One of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.
Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two are probably just the strange kids in the block…” (nah, we know you’re not thinking that about us, but we’re trying to write an introduction here). So we decided to let other naturists have a word as well.
So please sit back and get inspired!
Meanwhile we already published interviews with people from all over the world. You can find them in the The Naturist Talks section.
We’re very happy today to share the visions of Raven from Canada.
Hello Raven, tell us something about yourself
Hey! I’m a 24-year-old female from Ontario, Canada. I have 2 crazy cats that take my sanity but keep me sane too! I have 3 siblings and one of the coolest momma’s someone could have!
How and at what age did you become a naturist?
So as young as 14, my mom had always pointed out the signs for naturist parks, I was very closed-minded about it and had no intentions of ever going! As years went on, signs clearly did my mom in as she took an interest and dove right in! She asked me if I would ever be interested in going with her. This was a big NO for me. I said I would stay locked in the car if she ever took Me, I wouldn’t look at any naked people and I would certainly not join them!
Until one day.. My mom told me my sisters were going up for a family weekend. Now, I’m not sure what sparked my interest all of a sudden. Although the fact my younger sisters were going seemed settling to me and I decided to give it a go! This was at the age of 18.
My mom’s boyfriend picked me up on the motorbike, as soon as I got to the park ( Bare Oaks) everyone was naked! *who knew!* it seemed so normal though.. the park seemed so welcoming. The people were just all so nice. I watched the welcoming video, and as soon as I got back to my mom’s trailer.. clothes were off and that’s where the story ends! Or really just began!
Is naturism allowed in your country and what’s the public opinion?
In Ontario, there are quite a few naturist parks spread out throughout the province. Here in the Toronto area, come fall/winter we have nude events organized such as bowling or swimming!
I really haven’t had many negative comments when I tell people about naturism, but of course, you have a few people that just don’t get it.
Here and there I like to go topless down by the river.. it is legal, just nobody does it! Out in public Is a totally different story on how people react. Generally though people just carry on!
What do you think is the best and worst thing about naturism?
The best thing about being a naturist is the community. Everyone feels like family ( especially at Bare Oaks) the ease of going up to anyone and saying even a simple hello is so cool! Most of the time people just strike up a conversation, and you never get that in the cities!
The worst part? Good question! I would have to say the times where you have to put on clothes Haha! I am nude at home almost all the time, and spending a weekend out in nature, free of clothes, happens often! At the end of those weekends when you sadly have to gear up and face the textile world.. that’s a sad sad moment!
Do you find it easy to make naturist friends?
Making naturist friends is the easiest time I’ve had making friends! As I mentioned, it seems so much easier going and striking up a conversation with anyone nude. Sadly in the textile world, it just seems to happen less and less.
I deal with a lot of anxiety which makes it pretty tough for me to make friends. I can’t even explain how it is so much easier for me in the naturist community.
I am so blessed to have met the people I have so far, the impact some of them have made on my life is beyond belief! And for more friends and everlasting bonds to come.. I couldn’t be happier!
What’s the best tip you have for beginning naturists?
Hmm, the best tip I would say is don’t worry!
Trying something new is as tough as it is. Bareing it all for the first time isn’t always easy either. I worked myself up so much over the years and it wasn’t until I just let go of all the worry that I took the plunge and it was one of the best things I did for myself!
Trying something new is as tough as it is. Bareing it all for the first time isn’t always easy either. I worked myself up so much over the years and it wasn’t until I just let go of all the worry that I took the plunge and it was one of the best things I did for myself!
Don’t worry about what people think of you or your body! Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes and learning that and accepting yourself for who you are, is such an amazing thing!
Oh, and one more tip, always sit on your towel!
Anything else you’d like to share with our audience?
Being a naturist has been a highlight in my life for years now and years to come! If you haven’t tried it yet, but have been curious. There’s no time but the present! I’ll leave you all with a few points of the ways naturism has changed my life that will hopefully give you a small glimpse of such an amazing community!
– I have gained so much self-confidence over the years. Whether that was learning to love me for me or being able to talk to new people!
– I have gained so many important people In my life and an even bigger support network.
– I have learned to accept people for who they are and not what they have
– and most importantly I have something in my life that makes me happy and feel so so so accepted
– I have gained so many important people In my life and an even bigger support network.
– I have learned to accept people for who they are and not what they have
– and most importantly I have something in my life that makes me happy and feel so so so accepted
So thank you to the community of naturists for just being so dang awesome. Also, a huge thank you to my mom for introducing me to a world I now can’t live without!
Thank you so much for your participation Raven!
Do you also want to tell your story and experiences in naturism? Please get in touch via the CONTACT page! As long as we have people who like to contribute, we can keep The Naturist Talks running!

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Good testimonial….thanks very much…..say where did you get that cool coffee mug? I’d like to by one.
I had the privilege of camping with the Western Cape Naturist Association in South Africa for the first time, two weeks ago.
This was my first experience as a public naturist, and what a pleasant one! My experience was pretty much the same as Raven described.
It just took me 34 years longer to step out!
Next camp in two weeks! 😀
I want that mug!
In my experience so far… I found i was the only one who wasn’t gay…!
Not all resorts or campgrounds are full of gay naturist, I have been to several over the years where I have met some great couples and single ladies, so don’t give up.
Which resorts have you visited? Maybe we can give you some tips for other ones in the region.
A skinny dipping club and a clothing optional beach…in Toronto. I haven’t been to Bare Oaks yet. I’m not afraid to try going. If I’m the only guy there or the only straight guy it’s not going to hurt me…it’s the people there that don’t seem to want to associate with me
Bare Oaks certainly has a great variety of visitors. The beach, was it Hanlan’s Point? We’ve been there in August after the Nude Cruise and there was also a very nice mix
I have been to various naturist parks, cruises, social gatherings ect in Ontario, a few in the US, Carribean and Spain and have never felt overwhelmed by gay men. I’ve been to events where there are very few women but that’s about it. Bare Oaks has a great mixture and it’s a great relaxing place to be ! BTW the gay men I’ve met are all very friendly and have had super positive outgoing personalities. I am so glad they are a part of my experiences. People are people appreciate everyone for who they are.
Raven, thank you for such a great testimonial on the joys and benefits of living a nudist lifestyle. Unfortunately, I’m the only nudist in my household with three females (wife, daughter and granddaughter) who are, at least so far, committed textiles and so it’s very difficult to enjoy the freedom of nudism and I’ve not enjoyed social nudism for several years as well. I’m so glad your mom introduced you to this wonderful way of life.