When it comes to naturist resorts, France is undoubtedly one of the world’s leading destinations. Within France, the France4Naturisme resorts stand out as some of the best places to experience the freedom and joy of going naked.
Over the years, we’ve had the pleasure of visiting all of their resorts, most of them several times. Today, we will share with you what we think makes them so unique.
They love us too
Back in 2017, when we had just started this blog and were trying to find our way through the world of naturism while figuring out how to take decent photos and write engaging blog posts, France4Naturisme was among the first to reach out to us. Their support meant a lot. Not just in a financial way, but mostly because of the fact that they believed in our vision. They also became one of our first sponsors, helping us grow and take on bigger projects. We don’t want to give them all the credit, but it’s fair to say that they have given us a good push in the right direction.
Fast forward to today, and they’re still by our side, sponsoring this very blog post. Now, before you roll your eyes and think, “Oh great, another sponsored post”, hear us out. This isn’t going to be some lame sponsored love letter. We have grown a lot over the years and have set up many other collaborations. Today, we’re not working together with France4Naturisme because we need to. It’s because we WANT to.
Naturism is not just about being nude
Naturism is often explained as “a bunch of people being naked together”. We have always believed that while communal nudity is the core of naturism, in the end, it’s nothing but a tool to enhance other assets of life. This is why we don’t really like resorts or clubs promoting themselves as places where you can be naked. Yes, that is a part of it, but it’s about a lot more.
While naturism is at the heart of what they do, France4Naturisme also understands that there’s more to a great vacation than just being nude. That’s why their resorts offer so many other elements that are connected to naturism. Wellness is a big focus, with many resorts featuring spas, saunas, and activities to help you relax and recharge. Mental health is also a priority, with plenty of opportunities to unwind and connect with nature.
Then they add culture, sports, and food to the experience. When you visit these resorts, you’ll often have the chance to attend wine tastings, join hikes or pottery classes or movie nights or indulge in gourmet French cuisine. There’s always something going on to stimulate your mind and body. This is what to us, naturism is about. It’s not about being nude, it’s about experiencing the greatness of a place in your preferred costume while meeting a lot of like-minded people.
Something for Everybody
Of course, the things you like to do on holiday differ from person to person. To be honest, pottery has never been very high on our wishlist. Neither is joining a naked choir, by the way, an activity we once saw at Bélézy resort. Luckily for the other guests, we would say.
As the France4Naturisme resorts are all in the “mid-size” to “large” categories, and because there are so many activities and amenities, there’s always something for everyone. No matter if you’re at the age of 3 or 103, if you only want to lay next to the pool all day or if you want to be entertained around the clock.
Your holiday preference also depends on the location. Some like the beach, others like the mountains. Some like hiking in remote landscapes and others prefer the busy city life. Some like hunting for foreign ingredients in local shops and on local markets, while others think that the perfect dish is the one they didn’t have to cook themselves. Because the France4Naturisme resorts are spread around the country, there’s likely to be one that fits your needs. Whether it’s Héliomonde just outside of Paris, Arna or Euronat at the Atlantic Coast, Sérignan Plage Nature at the Mediterranean one, Sablière or Bélézy in the mountains, or Riva Bella in Corsica. Everybody loves Corsica.
This also translates to accommodations. Every France4Naturisme resort offers a variety of options from low-budget to fancy bungalows and glamping tents.
They Take Things Seriously
In a way, naturist resorts have the responsibility to represent naturism, because every single one of them receives first-timers at some point. We’ve heard from people who tried naturism for the first time and didn’t enjoy it because the resort just wasn’t their thing and they figured that every resort would be the same.
Don’t get us wrong, not every naturist resort needs to be huge, modern, and 100% entertaining. We also love the smaller, family-run places where you can feel the heart and soul that has been put into them. What we don’t like, however, are resorts that aren’t being well maintained because “naturists will come anyway”. Or resorts that use the term “naturism” in such a liberal way that you need to be afraid to let your kids run off by themselves.
The France4Naturisme resorts are commercial businesses and we get that this is not for everybody. But you can feel that they never lost sight of what naturism is all about: respect, freedom, and connection. They continuously improve to provide the best for their guests and invest in eco-friendly initiatives to lower their footprint on this earth and that of their guests.
They Promote Naturism
As a group of commercial enterprises, France4Naturisme understands how important it is to promote their resorts. We are well aware that they didn’t just approach us because they thought we were a fun couple, but that someone in their marketing team must have noticed our fast-growing audience.
Yet, we also believe that they didn’t only invest in us to talk about their resorts but rather for how we promote naturism in general. They understood that if the naturist community grows, eventually some of those new naturists will find the way to one of their resorts.
We’re not the only example of this. Back in 2022, they did a huge billboard campaign in the metro of Paris. Millions of people have seen the beautifully body painted naked bodies with catchy slogans like “Travel differently”, “free your body, it has been locked up for too long”, or our personal favourite: “Liberté, Egalité, Nudité” (French for “liberty, equality, nudity”, with a wink to the French national motto “Liberté, égalité, fraternité”).
No doubt that this campaign must have brought guests to their resorts, but because it was advertised in a public place instead of a naturist magazine or website, it may have inspired many others to give naturism a try somewhere else.
Thank you France4Naturism
France4Naturisme has been such a big part of our journey as naturists and bloggers that we can hardly imagine a life without them. And we’re proud to call them partners. It’s tempting to put a kiss emoji here, but then this may become a lame love letter after all.
Nevertheless, we are grateful for everything they do to support and promote naturism and if you happen to be in France, we would encourage you to give one (or all) of their resorts a try. It’s very unlikely that you will be disappointed.

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