Introduce a friend to nudism

Introduce A Friend To Nudism

Let’s start this blog post with a question we’ve asked many times before… Why do so many nudist resorts fail to attract new members? Especially younger members? For the resorts it’s a big frustration because much of their income and their future are based on that. But also their members like to see a new face now and then and would love their naturist club to regain the vitality it had decades ago when there … Read more

How to make nudist friends

How to Make Nudist Friends

Let’s start with saying what this blog post will not be about: online nudist friend finders. Some of these are certainly a good place to get in touch with other nudists, where you can chat about your life as a nudist and where you can share your nude vacation photos. Much better though is making new nudist friends in real life. And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today.   Especially for beginning … Read more

Why You have to try nudism while in your thirties

Why You Have to Try Nudism While in Your Thirties

What’s a good age to start with nudism? Maybe the best timing is just from day one. The moment you’re born. You’re nude anyway, so why don’t just stay like this for the rest of your life? It’s a great idea, but unfortunately at that age the choice isn’t yours. If you’re not born in a naturist family, someone will take away your nude freedom within the next minutes.   The following years aren’t much … Read more

The Different Types of Social Nudity

The Different Types of Social Nudity

When we started with social nudity, “naturism” was the only term we knew. The naked campsites in Belgium are called naturist campings and the clubs organizing naturist events are called naturist clubs. If we want to become a member, we have to ask the naturist federation. Everything was naturist.   Soon also the term “nudist” started to pop up, but almost exclusively in a negative sense. It was either used by naturists to point out … Read more

How to find other nudists

How to Find Other Nudists

Nudism is a social thing. Although there definitely is a large group of home nudists, the large majority of nudists do enjoy social nudity. The most obvious choice for your first nudist friend is, of course, your partner. Next up are your kids. Just like so many things in life, also nudism is better if you can share it with your loved ones. But what if you don’t have a partner or a family or … Read more

Why do naturists wear clothes?

Why do naturists wear clothes?

We ran into an acquaintance on the street the other day and she said: “Oh my God, I almost didn’t recognize you guys with clothes on”. A line many of you might be familiar with. It’s probably the most popular joke among naturists. After hearing it a million times or more, we still smile and reply something cheesy like “Sssst. We’re incognito. We’re trying to avoid the paparazzi”.   Although the joke does get a … Read more

Do we really consider nudity as normal?

Do We Really Consider Nudity as Normal?

We are nudists. Or naturists if you will. Or just people who enjoy being nude outside of the bedroom and bathroom. Alone or in the presence of others. And this habit of ours has absolutely nothing to do with sex or some kind of fetish. We just enjoy being nude.   This is how we often describe our lifestyle to others who don’t know anything about it. We don’t really care about how they call … Read more

The Joy of Living Nude

The Joy of Living Nude

If we had to describe our lives and what we do, we would call ourselves full-time nudist travelers. Or maybe something more poetic like naked wanderers, nude nomads, clothes-free vagabonds, or bare tramps. If you’d be planning to start a blog about nudist traveling too, those are already some great ideas for your blog’s name.   Anyway, that’s what we do. We live a nomadic lifestyle, constantly wandering from one nudist place to another. Well, … Read more

The weird principle of the separate nude beach

The weird principle of the separate nude beach

We have been to some absolutely splendid nude beaches during our travels. An all-time favorite of ours is the free beach of Zipolite. “Free” in the sense that you’re allowed to wear whatever you wish. Bathing suit, batman suit or birthday suit, nobody cares at all. Another one that’s definitely in our Top 3 of amazing nude beaches can be found in Tayrona National Park in Colombia. The hike to the nude beach takes no … Read more

Naturism as a way of living

Naturism as a Way of Living

Whenever we tell people that we’re bloggers and they ask what exactly we blog about, we answer something like “naturism, you know, naked people”. It’s the easiest way to describe it. Everyone knows immediately what we’re talking about. There’s no confusion with naturalism or biology. We’re not considered bird watchers or tree talkers. We are the naked people.   Although it’s a great way to point out who we’re talking about, it’s definitely not a … Read more