexual nudity just an illusion? And most … Read more

Finding a new nudist holiday spot

Nudists, in general, are pretty loyal beings, at every place we visit we meet people who are telling us that they have been coming there for years. It doesn’t matter whether it’s at a naturist campground, a nudist resort, a clothing-optional b&b, or any other nudist holiday destination. When nudists like a place, they keep coming back. One of the reasons is because we often meet other nudists at a place and we agree with … Read more

9 tips for the first time nudie couple

We’ve been talking about how to take the first steps as a male nudist or as a female nudist, but the best way to start with nudism (at least to us because that’s how we started) is as a couple. Most probably one of the two will drop the idea “honey, what about going on a nude vacation this summer?”. The other half will then respond with a “Yay, I want this too” or a … Read more

what are the differences in naturism?

Naturism = naturism?

Nope, there’s no mistake in the title, you don’t need to replace one “naturism” with “nudism” or anything like that. Although you could replace both with “nudism” if you like. Or with “nude recreation” or whatever term you prefer to use. The purpose of this blog post is not to try to line out the differences between those terms. We’ve done that before and honestly, the more we travel the more meaningless the terms seem … Read more

Does naturism really provide freedom?

Via the a survey about naturism we’ve done some time ago, we asked more than 1000 naturists (or nudists as 35% of the participants prefer to call themselves) what naturism means to them. One of the most impressive numbers came from the question about what people see as the advantages of naturism. What they gain from it. More than 86% mentioned a “feeling of freedom”. The fact that naturists feel more free when they shed … Read more